Clip Art or Stock Image References
Basic Format:
Creator Last Name, First initial. (Year). Title of image [Description of form]. Website Name.
This resource contains examples for:
Image with no attribution required1.
Image that requires an attribution2.
1. Image with no attribution required
If clip art or stock image licenses indicate "no attribution required," no APA Style reference, in-text
citation, or copyright attribution is needed. For instance, in APA papers, provide a figure number
and title for such images without additional citation. In presentations like PowerPoint, the figure
number, title, and note are optional.
Figure 1
A Striped Cat Sits With Paws Crossed
Note. Participants assigned to the cute pets condition saw this image of a cat.
2. Image that requires an attribution-
For clip art or stock images requiring attribution, include a copyright attribution in the figure note
and a reference list entry. Images with Creative Commons licenses often require attribution.
Provide a figure number and title for the image in APA papers, with the copyright attribution
below. In presentations, the figure number and title are optional, but the copyright attribution is
necessary. The attribution includes the same elements as the reference list entry (title, author, date,
site name, URL), followed by the Creative Commons License name.
Figure 1
Lava the Sled Dog
Note. From Lava [Photograph], by Denali National Park and Preserve, 2013, Flickr
( CC BY 2.0.
APSU Writing Center
APA Style 7th Edition - Citing Clip Art
*This packet is adapted from the information from Purdue Owl and the American Psychological
American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological
Association (7th ed.).
Purdue Owl Writing Lab. (2022). APA Formatting and Style Guide (7th edition). Purdue University.
Purdue Owl Writing Lab. (2022). APA Legal References. Purdue University.
APSU Writing Center
APA Style 7th Edition