I. Parties. This Lawyer-Client Agreement (“Agreement”) is entered into by and 1
between Dane S. Ciolino, LLC (“Lawyer”), and the client signing below (“Client”) as 2
of the latest date set forth below. Lawyer is an independent contractor. There are no 3
other parties whatsoever to this Agreement, including, but not limited to, Loyola 4
University New Orleans. 5
II. Scope of Representation. Client has engaged Lawyer in connection with the following 6
Matter: 7
(“Matter”). Lawyer’s representation is in connection with Matter only, unless 11
otherwise agreed in a signed writing. 12
III. Fees and Costs. 13
A. Costs. Client will be responsible for all costs. Lawyer, however, may advance 14
such costs. As used herein, the term “Costs,” includes, but is not limited to, 15
filing fees, filing boxes and supplies, copying costs, deposition costs, 16
computerized research costs, outsourced document scanning/coding/indexing 17
costs, travel expenses, expert fees, court costs, postage expenses, witness fees, 18
and reasonable interest paid by Lawyer to third-party lenders to cover any 19
cost advances. 20
B. Fixed Fee. 21
1. Total Amount of Fee. Lawyer’s total fixed fee for the representation 22
described above in the paragraph “Scope of Representation” is 23
$__________________. The fixed fee covers no other legal services. 24
2. Terms of Payment. Lawyer’s fixed fee shall be paid in full in advance 25
of Lawyer providing services. 26
3. Informed Consent. Client understands that Lawyer may place all or 27
part of the fixed fee in trust to be disbursed after Lawyer provides 28
services, or in Lawyer’s absolute discretion, may be used by Lawyer 29
when paid and, not be placed in the lawyer’s trust account. Client 30
further understands that this fee agreement does not alter Client’s 31
right to terminate the lawyer-client relationship, and that Client may 32
be entitled to a refund of a portion of the fee if the agreed-upon legal 33
services have not been completed. 34
4. Not a Contingent Fee. Client’s obligation to pay Fees and Costs is not 35
contingent on the outcome of the Matter and must be paid by Client 36
irrespective of the results obtained. 37
IV. Arbitration of All Lawyer-Client Disputes. 38
A. Arbitrable Disputes. Any dispute, controversy or claim that may arise 39
between Lawyer and Client shall be resolved by arbitration. Furthermore, 40
any award rendered by any arbitrator(s) may be entered in any court having 41
jurisdiction thereof, including but not limited to Civil District Court for the 42
Parish of Orleans. Among other disputes, the parties hereby agree to 43
arbitrate the following: 44
1. Disputes Regarding Fees, Costs and Other Compensation Due to 45
Lawyer. All disputes relating to Costs, Fees, compensation or 46
remuneration to Lawyer, including but not limited to, disputes arising 47
under the law of contract, unjust enrichment, restitution and/or 48
quantum meruit shall be resolved by arbitration administered by the 49
Louisiana State Bar Association (“LSBA”) Program of Arbitration of 50
Legal Fee Disputes. 51
2. All Other Disputes. All other disputes, including but not limited to, 52
those arising under the law of tort, contract, restitution and/or legal 53
malpractice shall be resolved by arbitration administered by the 54
American Arbitration Association (“AAA”) in New Orleans, Louisiana 55
under the Commercial Arbitration Rules, Expedited Procedures 56
effective at the time of the dispute. Any arbitration matter declined or 57
rejected by the LSBA will be resolved pursuant to this paragraph. 58
B. Miscellaneous Arbitration Provisions. 59
1. Responsibility for Costs and Fees of Arbitration. The nonprevailing 60
party shall pay all Costs incurred by the prevailing party. In addition, 61
the nonprevailing party shall pay the prevailing party for all billable 62
time incurred in connection with arbitration and with enforcement of 63
any arbitration award, whether such billable time is incurred by 64
Lawyer acting on his own behalf or by a lawyer or a law firm retained 65
by the prevailing Lawyer or Client. The applicable rate for billable 66
time shall be $300/hour. 67
2. Informed Consent to Arbitration. Arbitration proceedings are ways to 68
resolve disputes without use of the court system. Lawyer and Client 69
understand that in agreeing to arbitrate, they are expressly waiving 70
their right to file any lawsuit in court, to broad discovery under the 71
applicable rules of procedure, to a trial by a judge or a jury and to 72
appeal. These are important rights that should not be given up 73
without careful consideration. Arbitration may be more expensive 74
than litigation and often involves substantial up-front costs. Lawyer 75
and Client understand that this paragraph does not prospectively 76
limit Lawyer’s liability to Client in any way, nor does it impinge upon 77
Client’s right to make a disciplinary complaint to the appropriate 78
authorities. Client is advised of the desirability of seeking and is given 79
a reasonable opportunity to seek the advice of independent legal 80
counsel regarding this arbitration provision. Client is further advised 81
to review the detailed procedures and costs associated with arbitration 82
at the LSBA and AAA websites. To provide these opportunities, this 83
paragraph shall not be effective until 21 days after signing. If Client 84
does not wish this paragraph to become effective, Client shall within 85
this 21-day period provide written notice to Lawyer via certified 86
United States mail, return-receipt requested. 87
V. Retention, Delivery and Destruction of Files. Lawyer will scan and store all Client 88
files in electronic PDF format and destroy all hard-copy (paper) files given to or 89
received by Lawyer immediately after scanning. All files will be stored “in the cloud” 90
using widely-used providers such as Dropbox. Lawyer and Client understand that 91
there are risks to confidentiality associated with this means of data/document 92
storage. Lawyer will store at Lawyer’s expense all relevant PDF files relating to 93
Matter for a period of up to one (1) year following termination of Lawyer’s 94
representation. Lawyer may thereafter destroy all of Client’s files without further 95
notice to Client. In addition, Lawyer will store all relevant PDF files relating to 96
property of Client that Lawyer has held in trust for a period of five (5) years and 97
may thereafter destroy same without further notice to Client. Client may request in 98
writing that Lawyer make available to Client or the Client’s designee any PDF files 99
in Lawyer’s possession that have not been destroyed. Within seven (7) days of 100
receipt of such request, Lawyer shall make electronic (not hard-copy) files available 101
for download. 102
VI. Communication. Lawyer and Client will communicate with one another using 103
unencrypted email and cellular telephones. Both understand that there are risks to 104
confidentiality associated with these means of communication. 105
VII. No Guarantee. Client acknowledges that Lawyer has made no guarantee regarding 106
the disposition of any phase of this case. During the course of representation, 107
Lawyer may provide Client with his candid advice and professional predictions 108
regarding how the Matter may be resolved by a jury or other finder of fact. In so 109
doing, Lawyer makes no guarantee regarding the outcome. 110
VIII. Governing Law. This agreement shall be governed by the law of the State of 111
Louisiana. 112
IX. Complete Agreement, Amendment and Severability. This is the complete agreement 113
between Lawyer and Client with regard to matters addressed herein. Any changes 114
or amendments to this Agreement and any future agreement(s) as to Costs and/or 115
Fees owed under this Agreement must be set forth in a writing signed by the parties 116
in order to be effective. There are no oral agreements of any kind relating to 117
Lawyer’s representation of Client. If any portion of this Agreement, or any portion of 118
any paragraph of this Agreement, is declared invalid, the remaining portions shall 119
be given full effect. 120
X. Electronic Signatures and Copies. Lawyer and Client agree that a digital signature 121
shall be effective to prove assent to the terms of this Agreement. Furthermore, 122
Lawyer and Client agree that the terms of this Agreement may be proved through 123
an electronic facsimile, including a scanned electronic copy in Portable Document 124
Format (“PDF”) or other digital format, and that no “original” hard-copy document 125
shall be retained by Lawyer to prove the terms of this Agreement. 126
XI. Notices. All notices shall be provided to the parties at the email addresses set forth127
below. 128
XII. Commencement; Effective Date. Lawyer will not begin work on Matter, has not been129
retained by the Client, and is under no duty to represent the Client until Client has 130
paid the Total Amount of Fee to Lawyer, and Lawyer has signed this Agreement and 131
returned it to Client. Unless otherwise provided herein (i.e., arbitration clause), this 132
Agreement is effective as of the date of Lawyer’s signature. 133
XIII. Consultation and Informed Consent. By signing below, Client acknowledges that134
Client has had the opportunity to discuss the terms of each paragraph of this 135
Agreement with Lawyer. 136
XIV. Applicability of Louisiana Rules of Professional Conduct. Lawyer and Client137
understand that Lawyer is bound by all provisions of the Louisiana Rules of 138
Professional Conduct (“Rules”). Any obligation arising under this Agreement that 139
conflicts with Lawyer’s obligations under the Rules shall have no effect. 140
Signed (either manually or digitally) as of the dates set forth below. 141
Dane S. Ciolino for
18 Farnham Place
Metairie, LA 70005-4008
Mobile: (504) 975-3263
ate Signed: ______________________
me: ______________________________________
ddress: ____________________________________
Email: ______________________________________
obile: _____________________________________
Date Signed: ________________________________