These rules and regulations are in addition to such
prohibitions and penalties as are provided by the laws of this
State and Ordinances of the Town.
Fairfield, Connecticut
Definition of Terms 3
Beaches Rules and Regulations 4
Marinas Rules and Regulations 7
Waterfront Recreation 10
Open Space Locations 11
Playgrounds, Parks, and Field Locations 11
Playgrounds, Parks, Fields, and Open Space Rules and Regulations 12
Scheduling and Fee Rules for Use of Fields & Park Properties 14
Cemetery Locations and Regulations 15
Jennings Beach Skate Park 16
Commission Members 16
Index 17
For these Rules and Regulations the following definitions are used:
General Resident of Fairfield: Any person occupying a dwelling place within the Town of Fairfield, including
summer residents and university and college students residing in the Town during the regular school year.
Permanent Resident of Fairfield: Any person domiciled within the Town of Fairfield which is generally
considered the principal place of abode.
Adult: Any person 18 years or older.
Swimming Season: That period from Memorial Day weekend to and including Labor Day.
Boating Season: That period from April 15 through midnight, the third Sunday of November.
Rules and Regulations pertaining to Open Space are included, but not limited to items within the Parks and Open
Space Section.
Jennings Beach
880 South Benson Rd. & Beach Rd.
Lake Mohegan
960 Morehouse Highway
Penfield Beach
323 Fairfield Beach Road
Rickards Beach
255 Fairfield Beach Road
Sasco Beach
1401 Sasco Hill Road
South Pine Creek Beach
1424 South Pine Creek Road
Southport Beach
1505 Pequot Avenue
Section 1 All beaches shall be open April 1 September 30 from dawn to 11:00 p.m. and dawn to 8:00 p.m.
October 1 March 31 or such later times as specifically approved by the Parks & Recreation Commission.
Section 2 (a) The operation of motorized vehicles is prohibited on any beach, park, or open space area.
Exceptions are 1) official vehicles engaged in maintenance or emergency activities and 2) vehicles in those areas
designated for such purpose and deemed appropriate by the Parks & Recreation Commission or Conservation
Commission. Bicycles are not allowed on the deck areas of the beaches.
(b) No person shall park or store any motorized vehicle, bicycle, boat trailer, or personal property at any public
beach, boatyard, marina, or open space area of the Town of Fairfield except in those areas set aside and
designated for such purpose and deemed appropriate by the Parks & Recreation Commission or Conservation
Section 3(a) Seasonal and temporary parking permits issued annually by the Parks & Recreation Department
are required for entry to all Town beaches and marinas from the Saturday before Memorial Day to Labor Day. The
Exception is Jennings Beach, which may require permits on weekends, starting with the first weekend in April
through Labor Day. For marinas, annual permits will be required from April 1 through the third weekend in
b) Seasonal parking permits for all Town beaches, marinas and the Transfer Station will be issued to vehicles
registered as paying taxes to the Town of Fairfield. Tax Town (051) must be on the vehicle registration. Resident
rates will be set by the Parks and Recreation Commission. Any South Benson Slip occupant shall receive a free
sticker that gives them access to a designated area in the Marina from the Saturday before Memorial Day through
Labor Day.
(c) Fairfield Residents and or Residential Real Property Taxpayers paying vehicle taxes to a Town other than
Fairfield, may, at the time of registration complete a “Change of Address Card for Operators License and Vehicle
Registrations Application” which will be mailed to the DMV in order to qualify for resident rates. If unable to do so,
that vehicle will qualify for Non-Resident rates. (Sole Proprietors, businesses, partnerships and Limited Liability
Corporations are not eligible for beach parking permits)
(d) Non-Resident categories are as follows and
Residential Real Property Taxpayers with vehicles paying taxes to a Town other than Fairfield for
access to All Beaches and the Marina
Non-resident for access to Jennings and Penfield Beaches ONLY
Town of Fairfield employee and any honorably retired former Town employee for access to All
Beaches and the Marina
The rates for Non-Resident categories will be set by the Parks and Recreation Commission
(e) Beach stickers will be withheld from those who are delinquent in their taxes to the Town.
(f) Seasonal and temporary motor vehicle parking permits must be permanently affixed and properly displayed on
the left front of the windshield of the vehicle. RVs may park at Jennings Beach only.
(g) Only fishermen, boat owners, and their guests shall be allowed vehicular entry into the South Benson Marina
and Ye Yacht Yard between 11:00 p.m. and dawn.
(h) The Parks & Recreation Commission may suspend or revoke any official permit if the person to whom it is
issued violates any provision of these regulations or shall cease to be qualified to hold such a permit.
(i) The Parks & Recreation Commission may charge a daily parking fee at Jennings Beach and Penfield Pavilion
for the parking of any vehicle, which does not display a valid parking sticker. At Lake Mohegan a charge will be
made at the beach entrance for any person who does not hold a season pass. Daily parking passes are not
offered at other beaches.
(j) Beach stickers are permitted for combination vehicles.
(k) Groups wishing to enter any Town beach or Lake Mohegan must secure prior written permission from the
Parks & Recreation Department and will be assessed a fee to be paid in advance.
(l) Bonfires must be reserved and paid for in advance, only by persons at least 21 years of age, and only for
approved locations as determined by the Parks and Recreation Commission. Any location exceptions must be
made by the Parks & Recreation Commission. Bonfires may only be permitted between May 1 and September 30.
A fee, determined by the Parks & Recreation Commission, will be assessed for each bonfire. No person shall
light, kindle, or use any fire on any Town beach, park, marina, or open space except in receptacles installed for
this purpose, or by the authority of the Parks & Recreation Commission or Conservation Commission, as
(m) The use of Town Facilities for private enterprise is prohibited without express consent from the Parks &
Recreation Commission or their designee; all approved requests are subject to permit fees, indemnification and
insurance requirements.
Section 4(a) No person shall dress or undress in any portion of any public beach except in buildings
designated for such purpose by the Parks & Recreation Commission. The removal of outer garments placed over
proper swimming attire shall not be considered a violation of the provisions of this section.
(b) Nudity by persons using Town beach facilities and swimming in designated areas is prohibited
Section 5(a) Children under 12 years of age must be accompanied by a parent, guardian, a person aged 16 or
older who has custody or control or is providing supervision of a child. Anyone who knowingly leaves such a child
unsupervised is be in violation of Public Act 97-298.
(b) Swimming at the public beaches shall be confined to those areas designated by the Parks & Recreation
Commission and its agents, and swimming outside those areas, including the designated boat launch areas.
(c) Swimming to or from a boat from or onto a Town beach is prohibited.
(d) The use of U.S. Coast Guard Approved floatation devices is permitted at all beaches.
(e) The use of boogie boards, kick boards, stand up paddle boards, and snorkel equipment is permitted in areas
of Jennings and Penfield Beach designated by the Waterfront Director. Skim boarding is not permitted in any of
the Town’s swimming areas except for a conditional skim boarding area at Jennings Beach. No ramps or any
other hard objects can be brought into that area and the area can be closed to skim boarding at any time by
representatives of the Fairfield Recreation Department and Waterfront staff for reasons of safety and crowd
management. Swimming may also take place in that area. The use of skim boards in that area should be
considered at the participant’s own risk and individuals participating in these activities in what is considered a
reckless manner by the beach staff, can be excluded from the skim boarding area by representatives of the
Fairfield Parks & Recreation Department and Waterfront Staff.
Section 6(a) Water Skiing in the Ash Creek Channel, Southport Harbor, South Pine Creek Channel or within
100 feet of any Town-designated swimming area is prohibited, nor shall any boat be operated above the minimum
speed necessary to maintain steerage within 100 feet of any Town-designated swimming area. A boat cannot be
moored within 100 feet of any Town-designated swimming area.
(b) Jet skiing or kite skiing in or over designated swimming or boating areas is prohibited.
(c) Scuba diving in designated swimming and boating areas is prohibited, except by agents of the Town in the
performance of their duties. Scuba diving shall only be permitted in the Marina during the performance of
emergency repairs to boats at dockside.
(d) The cleaning of any boat or vessel below the water line is prohibited in the Marina and all beaches.
(e) In accordance with EPA and DEEP Regulations – Pressure washing of boats in or out of the water is
prohibited. This includes in-water bottom cleaning, hull scraping, or any process that occurs underwater to
remove anti-fouling paint on the boat hull.
Section 7Loitering on the beaches, and patio areas of the Jennings, Penfield, or Lake Mohegan pavilions is
prohibited after hours.
Section 8Amusement machines on the beach are prohibited.
Section 9 Fishing or the cleaning of fish in any Town designated swimming area is prohibited.
Section 10 (a) Firearms are prohibited on any town beach, marina, park, or open space, except when carried
by law enforcement officers in the execution of their duties.
(b) Notwithstanding the provisions of Subsection (a) of this section, loaded firearms on any open space area are
permitted when performed pursuant to a permit issued by the Fairfield Conservation Commission.
Section 11 (a) No person, or persons, or organization shall construct tents, stands, benches, shelters, or other
structures of a temporary or permanent nature; camp overnight; nor hold any sponsored gathering or function on
any Town park, beach, marina or open space without the express permission of the Parks & Recreation
Commission, Conservation Commission, or their designee, as appropriate.
(b) Only umbrellas with one stanchion and a top no larger than six feet across to provide shade whether upright or
at a ninety-degree position. Devices designed or used to shade infants, no larger than 40" high by 40" wide by 40"
deep are permitted for infant use only. Umbrellas and baby tents must be anchored to prevent uncontrolled
movement. Per discretion of the waterfront staff, all permitted tents, umbrellas, shading devices MUST be placed
at or behind the lifeguard chair line.
(c) No alcoholic beverages are allowed on Town parks, beaches, marinas, or open space without the express
written permission of the Parks & Recreation Commission or Conservation Commission, as appropriate.
(d) Smoking and vaping is prohibited on all Town beaches, including the concession areas.
Section 12 No person shall engage in any athletics, games, or contests at any Town beach, except swimming
in areas designated for that purpose by the Parks & Recreation Commission.
Section 13 (a) No glass containers or glass utensils shall be carried into or used on any public beach or parking
area. This section shall not prohibit a concessionaire from using glass containers in the operation of his business,
provided no food or refreshments are sold or dispensed in glass containers or glass utensils.
(b) No person shall discard or cast any litter, refuse, paper, cans, or other trash in/or upon a public beach, parking
area, sailboat storage areas, or marinas except in containers designated for that purpose by the Parks &
Recreation Commission.
Section 14 - (a) Dogs or horses may enter beaches, open space areas, and marinas only under the following
(i) Dogs and horses accompanied by a person responsible for them shall be permitted to enter any Town beach
only during the period from October 1 to March 31. At all other times dogs and horses are forbidden to enter any
Town beach, including the parking areas for such beach.
(ii) When permitted to be on a Town beach, dogs must be leashed at all times, except while on the premises of
Jennings Beach only. At Jennings Beach dogs may be off leash provided they are under the control of the person
responsible for them. Dogs shall be prohibited from boardwalks, pavilions and playgrounds. Persons responsible
for dogs and horses must clean up after their animals while they are on the beach or in the parking areas.
(iii) Leashed dogs may be permitted in the parking area of the Town Marina year-round. Leashed dogs may enter
the dock area to enter or leave boats. Dogs in the dock area shall be the responsibility of the boat slip owner.
(iv) No dog shall be permitted to roam at large in any park, play lot, beach, open space area, or marina. No dog
shall be permitted in any park or play lot at anytime.
(v) Leashed dogs only are permitted in Ash Creek Open Space Area but not in the picnic area or play area.
(b) The following rules shall apply to all open space areas other than Ash Creek:
(i) All dogs must be leashed, or if unleashed, kept under the control of the person responsible for them at all
(ii) All dogs must be leashed within one hundred feet (100-ft.) of a parking area or picnic area, or such other
areas as may be designated by the Conservation Commission.
Persons with dogs in their vehicles shall park in areas to be designated by the Conservation Commission.
(iv) All persons shall remain on designated trails as marked by the Conservation Commission.
(v) All persons walking dogs shall endeavor to remain on designated trails as marked by the Conservation
(vi) No more than three (3) dogs may be walked by a person on any open space area.
(vii) No domestic animals, including dogs and horses, are permitted in the Metro Center Conservation easement.
Section 15 Luminaries or sky lanterns are not permitted.
South Benson Marina
471 Turney Road
Ye Yacht Yard
Perry’s Green
985 Harbor Road, Southport
701 Harbor Road, Southport
Section 16 (a) South Benson Marina boat slips/Ye Yacht Yard dock space will be issued only to permanent
residents of the Town of Fairfield. No family residing in one dwelling may have more than one boating assignment
in the water until all on the waiting list are satisfied. The Marina Manager will make dock space available at Ye
Yacht Yard to all boaters with a Southport Harbor mooring permit.
(b) Applications for boat slips in Town marinas shall be submitted only by permanent residents of the Town of
Fairfield. Renewal applications along with, non-refundable payment and the following documents, Vessel
Registration, Liability Insurance, Proof of Residency must be received in the Parks & Recreation Office by the
close of business on the third Wednesday of February. If any items, other than the check and application, are
missing from the packet a $250 late fee will be assessed. Any application packet that is not complete and
received in the office by the close of business on April 15 will result in the loss of slip. No slips or stickers will be
made available until all fines are paid. If payment is not received as stated above, the Parks & Recreation
Commission or its designee reserves the right to allocate slip to the next eligible applicant on waiting list. The
penalty for falsifying any documents shall result in the loss of slip. Appeals can be heard by the standing Appeals
(c) The Parks & Recreation Commission or its designee shall approve applications for boat slips from holders of
slips in the preceding year. Marina slips will not be renewed until all previous fees and fines are collected.
When vacancies occur, the Commission or its designee shall approve applications drawn from appropriate waiting
lists compiled by the Commission or its designee from approved applicants on a first-come, first-served basis. The
Commission or its designee shall allow a one-time deferral for anyone who is on the waitlist as of September 16,
2015. Anyone who is placed on the waitlist after September 16, 2015 will have twelve (12) months from the date
they are notified to put a boat in the water, with the requirement that they pay the pro-rated portion of the year left
within ten (10) business days and pay by the renewal time the following year. The pro-rated portion will be based
upon the minimum size for the category applied for. Anyone on the waitlist as of September 16, 2015 may take
advantage of the policies in effect as of that date.
(d) Commercial fishing vessels owned and operated by a Fairfield resident (not to exceed 36 feet in length with a
draft not to exceed four feet), are permitted to load and unload their catch at the South Benson Marina during the
off-season, as is determined by the Parks & Recreation Department. Under no circumstances shall any
commercial fishing or boating activities be permitted during the boating season as is determined by the Parks &
Recreation Department. No exceptions. An annual fee for this permit will be charged and set by the Parks &
Recreation Commission. Payment of such fees shall be made within 30 days of due date prescribed by the Parks
& Recreation Commission. Failure to do so and violation(s) of relevant Commission rules and regulations
pertaining to proper use of those Town facilities shall result in prohibition of use of those facilities and/or fines
and/or impounding of the offending vessel.
(e) No motorboat shall be launched from Town property, except in areas designated by the Parks & Recreation
(f) No person shall anchor, moor, or launch any vessel in the South Benson Marina, Ye Yacht Yard, or Perry’s
Green without a valid sticker or plate issued annually by the Parks & Recreation Commission. Such sticker or
plate shall be placed at the upper left corner of the transom.
(g) No vessel shall occupy any dock within the Marina to include: boat slips, transient docks, or launch ramp
docks without written permission from the Marina Manager.
(h) No vessel may be operated within the confines of the South Benson Marina, Ye Yacht Yard, Pine Creek, Ash
Creek, or Mill River with speeds in excess of six (6) miles per hour, or at a lesser speed which results in a harmful
wake being created.
(i) A legal spouse of a deceased holder of a boat slip or a waitlist member may retain it provided the spouse of the
deceased is a permanent resident at the time of death. Upon divorce, slip/mooring holder may transfer slip to
former spouse, provided that the former spouse remains a permanent resident.
(j) Boat owners assigned slips/moorings at Town marinas, and who have not utilized same by July 15 in the year
for which the slip has been assigned, shall be notified by the Parks & Recreation Commission or its designee that
their use of the assigned slip/mooring is in jeopardy. Owners must respond within ten (10) days of the notification
or forfeit the slip.
(k) A permanent resident of Fairfield may purchase a ramp tag for South Benson Marina and Ye Yacht Yard for a
fee to be determined annually by the Parks & Recreation Commission.
(l) A non-resident of Fairfield who has a business establishment in Fairfield, but not corporations per se, and pays
taxes on furniture, fixtures and/or inventory in Fairfield, may purchase a ramp tag for South Benson Marina in
order to use the boat ramp to launch a motorized vessel. In addition, the first 50, per season, non-resident, non-
Fairfield tax-paying individuals may purchase a ramp tag for launching at South Benson Marina. Non-Residents
with non-powered vessels on a trailer may apply for a per-diem ramp tag to launch a vessel at Ye Yacht Yard.
(m) A fifteen (15) minute time limit is established to launch a vessel from designated launch ramps at South
Benson Marina and a thirty (30) minute time limit at Ye Yacht Yard.
(n) All sailboats are required to be under power with sails lowered when entering and exiting the South Benson
Marina Channel.
(o) No craft, using sails or oars only as the sole means of propulsion, may be launched from flotation docks or
ramps at South Benson Marina. They may be launched from Ye Yacht Yard.
(p) South Benson Marina slip occupants must provide and sign for the names of their invited guests, repair, or
service personnel at the guardhouse prior to their use of marina parking facilities or docks. Repair or service
personnel will provide proof of general insurance to the Town of Fairfield for the amount to be determined by the
Risk Management Department. Repair or service personnel must state destination, type of work to be performed,
and sign out at guard shack. .
(q) The consumption of alcoholic beverages is prohibited on Town marina gangways, platforms, and parking lots.
(r) Slipholders who have not made arrangements for in-water winter storage at South Benson Marina must
remove their vessels and portable floating docks/boat lifts by midnight of the third Sunday in November. Any
slipholder whose vessel and/or portable floating docks/boat lift remains after the deadline will be fined $100 per
day and any slipholder whose vessel remains after the fourth Sunday of November will forfeit their slip.
(s) Hovercraft and eFoils are prohibited in the South Benson Marina and Ye Yacht Yard.
(t) Live-aboards on vessels in slips are permitted only during the boating season.
(u) There shall be no heaters and/or air conditioners operating while the vessel is unattended.
(v) Only Hubbell style 3-prong marine grade-shore power cords can be plugged into Shore power pedestal at
large slips, unattended. No other electrical cords can be left plugged in, while unattended, at any time. Extension
cords may not be left unattended between complimentary outlets on Small and Medium slip docks.
(w) All persons 8 years of age and younger must wear a Personal Flotation Device on all Town Docks.
(x) For the purpose of assigning slips, measurements are based on overall length from the factory installed
attachment point on stern to furthest forward projection. In the “large boat” category the overall measurements
stated as the (footprint) per application includes outboard motors in the “up” position. Dinghies at Ye Yacht Yard
are measured from the forward most projection to the stern.
(y) Private and permanent portable floating docks/boat lifts at the Town marinas will be permitted on a case by
case basis as determined by the Director of Public Works or Director of Parks & Recreation or their designee. The
size of the vessel, the size and type of lift, and the particular slip location in the marina are some of the relevant
factors in the decision process. A boat lift shall not require any additional utilities, storage space, or the use of
stairs or plank to access the vessel. Boat lifts are not to exceed the permitted size of the slip or infringe upon
neighboring vessels. The boat slip holder shall be responsible for any damage that the unit creates to the Town of
Fairfield docks, pilings, or other vessels. The boat slip holder must remove the boat lift at the end of the boating
season as determined by the Town of Fairfield, unless arrangements have been made for in-water winter storage.
The Town of Fairfield reserves the right to have the boat lift removed, at the owner’s expense, for any reason,
should the boat lift begin to adversely affect the operations of the Marina or infringe upon the rights of other boat
slip owners.
(z) The use of Town Facilities for private enterprise is prohibited without express consent from the Parks &
Recreation Commission or their designee; all approved requests are subject to permit fees, indemnification and
insurance requirements.
(aa) The Parks & Recreation Commission and/or police shall remove, or cause to be removed and stored at the
expense of the owner, any vessel moored or anchored in violation of Section 16.Unpermitted trailers or trailers left
beyond the permitted storage date will be fined $50 a day and will be considered abandoned after 7 days.
Section 17 (a) Swimming at South Benson Marina and Ye Yacht Yard is prohibited.
(b) Fishing from the docks, ramps, and banks bordering the South Benson Marina is prohibited, except that area
posted for fishing.
(c) Fishing from the docks at Ye Yacht Yard is prohibited.
(d) No person shall engage in the cleaning of fish at South Benson Marina and Ye Yacht Yard, including the
docks and floats of said Marina and Yard, including any vessels while located within said Marina or docked at said
Yard, except at designated fish cleaning stations. The throwing of fish entrails into the water is prohibited.
(e) The storage of lobster pots is prohibited on the docks or floats of the South Benson Marina and Ye Yacht
(f) The discharge of waste of any vessel while docked/moored at any Town marina is prohibited.
(g) The use of outdoor grills, hibachis, or ovens on any vessel while said vessel is within the confines of the South
Benson Marina or Ye Yacht Yard is prohibited.
(h) No person shall add, remove, modify, or relocate any fitting, fixture, or material to any dock or piling, without
authorization of the Parks & Recreation Commission, or its designee.
(i) Docks must be kept completely free of gear. Skiffs, dinghies, windsurfers, and any additional watercraft are not
allowed in allocated slip space.
(j) There will be no filling of vessel fuel tanks from vehicles or containers brought to the marina.
(k) There is no overnight tie up at the fuel dock or launching ramp dock except for emergency situations. The
marina manager or concessionaire must be advised of the emergency situation at the time of the tie up.
(l) Regulations for the Sailing Center at Ye Yacht Yard will follow the same regulations as Penfield and Jennings
Beach as set forth in Section 19.
Section 18 (a) Sailboats and unpowered sailing craft 15 feet in length or less may be only launched west of the
jetty at Sasco Beach.
(b) Sailboats more than12 feet in length and not more than 22 feet in length may only be launched at the
designated area at the easterly end of Jennings Beach. Sailboats 15 feet in length or less may be launched by
special permit on the westerly end of Jennings beach, the number of which may not exceed twenty (20).
(c) Sailboards may only be launched outside designated swimming areas at any Town beach .
(d) No sail craft or boat trailer may be left overnight on Town beaches, except in designated areas and only with
the permission of the Parks & Recreation Commission.
(e) The use of watercraft, except those used by Town agents in performance of their duties or approved in writing
by the Conservation Commission, is prohibited on Lake Mohegan.
(f) Permits for using the Beach Road launch site are restricted to owners of sailfish who are residents within one 1
mile of the launch site. No small vessels may be brought in by car or truck.
Section 19 Sailing Centers at Penfield Pavilion, Jennings Beach, and Ye Yacht Yard
(a) Catamarans shall be properly secured in assigned storage areas at Jennings Beach.
(b) Catamarans shall have identification tags placed on the mast.
(c) Halyards shall be properly tied off.
(d) Sails stored in the sail house must be tightly furled and confined to the assigned space.
(e) No power boats, including personal watercraft and jet skis, are allowed inside the sailing areas for any reason,
including but not limited to anchoring, beaching, launching, or picking up or dropping off of passengers.
(f) (1) There must be a Parks & Recreation approved identification on each vessel.
(2) Only one boat may be permitted in any rack at Ye Yacht Yard. No more than two “boats” will be permitted
per rack in Penfield and Jennings Beach racks. Boats shall be defined as paddleboards, kayaks, canoes,
sailboards, and sailboats. For safety purposes, no more than one sailboat may occupy a rack.
(g) All sailfish, sunfish, windsurfers, catamarans, and other craft stored in the racks or on the beach beyond the
termination date of the contract will be removed by the Town. They will be considered abandoned vessels after
thirty (30) days and disposed of at the discretion of the Town of Fairfield which will file vessel liens in accordance
with State Statutes.
(h) Sails stored in the sail house will be removed after the termination date and will be considered abandoned
after thirty (30) days and disposed of at the discretion of the Town of Fairfield.
(i) Transient launching is only permitted Monday through Friday at Penfield Beach.
(j) Sailfish, sunfish, canoe, or kayak size may not be more than 16 feet long or weigh more than 130 pounds.
(k) No catamarans may be stored on “over the road” trailers while on the beach. Trailers must be removed from
the beach.
The Town of Fairfield is not responsible for damage to sails as noted above. A minimum of $30.00 or $5.00 per
day beyond the termination date of the contract, whichever is larger, will be charged sail owners who claim their
sails after the sail abandonment date 30 days later.
Ash Creek Riverside Dr. & Turney Road
Brett Woods * North Street
Grace Richardson Congress Street & Morehouse Hwy
Gypsy Springs Grace Street
Hoyden Hill Hoyden’s Hill Lane & North Street
Lake Mohegan ** Morehouse Hwy., Eastfield Circle
Mary Katona Memorial Katona Drive
Mill River Areas Congress St. Drake Lane, Dudley Dr,
Flower House Dr & Millspaugh Rd
Mountain Laurel Mountain Laurel Road
Old Dam Marsh Old Dam Road
Oldfield North Marsh Rugby Rd.
Oldfield South Marsh Salt Meadow Road
Pequot Road Marsh Pequot Road at Sasco Creek
Perry’s Mill Pond Perry St, Sturges Rd, Doreen Dr,Partridge Lane
& Lakeside Drive
Pine Creek Marsh Old Dam Road
Rickard Beach *** Fairfield Beach Road
Riverfield off Duck Farm Road
Samp Mortar Rock Springer Road
Sasco Creek Marsh Kings Highway West at Sasco Creek
Sasco Creek Pond Hulls Highway & Arbor Dr
Sasco Creek/Kirik Wakeman Lane
Southgate Lane Marsh Southgate Lane at Sasco Creek
Springer Glen Stillson Road & Pheasant Lane
Trillium Road Trillium Road (off Mtn. Laurel Road)
Turney Creek Marsh tracts Shoreham Terr, Riverside Dr. & Cambridge St.
Westway Road Oxford Rd at Sasco River
Woodside Circle Woodside Circle (off Brookview Ave)
* excluding 10 acres
** excluding beach area
*** exclusive of bathing area
Ball Diamonds
Grass Playing Fields
L. League Baseball Softball
Burroughs Park 940 Burroughs Rd
1 1 x 5.13
Dalewood Park 10 Dalewood Ave
Dougiello Park 520 Hoyden’s Lane
x 9.42
Dover Park 140 Stevenson Rd
x 1 2.4
Drew Park 180 Melville Drive
Gould Manor Park 655 Holland Hill Rd
x 2 1 x 13.2
Grasmere Eldercare 224 Colony Street
x 1 5.05
Greenfield Hill Green 910 Old Academy Rd
Henry Rowland Park 880 S Benson Rd
x 27
Highwood Park 330 Palamar Drive
x 1 4.5
Grass Playing Fields
L. League Baseball Softball
Osborn Hill Elementary 760 Stillson Rd
x 1 9.77
Riverfield Elementary 1625 Mill Plain Rd
x 2 30
Sherman Elementary
250 Fern Street
x 1 1 9.7
Stratfield Elementary
1407 Melville Ave
x 1 6.76
Fairfield Woods MS 1115 Flld Wds Rd
1 1 4 22.43
Roger Ludlowe MS 689 Unquowa Rd
2 18.3
Tomlinson MS
TMS Tennis Courts
200 Unquowa Rd
270 Hillcrest Rd
1 (T)
Fairfield Ludlowe HS 785 Unquowa Rd
1+1(T) 6 x 19.43
Fairfield Warde HS 755 Melville Ave
1 1 1+1(T) 8 x 39.7
(T) Turf Field
Ball Diamonds
Grass Playing Fields
L. League Baseball Softball
Hook and Ladder Park 309 Rakoczy Ave.
x .11
Karolyi Park
20 Hunyuadi Avenue
Knapps Park Sq
6 Park Square Crt
Lake Mohegan 960 Morehouse Hwy
x x 118.6
Lincoln Park
455 Jackman Ave
Melville Park
180 Melville Drive
Oldfield Sr. Center 100 Mona Terrace
x 1 12
Owen Fish Park
1443 Stratfield Rd
Palmers Neck
2566 Post Road
Penfield Complex 323 Ffld Beach Rd
x x 3.53
Perry's Green
701 Harbor Road
Pine Creek Ave Park
155 Pine Creek Ave
Rugby Park 3 Rugby Road
x 11.28
Sgt. Murphy Park
140 Reef Road
Sherman Green
1451 Post Road
S Pine Creek Rec Area 210 Old Dam Road
1 1 2 x 78.47
Sturges Park
550 Mill Plain Road
Town Hall Complex
725 Old Post Road
Tunxis Hill Park 225 Melville Avenue
x 1 1 1 x 25.57
Veres Street Park
275 Veres Street
Veterans Park 909 Reef Road
x 1 2 x 8.23
Burr Elementary 1960 Burr Street
x 1 15.75
Dwight Elementary 1680 Redding Rd
x 1 4 29.13
Holland Hill Elementary 105 Meadowcroft Rd
x 1 12.5
Jennings Elementary 1115 Ffld Wds Rd
x 1 22.43
McKinley Elementary 60 Thompson St
x 1 15.36
Mill Hill Elementary 635 Mill Hill Terr, Spt
x 1 x 9.76
N. Stratfield Elementary 190 Putting Green
x 1 9.6
Section 20 (a) All Town parks shall be open from sunrise to sunset, except those parks that have sports
lighting, which may be open from sunrise to 11:00 pm. Veterans Park parking is available from 3:00 am until
11:00 pm only. Exceptions will be made for storm emergencies.
(b) All open space areas shall be open from sunrise to one hour after sunset, except by authority of the
Conservation Department.
(c) The operation of a motorized vehicle is prohibited on any Town park or open space, except in those areas
designated by the Parks & Recreation or Conservation Commission, and except for official vehicles involved in
maintenance or emergency operations.
Section 21 The display of banners at Sherman Green is permitted only with the express permission of the
Office of the Board of Selectmen and the Parks & Recreation Commission, and will be suspended only in that
area designated by the Commission.
Section 22 No camping is allowed in any park or open space area, except by permit issued by the Parks &
Recreation Commission or Conservation Department as appropriate.
Section 23 (a) No person shall pick any flowers, foliage or fruit, or shall cut, break, dig up, or in any way
mutilate or injure any tree, shrub, plant, grass, turf, railing, seat, fence, structure, or anything in any park, play lot,
open space, and beach, or cut, carve, paint, mark, or paste on any tree, stone, fence, wall building, monument, or
other object therein, any bill, advertisement, or inscription whatsoever unless approved in writing by the
Conservation Department or the Parks & Recreation Commission, as appropriate.
(b) No person shall swim in the pond or Ash Creek from the Metro Center conservation easement area.
(c) No person shall climb on the protective fences around the railroad or United Illuminating catenary towers
within the Metro Center conservation easement area.
Section 24 (a) No stone or other projectiles shall be thrown or rolled from, into, within, or upon any park or open
space area. This section does not prohibit the use of a ball in designated playing area.
(b) Hunting, trapping, and discharging of firearms on or into any park or open space area is prohibited. Hunters
crossing open space to gain access to State property may proceed through that open space only with an
unloaded firearm.
(c) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (b) of this section, hunting and discharging of firearms on any
open space area are permitted pursuant to a permit issued by the Fairfield Conservation Commission.
Section 25 Threatening, abusive, boisterous, insulting, or indecent language or gesture in any beach, marina,
park, or open space area is prohibited.
Section 26 (a) No person shall expose any article or thing for sale in any Town beach, marina, park, or open
space area unless a permit is issued by the Parks & Recreation Commission or Conservation Commission.
(b) No person shall destroy, injure, or disturb any form of wildlife or its habitat on any Town Beach, marina, park
or open space excluding fishing, shell fishing and related activities.
(c) The use of Town Facilities for private enterprise is prohibited without express consent from the Parks &
Recreation Commission or their designee; all approved requests are subject to permit fees, indemnification and
insurance requirements.
Section 27 No person shall discharge or set off firecrackers, torpedoes, rockets, or any other fireworks within
any Town beach, park, or open space area, except under special permit issued by the Parks & Recreation
Commission or Conservation Commission, as appropriate.
Section 28 No person shall dig up or remove any dirt, sand, stones, rock, or the like, make any excavation,
quarry any stone, or lay or set off any blast, or cause or assist in doing any such things, within any Town park,
beach, or open space area, except under special permit issued by the Parks & Recreation Commission,
Conservation Commission, or other duly authorized agency of the Town of Fairfield.
Section 29 (a) No bottles, broken glass, waste paper, or other rubbish shall be left in any
Town beach, park, marina, or open space area, except in containers designated for that purpose.
(b) No person shall deposit solid waste in any Town beach, park, marina, or open space area trash receptacle if
the solid waste has been brought from outside a Town beach, park, marina, or open space area.
Section 30 Golfing in Town beaches, parks, and open space areas is prohibited without the express permission
of the Parks & Recreation Commission, the Conservation Commission, or their designee, as appropriate.
Section 31 Ice skating will be allowed in a Town park, or open space area, where a body of water has been
posted as “Safe” by the Parks & Recreation Commission, or their designee, as appropriate.
Section 32 Mountain bikes or other non-motorized bicycles may be used on Conservation Department
designated open space trails only. At no time may mountain bikes be taken off the trails.
Section 33 No dumping is allowed on beaches, parks, and open space property, and is subject to fines as
stated in the Code of the Town of Fairfield.
Section 34 The feeding of any waterfowl is strictly prohibited.
Section 35 (a) A refusal to obey the rules and regulations of the Parks & Recreation Commission, Conservation
Commission, Police or Fire Departments or any other authorized agent of any of these Commissions, shall be
considered a violation of these Rules and Regulations.
(b) Any person who violates any of the rules or regulations of the Parks & Recreation Commission or
Conservation Commission may be subject to a fine of not more than $100.00.
The Park Ordinance, 35 (b) above, was adopted by the Representative Town Meeting on December 17, 1979.
RESIDENT, for the purposes of field or recreation program usage, shall be understood as any permanent
resident and or taxpayer of the Town of Fairfield.
Section 36 - The scheduled use of Town of Fairfield fields will be made available to the organizations listed below
according to the regulations listed, with priority granted in the following order, as long as space is available.
a) Fairfield Parks and Recreation Department sponsored activities.
b) Fairfield Public School sponsored activities.
c) Permanent Resident youth and adult leagues and activities that consist of all Fairfield residents.
d) General Resident youth and adult leagues and activities that consist of all Fairfield residents
e) Any other youth and adult leagues and activities at the discretion of the Parks & Recreation
Commission or their designee.
A new league wishing to use Town fields must first get approval from the Parks and Recreation Commission.
Section 37 - Park Properties will be made available according to the regulations and usage fees listed for the
following: Special Events Special Athletic Events
Fairs Camps
Festivals Clinics
Programs Lessons/Specialty Coaches
Specialty Shows Tournaments
Section 38 (a) A field may be declared closed by the Parks & Recreation Director or Parks Maintenance
Department at any time for all or for certain activities.
(b) Fields may be closed on an individual basis. Onsite field status signs have a QR code that will direct users to
our Field Closure Website. This website will be updated weekdays by 3:00pm and weekends by 8:00am.
(c) Melville Field is to be used by 12 year olds and under with the exception of League players who may be 13 but
are playing under adult supervision.
Section 39 Season Permits for Teams and Organizations: 100% of the players must be Fairfield residents and
the team/organization must first be approved by the Parks and Recreation Commission. Once approved, an
official League Roster, a signed copy of the Town of Fairfield’s Hold Harmless Agreement and a Certificate of
insurance, naming the Town of Fairfield as an additional insured, with limits as designated by the Risk
Management Department must be provided to the Parks and Recreation Department in order to receive a Season
Blanket Permit. .
Section 40 Team, League and Tournament play on Town of Fairfield fields is permitted only on a reservation
Section 41 Persons not having a permit for the use of a field must give way to permit holders.
Section 42 A field may be reserved only in the name of an adult who is a Fairfield resident and who agrees to
be responsible for the use of the field in accordance with the Fairfield PARK RULES AND REGULATIONS. If that
reservation is for use by a group, that adult must provide the organization’s Insurance Certificate, and Hold
Harmless Agreement, and the permit assigned to that group.
Section 43 A violation of these policies, PARK RULES AND REGULATIONS, or Town Ordinances will
result in forfeiture of permits and fees.
Section 44 Priority will be given to school sponsored programs at all times on school fields.
Section 45 (a) Alcoholic beverages are not permitted on Town or school fields and will result in cancellation of
the permit.
(b) Smoking and vaping is prohibited at all Town parks and school fields.
Section 46 Costs to clean up or repair fields that at damaged are the responsibility of the permit holder.
Littering or damage to the fields will result in cancellation of the permit.
Section 47 Fees for functions listed in Section 37 will require payment at the time the reservation is made.
Section 48 The Parks & Recreation Commission or its designee may require the user to have police or other
services. This cost will be paid by the user.
Section 50 Requests for the use of Town fields not made via phone (203-256-3191) or email
). Checks should be made payable to the Fairfield Parks & Recreation Department.
The following cemeteries are under the jurisdiction of the Parks & Recreation Commission:
Old Burying Ground 430 Beach Road
Fairfield West Cemetery 2011 Post Road
Greenfield Hill Cemetery Bronson Rd.
Section 51 No individual and/or group will trim or plant shrubs, flowers, or trees; mow grass; move or restore
headstones without the permission of the Parks & Recreation Commission. Tours should be scheduled through
the Parks & Recreation Office.
Jennings Beach Skate Park located at the end of South Benson Rd.
Section 52 Users of the Skate Park must adhere to the following rules:
Park open sunrise to sunset.
Skating not permitted when surface is wet and or frozen
Only skateboarders and in-line skaters permitted inside park (no bicycles and/or scooters)
No motorized apparatus may be used in the facility.
Skaters must wear a helmet. Elbow pads and kneepads are highly recommended.
Shirts are required at all times
No pets allowed in skate park area
Spectators are not allowed in the skate area
No destroying or defacing public property
No glass bottles permitted inside the skate area
Trash should be placed in appropriate trash containers
No smoking, alcohol, drug use or weapons permitted
No unauthorized pieces of equipment obstacles or apparatus may be brought into the skate area
Skating is a hazardous activity. Skate at your own risk. When you enter this facility you assume all risks
and responsibilities that are inherent to extreme sports activities which could result in serious physical
injury or death to yourself, others, and /or property.
Violations may result in loss of skate privileges
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that children under 10 not use skateboards without close adult
supervision and that children younger than 5 not use them at all.
These rules and regulations were approved by the Parks & Recreation Commission on November 20, 1989 and the
Conservation Commission on December 19, 1989, and by the Parks & Recreation Commission December 19, 1989, and by
the Parks & Recreation Commission at Public Hearings on November 14, 1990;
August 14, 1991; December 9, 1992; July 14, 1993 and June 8, 1994, October 12, 1994; November 15, 1995; April 10, 1996;
October 9, 1996; April 9, 1997; April 16, 1998; October 8, 1998; February 11, 1999; January 12, 2000; April 12, 2000, May 9,
2001, March 13, 2002, August 17, 2004; November 17, 2005 Conservation Commission, Mar. 19, 2008,
Aug. 20, 2008; Nov. 19, 2008, November 18, 2009, November 19, 2009 Conservation Commission, December 16, 2009
March 24, 2010; June 16, 2010; Sept 15, 2010. January, 2011, Sept, 2012, January 16, 2013, Oct 16, 2013 (16-d),
Nov 20, 2013 (16z), February, 19, 2014 (Marina Rules Revision), Conservation Commission, March 24, 2014 Section 14 b
(vii), Section 23(b,c), May 21, 2014 (47, 48) Oct 15, 2014 (3b,16 g, p / 19 (f, j, k), Sept. 2015 16(b,c), June, Aug, 2018 Section
5 (d,e), June19, 2019, Sections 11(c), 45 (b), Jan 17, 2024 Section 1, April 24, 2024 Section 3 (m), Section 11 (b), Section 16
(s)(v)(y)(z)(aa), Section 26 (c), Section 38 (b), Section 52 (hours)
2024 Commission
Jamie Benton Robert MacKay Jimeson William Llewllyn
Christopher McCoy Bridget McBride Brian Nerreau
Dylan O’Connor David Weber Jennifer Kennelly (BOE)
Alcoholic Beverages……………..………………………………………….………11(b), 16(q), 45
Boat Slips…………………………………………………………………..16(b), (c), (j)
Athletics: Games on Beaches…………………………………………...................12
Beach Hours………………………………………………………………………..…1
Beach Road Launch Site………………………………………………....................18(f)
Boat Slip Retention……………………………………………………………………16(b), (j)
Boat Slips, Forfeiture………………………………………………………………....16(b), (c), (j), (r)
Boat Slips, Waitlists…………………………………………………………………...16(c)
Boat, Lift…………………………………………………………………………….….16(x)
Boat, Measuring ………………………………………………………………………16(w)
Boat, Washing………………………………………………………………………….6(e)
Boat Stickers………………………………………………………………………......16(f)
Boat Yards: Boat Speed Limit……………………………………………………….16(h)
Boats, Illegal Mooring…………………………………………………………………16(g)
Camping Overnight:
Beach and Marina………………………………………………………….11(a)
Open Space Area………………………………………….……………….11(a), 22
Park…………………………………………………...................................11(a), 22
Catamarans…………………………………………………………….......................19(a), (b), (c), (d), (f), (g), (h), (k)
Cleaning of Fish………………………………………………………………………….9,17(d)
Commercial Fishing…………………………………………………………………….16(d)
Commercial Sales………………………………………………………………………26(a)
Cooking on Boat………………………………………………………………………..17(g)
Discharge of Waste…………………………………………………….………………17(f)
Field Closure……………………………………………………………………………38(a), (b)
Field Scheduling………………………………………………………….....................36
Firearms..………………………………………………………………..………………10, 24(b)
Fires: on beaches…………………………………………………………………….3(l), 15
in marina ……………………………………………………………………..15
in open space...……………………………………………………………….15
in parks………………………………………………………………………...15
Glass Containers………………………………………………………………………13(a)
Group Permits……………………………………………………………………………39(a)
Ice Skating………………………………………………………………………………..31
Jennings Beach: Sailing Center…………………………………………………….….19(a) thru 19(k)
Launching: Motorboat…………………………………………………………………..16(e), (m)
Litter…………………………………………………………………………………………13(b),29, 46
Metro Center Conservation easement…………………………………………………..14b(vii), 23(b, c)
Mountain Bikes and Non-motorized Bicycles…………………………………………..32
No Dumping ……………………………………………………………………………...33
Non-Powered Craft: Use of……………………………………………………………16(n), (,o),18(a), (b), (c)
Open Space: Hours…………………………………………………………………….....20(b)
Parking Designation……………………………………………………………………….2(b)
Parking Permits………………………………………………………………..…………..3(a),(b),(c),(d),(e),(f),(g),(h),(I),(j),(k)
Parking Permits: Combination Vehicles…………………………………………………3(k)
Location on vehicles…………………………………………………………….3(e)
Non-Residents………………………………………………………………..….3(b), (c), (j)
Penfield Pavilion………………………………………………………………3(I), (j)
Town Employees………………………………………………………………..3(d)
Beach ………………………………………………………………...................2(a),5(a),(b),(c),(d), 8
Boats Anchoring…………………………………………………………………16(f),(g)
Cleaning Boats……………………………………………………………..……6(d)
Hunting and Trapping…………………………………………………………...24(b)
Jet Skiing, Kite Skiing………………………………………………………..…6(b)
Lake Mohegan…………………………………………………………………..18(e)
Melville Field……………………………………………………………………..38(c)
Operation of Motorized Vehicles……………………………………………….2(a), 20(c)
Personal Floatation Devices (PFDs)………………………………………….16 (x)
Property Damage: Beach, Open Space, Park or Play Lot …………………23
Site Disturbance………………………………………………….……………...28
Ramp Sticker…………………………………………………………….…………………16(k),(l)
RV Beach Parking………………………………………………………………………….3(f)
Sailing Centers……………………………………………………………………………..19(a) thru (k)
Scuba Diving…………………………………………………………………………..……6(c)
Skate Park…………………………………………………………………………………..52
Sherman Green Banners…………………………………………………………………..21
Smoking (Fields)……………………………………………………………………………45(b)
Smoking (Beaches) ……………………………………………………………………….11(c)
South Benson Marina:
After 11:00p.m …………………………………………………………………..3(f)
Assignments of Slips…………………………………………………………….16(a)
Assigned Slips………………………………………………..…………..………16(I)
Guests;Repair or Service Personnel……………………………………..……16(p)
Prohibition of Attachments to Docks………………………………………......17(h)
Prohibition of Hovercraft, Wet Bikes, or similar craft…………………….…..16(t)
Storage Boat Trailers………………………………………………………………….…..19(d)
Lobster Pots………………………………………………………………….…...17(e)
Boat Yards and Boat Area at the Eastern End of Jennings Beach…………5(b),17(a)
Time Limit at Docks:
South Benson Marina and Southport Boat Yard………………………………16(m)
Town Parks: Hours………………………………………………………………….….…....20(a)
Transient Launching………………………………………………………………………….19(i)
Undressing and Appropriate Attire………………………………………………………....4(a),(b)
Violation of Section 16……………………………………………………………………….16(y)
Violations of Rules and Regulations………………………………………………………..35(a),(b),43
Water Skiing………………………………………………………………………….……….6(a)
Wildlife Protection………………………………………………………………………….…26(b), 34
Ye Yacht Yard: After 11:00p.m.…………………………………………………………….3(f)