File Exchange
Advanced Template
Copyright Statement
Copyright 2015 eBay Inc. All rights reserved.The information contained in this document is CONFIDENTIAL
and PROPRIETARY in nature, and subject to the rights and ownership of eBay Inc. Any and all unauthorized
copying or use of the contents hereof is prohibited.
The eBay logo and experience are trademarks of eBay Inc. All other brand or product names are or may
be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.
Document Information
Version: 3.5.4
Date: October 2015
Company Information
eBay Inc. 2145 Hamilton Ave. San Jose, CA 95125 USA
phone: 408.558.7400; fax: 408.558.7401
What's New in File Exchange?....................................................................................10
October, 2015......................................................................................................................................10
June, 2015...........................................................................................................................................10
September, 2014.................................................................................................................................10
March, 2014.........................................................................................................................................10
How to use this guide..........................................................................................................................11
How to interpret text styles..................................................................................................................11
Using and managing template files............................................................................12
Understanding template structure.......................................................................................................12
Understanding file size and content rules............................................................................................13
Understanding the Action field values.................................................................................................13
Using Action values......................................................................................................................13
Understanding Action-specific required fields.....................................................................................17
Required template fields for each Action value............................................................................17
Using smart headers and quotation marks..........................................................................................17
Using smart headers....................................................................................................................17
Using quotation marks as text qualifiers.......................................................................................18
Using multiple actions and excess fields.............................................................................................18
One action per row.......................................................................................................................18
File Exchange ignores excess fields............................................................................................18
Performing simple template tasks .............................................................................20
Adding a new field to a default template..............................................................................................20
Deleting a field from a default template...............................................................................................20
Deleting multiple field values...............................................................................................................21
Creating new listings ...................................................................................................22
About listing fees.................................................................................................................................22
Enter data in the template fields..........................................................................................................22
Using business policies.......................................................................................................................24
Using product identifiers......................................................................................................................25
Product code fields.......................................................................................................................26
Product details fields....................................................................................................................26
Add Product fields to your listings................................................................................................27
Using relationship fields for vehicle parts compatibility........................................................................27
Using eBay Product Identification numbers to list parts...............................................................29
Modifying compatibility information...............................................................................................30
Using relationship fields for variations ................................................................................................30
Modifying the RelationshipDetails and PicURL of a variation.......................................................33
Modifying the Quantity and StartPrice of a variation....................................................................34
Modifying the Relationship and CustomLabel of a variation.........................................................34
Using a custom item specific field.......................................................................................................34
Using the Condition fields....................................................................................................................36
Get values for ConditionID...........................................................................................................36
Enter ConditionDescription...........................................................................................................36
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
Using the StoreCategory fields............................................................................................................37
Using store category numbers in a template................................................................................37
Looking up store category numbers.............................................................................................37
Using the BestOffer fields....................................................................................................................37
Using the CrossBorderTrade field........................................................................................................38
Using buyer requirements....................................................................................................................39
Setting up buyer requirements.....................................................................................................39
Applying buyer requirements to listings........................................................................................39
Assigning sale proceeds to charity......................................................................................................40
Applying designs to your listings..........................................................................................................41
Specifying payments, shipping, and returns ............................................................42
Using the payment fields.....................................................................................................................42
Using shipping discount fields.............................................................................................................42
Combining payments to offer shipping discounts.........................................................................43
Adding shipping discount values to a template............................................................................43
Using return policy fields.....................................................................................................................44
Using package weight and dimension fields........................................................................................45
Adding package weight information fields....................................................................................45
Adding package dimension information fields..............................................................................45
Using shipping rate tables...................................................................................................................46
Creating a domestic shipping rate table.......................................................................................46
Applying a shipping rate table to listings......................................................................................48
Tracking your shipments......................................................................................................................48
Uploading and downloading files...............................................................................50
Upload a template file..........................................................................................................................50
View upload results..............................................................................................................................50
Load results report details...................................................................................................................51
Updating your listings .................................................................................................52
Using revision files...............................................................................................................................52
Revising price and quantity for variations in Active Listings................................................................53
Adding product identifiers to Active listings.........................................................................................53
Generating reports.......................................................................................................55
Create a download request..................................................................................................................55
Download an Active listings report......................................................................................................55
Download a Recommendations report................................................................................................56
Download a Sold items report.............................................................................................................56
Create a download schedule...............................................................................................................57
View download schedule.....................................................................................................................58
Site and template information.....................................................................................59
eBay site-specific information..............................................................................................................59
Site-specific template information.................................................................................................59
Default template metadata information................................................................................................61
Metadata values...........................................................................................................................61
Region names and country codes.......................................................................................................62
Using advanced functions...........................................................................................67
Using programmatic instructions.........................................................................................................67
Requesting an eBay token...........................................................................................................67
Uploading files programmatically..................................................................................................67
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
Downloading files programmatically.............................................................................................67
Sample HTTP Post Request........................................................................................................68
HTTP Post Request Components................................................................................................68
Using metadata information.................................................................................................................69
Metadata cell information.............................................................................................................69
Overriding metadata values..........................................................................................................69
Template field definitions.............................................................................................71
Design and display fields.....................................................................................................................71
C:<item specific name>................................................................................................................77
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
Packaging and handling fields.............................................................................................................88
Payment and return fields....................................................................................................................96
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
Pricing and cost fields........................................................................................................................102
Product code and details fields..........................................................................................................107
Shipping services fields.....................................................................................................................111
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
Shipping services field values...........................................................................................................124
Australia services options...........................................................................................................124
Austria services options.............................................................................................................125
Belgium (French) services options.............................................................................................126
Belgium (Dutch) services options...............................................................................................126
Canada services options............................................................................................................127
Canada (French) services options..............................................................................................128
China services options...............................................................................................................128
France services options..............................................................................................................129
Germany services options..........................................................................................................129
Hong Kong services options.......................................................................................................130
Ireland services options..............................................................................................................130
India services options.................................................................................................................131
Italy services options..................................................................................................................131
Malaysia services options..........................................................................................................132
Netherlands services options.....................................................................................................132
Philippines services options.......................................................................................................133
Poland services options..............................................................................................................133
Singapore services options........................................................................................................133
Spain services options...............................................................................................................134
Switzerland services options......................................................................................................134
Taiwan services options.............................................................................................................135
United Kingdom services options...............................................................................................135
United States services options...................................................................................................136
Result and reports fields............................................................................................138
About report scripts...........................................................................................................................138
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
Active Listings report.........................................................................................................................138
Recommendations report..................................................................................................................139
Awaiting Payment report....................................................................................................................140
Load Response Results report..........................................................................................................141
Global Trade Item Number report......................................................................................................143
Creating a Global Trade Item Number report.............................................................................143
Revising Active listings to include product identifiers using the GTIN report..............................144
Understanding the Global Trade Item Number report fields.......................................................144
Paid and Awaiting Shipment report...................................................................................................145
Paid and Shipped Items report..........................................................................................................147
Product Inventory report....................................................................................................................149
Sold Listings report............................................................................................................................150
Unsold Items report...........................................................................................................................152
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
What's New in File Exchange?
October, 2015
Restocking fee option: To show that returning an item incurs a restocking fee, use the
RestockingFeeValueOption field. To provide information about returning an item, like restrictions or
requirements, use the ReturnsDetails field.
June, 2015
Product identifiers requirement: Manufactured products, like electronics, clothing, books, and so
on, need to include a product identifier in the listing. Product identifiers include UPC, EAN, ISBN
codes. For more information, refer to Product code fields. Use the GTIN report to add product identifier
information to your active listings. For instructions, refer to Revising Active listings to include product
identifiers using the GTIN report.
September, 2014
Holiday returns:The time allowed for buyers to return items during the holiday season can be
extended. For more information, refer to HolidayReturns.
March, 2014
Updated shipping services for United Kingdom and United States: Shipping service option values
for these countries have been updated. For more information, refer to Shipping services field values.
What's New in File Exchange?10
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
This section describes this documents purpose and explains where to find the File Exchange listing
How to use this guide
This guide explains how to use the File Exchange listing tool to post product listings to the eBay web
site.This guide was designed to be used with one of the standard templates available on the File
Exchange Select Template web page.
How to interpret text styles
The text in this document use these text styles in sentences to imply specific meanings:
Bold signifies objects clicked to perform a function, such as menu commands, buttons, and keyboard
keys. Bold is also used to highlight a term or phrase before its explanation.
Italic denotes names of pertinent objects, such as application windows, field names, hyperlinks, and
introductory terms.
Monospace signifies programming objects, such as code examples, field values, and URLs.
PlainCapitalLetters signify a general reference, such as "For Action, use the VerifyAdd value," and
"ReturnsAcceptedOption supports the ReturnsAccepted and ReturnsNotAccepted values."
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
Using and managing template files
This section explains the best practices for template use and management, and also offers tips and
techniques for using the File Exchange templates.
Understanding template structure
This section explains how templates are structured, how to enter your data into the templates, and
how to specify the actions to perform on the the data you enter.
You can enter product information into a template or, if your product information is already documented
in a database or spreadsheet file, map your data into the template file. Regardless of the method you
choose, pay close attention to the following details as you enter data into the structure contained in
the File Exchange template:
Required field: Data must be entered into every required field. Asterisks (*) denote required fields.
For example, *Description and StartPrice.
Note: New sellers must provide a safe payment method such as PayPal or a credit card such
as American Express, Visa, or MasterCard. For explanations about payment options, see
Payment and return fields.
Character type, character limit, and values: Data must conform to the character types and limits
provided in the definitions of the template data fields.
Important: Fields in File Exchange cannot contain new lines, line feeds, or carriage returns.
To avoid file processing errors, remove any such characters.To force line breaks, such as in
the Description field, use the HTML <br> and <p> tags.
Header field names are not case-sensitive: For example, File Exchange recognizes paypalaccepted
and PayPalAccepted as the same field. We recommend you use the field names as they are
provided in this guide.
Field Relationships: Some fields depend on other fields. For example, if you enter a value for
ShippingService-1:Option, you must also enter a value for ShippingService-1:Cost. In some cases,
a field may be optional but require use of a related field. For example, ShipmentTrackingNumber is
optional but when used must be accompanied by a value for ShippingCarrierUsed. Error messages
may appear in the Load Results report when fields contain incorrectly populated fields.
Using multiple values in one field: Some fields enable you to enter several values.When doing so,
use the pipe ( | ) character to separate values.
Template variations across eBay sites: Different eBay sites support different default templates. For
example, not all sites support the Catalog template.
Tip: For more information about site-specific templates, see Site-specific template information.
Smart Headers automatically apply values: If you create an item listing file for a specific type of item
(such as a book), you can enter identical values once in the header instead of entering each value
several times. For more information, see Using smart headers and quotation marks.
The Action data field header includes metadata information such as SiteID, Country, and Currency,
which are specific to the site from which the template is downloaded. Do not change these values
Using and managing template files12
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
unless you are an advanced user who wants to list items on a different eBay site and you have the
necessary permissions from Customer Support to do so.
Understanding file size and content rules
The requirements you must follow when entering and formatting data in File Exchange templates are
explained in this section.
To minimize processing errors when using the File Exchange templates, follow these guidelines:
Files must be saved in one of these formats:
Comma-separated (.csv)
Semicolon-delimited (.csv)
Tab-delimited (.txt)
A single file cannot exceed 15 MB
No more than 5000 actions can by uploaded during each 24-hour period
Templates files must contain data for all required fields (the asterisk (*) marks a field as required)
The Action field must always be contained in the first cell and first row in a file (the remaining fields
can appear in any order) (for more information, see Using Action values)
Do not include headers in a row of data
When a field value contains leading zeros (such as 00856748589), change the cell format to Text (if
not, the leading zeros are removed from cells that use the Number or General format when the file
is saved in CSV format)
Important: Fields in File Exchange cannot contain new lines, line feeds, or carriage returns.
To avoid file processing errors, remove any such characters.To force line breaks, such as in
the Description field, use the HTML <br> and <p> tags.
Understanding the Action field values
This section explains how to use the Action field values.
Using Action values
The following sections describe the values you can enter into the Action field. Action values differ from
Action metadata; Action values determine how a listing is processed when it is uploaded whereas
metadata identifies site ID, country, and currency information.You can enter the following values in
the Action field:
Using the Add action
Using the VerifyAdd action
Using the Revise action
Using the Relist action
Using the AddToItemDescription action
Using the End action
Using the Status action
13Using and managing template files
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
See Understanding Action-specific required fields for the list of attributes that must accompany each
action in a template file.
Refer to the eBay Help Center for more information about eBay policies and instructions.
Using the Add action
The Add action posts new listings to eBay and returns a results file that contains any associated fee
data, error warnings, and so forth. This action also generates an Item ID for each new listing (you'll
use the ItemID is used when you revise, relist, and end items).
Using the VerifyAdd action
The VerifyAdd action tests your file format and listing information before you upload the data.This
action performs similarly to theAdd but does not post the listing to eBay. If a listing contains errors,
VerifyAdd writes the errors to the Upload Results file.
VerifyAdd verifies each record on the add file and returns a results file containing any associated fee
data, error warnings, and so forth. When the VerifyAdd is successful, File Exchange calculates fee
amounts for each listing but does not create ItemIDs (Item IDs are created only when a listing is posted
to eBay).You can apply the Add action to the same values as VerifyAdd.When doing so, you can feel
confident the values are correct and no errors will occur when you post your listings to eBay.
Using the Revise action
To revise a listing means to update its content. For example, you can change the BuyItNow price.
When you revise a listing, include values for these required fields only:
Action Revise
ItemID <eBay-generated ItemID for the listing, retrieved from the Load Response Results report>
<Modified fields> New values
<Revision-dependent fields> Existing values
An Active Listings report contains all active listings, including a flag to indicate which items can be
Revision-dependent fields
Important: Some fields have revision dependencies, which means if you change one field, then
other similar fields even if unchanged must be included in the revised listing. Custom item
specific fields (C:<value name>), shipping fields, and payment fields all have this dependency.
Shipping fields: If you revise a shipping field, you must include all other shipping fields if you want
to retain them. For example, if you change the ShippingType field, you must include all the other
shipping fields you want to use. If not, they will be dropped from the listing.
ShippingService-n fields any ShippingService-n fields not included (such as ShippingService-1:Cost
) will be dropped from the listing
IntlShippingService-n fields any IntlShippingService-n fields not included (such as
ShippingService-1:Option) will be dropped from the listing
Using and managing template files14
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
Payment fields: When you revise a payment method field, you must also include the other payment
methods you want to retain. For example, if you change PersonalCheck to 1, you must also include
the other payment methods you want to use (such as PayPalAccepted). If not, they will be dropped
from the listing:
Using the Relist action
If an item didn't sell, you can relist it (you cannot relist an item until it ends automatically or you force
the end of the listing). After you sell a relisted item, eBay automatically refunds one of the two listing
fees (some restrictions apply).
To avoid errors when you relist an item, include these required fields only:
Action Relist
ItemID <eBay-generated ItemID for the listing, retrieved from the Load Response Results report>
Using the AddToItemDescription action
This option enables you to update the listing description only (as compared to the Revise action you
use to update numerous other details about an item).When you sell a relisted item, eBay automatically
refunds one of the two listing fees (some restrictions apply).
To avoid errors when you use this action, include these required fields only:
Action AddToItemDescription
ItemID <eBay-generated ItemID for the listing, retrieved from the Load Response Results report>
For example, 3500001016281
Description Additional information added to the listing description. For example, This product
is available in sizes small (S), medium (M), and large (L) only.
Using the End action
Use this action to remove listings from eBay.To avoid errors when you end a listing, include these
required fields only:
Action End
ItemID <eBay-generated ItemID for the listing, retrieved from the Load Response Results report>
EndCode Valid values include LostOrBroken, NotAvailable, Incorrect, or
15Using and managing template files
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
Using the Status action
The Status can be applied to sold items only! You cannot use Status to update unsold or active listings.
Payment status
To designate an item as paid, insert the following fields in the upload file:
Action Status
ItemID <eBay-generated ItemID for the listing, retrieved from the Load Response Results report>
PaymentStatus 1
Shipping status
To designate an item as shipped, insert the following fields in the upload file:
Action Status
ItemID <eBay-generated ItemID for the listing, retrieved from the Load Response Results report>
TransactionID <TransactionID from the Sold report>
Leave Feedback status
To leave feedback for buyers, insert the following fields in the upload file:
Action Status
ItemID <eBay-generated ItemID for the listing, retrieved from the Load Results report>
BuyerUserID <Buyer's eBay member ID>
TransactionID <TransactionID from the Sold report>
FeedbackType Positive
Feedback <Textual description>
Using Info in the Action field
To use the Action field for informational purposes only, enter Info. For example:
Figure 1: Info in the Action field
Using and managing template files16
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
Understanding Action-specific required fields
This section explains the required field requirements for a given action in the File Exchange templates.
Required template fields for each Action value
Uploaded files must contain values for all required fields. An asterisk (*) denotes required fields in the
default catalog or in non-catalog (Basic or Item Specific) templates. All other fields are optional. Some
fields have dependencies. In other words, if you enter a value for an optional field, you may also need
to enter a value in another field. Field dependencies are explicitly called out when they exist.
Note: New sellers must specify a safe payment method such as PayPal or a credit card including
American Express, Discover, MasterCard, or Visa.
Different File Exchange actions require different fields, as shown in the table below:
Action Values
Add or
Add or
*DispatchTimeMax (handling
XXPayment and return fields
Using smart headers and quotation marks
This section explains how to maximize the efficiency of the File Exchange templates.
Using smart headers
Use smart headers to set a global default setting in a template file.To designate a default value for
an entire column, enter an equal sign (=) into the respective header. For example, to automatically
17Using and managing template files
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
insert the value of [email protected] into every cell in the column for PayPalEmailAddress,
enter [email protected] in the header.
When you use smart headers, follow these guidelines:
Do not insert spaces between the header name and the header value for example, enter the
category of 552 as Category=552
When entering a value, follow the rules for the specific data field. For example, valid values for
BoldTitle= are 1 (true) or 0 (false); the valid value for Description= is any text up to 500,000 characters,
and so on
You cannot set a smart header for the Action field; instead, you must explicitly list this value for every
item or row
When you insert an equal (=) sign after the field header but do not include a value, File Exchange
interprets this as a valid field header but with no default or global value and therefore searches for
a value in each row for the respective field or column
You can override a smart header row-by-row (if you enter an invalid override value, the listing will
fail and a warning will be written to the results file for that row)
You can instruct File Exchange to interpret a cell as containing no data by inserting a hyphen (-) in
the desired cell (or cells)
Using quotation marks as text qualifiers
Some punctuation entered into the text fields of CSV or TXT files must be enclosed in quotation marks.
Be sure to use plain quotation marks (") and not smart quotes (“”).When a Microsoft Excel file is saved
in CSV or TXT format, the required qualifiers are automatically inserted.
For ExampleWhere to put the QuotesPunctuation
"Brand new, with manufacturer
Enclose the text with quotation marks.Comma or semicolon.
"Clarence ""Lumpy"" Rutherford"Include the text field in quotation marks and then
enclose the entire expression in quotation marks.
Quotation marks in a text field. For
example, to denote a nickname or
a descriptive modifier.
Using multiple actions and excess fields
Explains how to use Action field values in the templates.
One action per row
Do not include more than one action in one row! Your uploaded flat files can contain any combination
of actions. For example, you can upload a file that adds listings only.You can also upload a file that
adds new listings and revises existing listings. However, you cannot insert more than one action in
one row. Doing so may cause errors.
File Exchange ignores excess fields
If you submit a file that contains unsupported fields, File Exchange ignores the unsupported fields and
processes the valid actions submitted for the required and eligible fields. For example, if you enter the
Using and managing template files18
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
End action to remove a listing yet include extraneous fields like Description, File Exchange will ignore
the invalid fields and end the listing as instructed.
19Using and managing template files
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
Performing simple template tasks
This section teaches you how to add new and optional fields to File Exchange templates. The
instructions are based on Microsoft
; for different spreadsheet applications, use similar
Adding a new field to a default template
This section explains how to add new fields to a default File Exchange template.
The default templates contain a subset of all available fields.To use an optional or new field, you'll
enter it yourself. This section explains how to add a new field to a default template or to one of your
working product listing files.
Templates contain required and optional fields. The asterisk (*) denotes required fields (*Action). Do
not change or delete any of the required fields!
An optional field can be deleted (or renamed and used as a new field not included in the default
template). For example, you might rename the Subtitle field as ShippingService-1:FreeShipping and
re-use the field.
You can also add blank columns to a template and enter new field names in the column header.You
do not have to remove unused fields, but doing so after creating and successfully uploading a new
listing file makes it easier to customize and manage different types of product listing files.
Field names must follow the format requirements explained in Template field definitions.These
instructions describe using Microsoft
; if you are using a different spreadsheet application,
use similar functions in that application to complete this procedure.
1. Open a default template or one of your working product listing files.
The default templates are available on the File Exchange Select Template page.
2. Add the following new header field names using one of these methods:
Click on a field in the first row (except for Action) and select Insert > Column on the menu bar.
Enter a field name in the new column, such as Border, and then press Enter.
Click on an optional field in the first row that you do not intend to use, such as Highlight. Enter
a new field name in its place, such as BoldTitle, and then press Enter.
3. Enter values (in the second row, below the field header) for the new fields, and then save the file.
Deleting a field from a default template
This section explains how to remove fields from a default File Exchange template.
The File Exchange templates contain both required and optional fields. Unused optional fields can be
deleted to streamline your template files. Do not change or delete any of the required field headers.
Required fields are in bold type or have an asterisk (*) beside the field name.
Tip: Instead of deleting an unused optional field, it can be renamed to serve as a new field that
is not in the default templates. For example, you may not want to use the BoldTitle field, but
Performing simple template tasks20
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
would like to offer free shipping for this item, you can replace it with
ShippingService-1:FreeShipping, and use it for that purpose.
To delete an unused optional field, select the column and select Edit > Delete.
Tip: If you want to delete multiple new fields, hold down the Ctrl button while clicking on columns
you want to delete, and then select Edit > Delete.
Deleting multiple field values
This section explains how to remove more than one field value from existing listings.
You can use the DeletedField field to remove multiple fields, instead of deleting the values in each
field. For example, you want to remove the second category and subtitle from several listings. Instead
of deleting these values in multiple fields, you can delete the fields by entering the field names in the
DeletedField field.
Not all fields can be deleted; refer to DeleteFields for more information.
To delete multiple fields:
1. Open the listing file from which you want to delete certain fields.
2. Add a new blank column to the listing file, and then enter DeletedField as the field (column)
3. Enter the names of the fields you want to delete in a listing. For example, enter
Category2|Subtitle as the DeletedField values for one or more listings.
Note: To delete multiple field values, you must separate the field names with the pipe
character "|".
4. Save the file in CSV format, and then upload it to eBay.
21Performing simple template tasks
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
Creating new listings
This section explains how to add items to a template.
About listing fees
eBay charges you fees to list and sell items.
Each time you upload a template file to eBay, we automatically list the items as specified. We also
charge you a listing fee for new items, one listing fee per item. When you sell an item, we charge you
a final value fee based on the final selling price of an item. For details about these (and other) fees,
see Fees.
According to the listing information sent in your data feeds, MIP performs actions on your behalf, such
as ending, adding, and relisting items. Unless there is an explicit contract signed with eBay, some
adding and relisting actions will incur listing fees.The listing actions will count towards the total number
of free listings you may have in a month. For details about listing (and other) fees, see Fees.
These actions incur a listing fee:
AddAddA new item is listed
Relist (on next product feed submission)EndSchedule time and listing duration are
Relist (once product info is fixed and sent
EndMultil-SKU listings have incorrect
Variation Specifics and need to be
One variation has Size and another one
has SIZE
One variation has size and color, and
another has size only
One variation has null & others have
non-null variation specifics
Enter data in the template fields
The default templates can be modified using any software program that reads comma-separated value
(CSV) format, such as a spreadsheet program or a text editor. We recommend using a spreadsheet
program, which structures the information in a table layout.
1. Use the fields below to enter data for your listings (asterisks (*) denote required fields):
ExampleAccepted ValuesPurposeHeader Field Name
ReviseAdd, Revise, Relist, End,
Status, VerifyAdd,
Specifies the purpose of the
Valid eBay category IDSpecifies the eBay product
Creating new listings22
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
ExampleAccepted ValuesPurposeHeader Field Name
Organic Body LotionOpen; user-defined
80 characters (including blank
Specifies which terms are
found when buyers search
for products. Use multiple
terms so it's easy for buyers
to search for this product.
AppleOpen; user-definedSpecifies the product brand.Product:Brand
14UPMOTLDR001Open; user-definedSpecifies the manufacturer
part number.
426351144531Open; user-definedSpecifies the product code
number or key used by the
manufacturer to identify the
6351144531942Open; user-definedSpecifies the product code
number or key used by the
manufacturer to identify the
05351144531Open; user-definedSpecifies the product code
number or key used by the
manufacturer to identify the
2535114Open; user-definedSpecifies the eBay product
ID in our catalog.
5 -in-1 Printer, Fax,
Scanner, Copier, and
Card Reader
Open; user-defined
500,000 characters (including
blank spaces)
Specifies product details and
general information.To use
multiple line descriptions,
enter HTML text here, and
use the <BR> and <P> tags
to separate the lines.
10Open; user-definedSpecifies the number of this
type of item for sale.
Commas between integers
are not required for large
10Only certain values are
allowed, and the choice of
Specifies how long the listing
will be posted on eBay.
values depends on the listingChoose 1, 3, 5, 7, or 10 for
format.Valid Auction and Fixedall formats except
Price durations include: 1, 3,
StoresFixedPrice. Use 30 or
Good 'Til Cancelled for
StoresFixedPrice listings.
5, 7, and 10 (days). If you are
a qualified seller, you can also
use (30) days, and GTC (for
the Good Til Cancelled) for
1Indicates that immediate
payment is required from the
Specifies whether immediate
payment is required.This is
buyer. This field is used toa boolean value, meaning 1=
require that an item be paid fortrue, or "yes."
before it is considered listings
and purchased.This field isrequire immediate payment,
so enter 1. supported for Premier and
Business PayPal accounts
23Creating new listings
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
ExampleAccepted ValuesPurposeHeader Field Name
95124Open; user-defined
45 characters (including blank
Indicates to the buyer the
location from where the item
will be shipped. Postal zip
codes are supported, or
include city, state (two-letter
abbreviation), and country
(three-letter abbreviation).
FlatOpen; user-definedDetermines whether you use
a standard (flat) or calculated
rate for shipping.
Only Flat or Calculated are
valid entries. If Calculated is
used, no entry for
ShippingService-1:Cost is
UPSGroundOpen; user-definedIdentifies the shipping
service carrier.
For valid shipping service
entries, refer to Shipping
services fields. Must
accompany an entry for
Note: Field values are sometimes required for only certain categories. For example, the
Service Provider field value is required for phones, but not video games. The Platform field
value is required for video games, but not phones.The upload response file denotes whether
required values are missing.
2. When you are done, save the file in CSV format to a location on your computer.
Using business policies
This section explains business policies and how to apply your payment, return, and shipping policies
to your listings.
To use business policies, you must first opt in on My eBay. Business policies are the payment, return,
and shipping information you specify to your buyers. For details about opting in, see Business policies.
If you haven't opted in to business policies, skip this section and see these topics instead:
Using the payment fields
Using return policy fields
Shipping services fields
When you opt in to business policies, eBay automatically creates policies based on values contained
in your active, scheduled, and ended listings posted during the previous 90 days.You can edit these
policies from your My eBay page at any time. However, if you have not listed items in the previous 90
Creating new listings24
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
days, eBay does not automatically create policies. Instead, you must manually create at least one of
each type of policy payment, return, and shipping before you can complete a listing.
The benefits of using centralized business policies are that you can:
Streamline the creating of new listings and the updating of existing listings
Edit and update all listings at one time
Deploy updated policies to listings in bulk
Payment, return, and shipping policies differ according to eBay site.To list the same or a similar
item on another eBay site, be sure to set up and select the respective payment, return, and shipping
policies for that site.
While you can create an unlimited number of business policies for each seller account, be thoughtful
about how many you create. Maintaining too many policies can be time-consuming. In addition, keep
your policies up-to-date so that you don't inadvertently include an incorrect or out-of-date policy.
To use your business policies in your listings, use these fields:
For example:
TwoDayExpeditedExchangeOnlyCashApple TV MD199LL/A Third
Express21DaysCreditCardRoku 2 XD Wireless Video
Streaming Device
Parcel14DaysPaymentServiceNew! Roku LT Streaming PlayerAdd
Using product identifiers
This section explains how to add the Product fields to your listings.
Product fields enable you to automatically add product information directly from our catalog to your
listings. Product fields are explained in Product code and details fields.
For example, when you include Product:UPC in your template, we locate the specific product in our
catalog and automatically add the title, description, and stock photo to your listing. If you include
Product:IncludePreFilledItemInformation in your template, we automatically insert the manufacturer,
model, and other product details from our catalogue into your listing. For example:
38462743561MD642C/AAppleiPhone 5 Black 64GB
14516481330Creole Belle Hard
25Creating new listings
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
Product code fields
Use the Product code fields to automatically add product information from our catalog to your listings.
For example, Product:ISBN identifies a specific book in our catalog and automatically adds the title,
description, and stock photo (if one is available) to your listing.
Important: All listings for manufactured products require a product identifier, such as a UPC,
EAN, ISBN, and so on.Variations require product identifiers for each item in the variation group.
If your item does not have a product identifier, then enter "Does not apply" into one of the product
fields, like UPC.
You can use these Product code fields:
Note: Product:Brand and Product:MPN must be used together. For example, if you include an
entry for Product:Brand, you must also include an entry for Product:MPN, and vice versa. All
other Product code fields can be used independently of each other.
Product:BrandName of the brand, which is typically the primary name you see on the product,
such as Apple, Puma, or Hermes.This field must be used with Product:MPN.
Product:MPNManufacturer Part Number (MPN).To find the number, look on the outside of the
product.The owner's manual, if you have one, may describe where the part number is located.This
field must be used with Product:Brand.
Product:EANEuropean Article Number (EAN). To find the number, look below the EAN bar code
on the outside of the product.
Product:ISBNInternational Standard Book Number (ISBN). To find the number, look below the
ISBN bar code on the book cover or on the Copyright page.
Product:UPCUniversal Product Code (UPC). To find the number, look below the UPC bar code,
typically on the outside of the product.
Product:EPIDeBay ePID, or product identifier.When a product exists in our catalog, use this number
to reference it.
Product details fields
Use the Product details fields to define the type of the product information from our catalog you want
to include in a listing.
The Product details fields are:
Product:IncludePrefilledItemInformation To insert information from our catalog, enter 1
Product:UseStockPhotoURLAsGallery To insert the stock photo from our catalog (when available)
as your Gallery picture, enter 1. A stock photo is not generated unless
Product:UseStockPhotoURLAsGallery and Product:IncludeStockPhotoURL are set to true.
Note: Some categories, such as Coins and Paper Money, do not allow the use of stock photos.
Product:IncludeStockPhotoURL To insert a stock photo from our catalog (when available), enter
1. A stock photo is not generated unless Product:UseStockPhotoURLAsGallery and
Product:IncludeStockPhotoURL are set to true.
Creating new listings26
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
Note: To use your own self-hosted image as the Gallery picture, enter 0 and use the PicURL
field to specify the image you want to use as your Gallery picture.
Product:ReturnSearchResultsOnDuplicates To find specific information about an item when our
catalog contains more than one matching product, enter 1.
Should this occur, download a Global Trade Item Number report to obtain the eBay Product
Identification (ePID) for your item.
Add Product fields to your listings
Only one product identifier is needed per item, unless you use Product:Brand and Product:MPN, in
which case you need to add both.
To add values to Product fields:
1. Open a new Catalog template file from the File Exchange Select Template page. If you use an
existing Catalog template, you must add the Product fields manually.
2. Enter the numeric code for one of these types of product identifiers:
In the Product:Brand field, enter the Brand of the item. If you provide a brand name, you must
also provide a value for Product:MPN.
In the Product:MPN field, enter the Manufacturer's Part Number for the item. If you provide a
value for this field, you must also provide a value for Product:Brand.
In the Product:UPC field, enter the Universal Product Code number for the item.
In the Product:ISBN field, enter the International Standard Book Number number of the item.
3. In the Product:IncludePreFilledItemInformation field, enter 1 to add item information from our catalog
to your listing.
4. In the Product:IncludeStockPhotoURL field, enter 1 to add the standard photo from our catalog to
your listing.
Using relationship fields for vehicle parts compatibility
This section explains how to add vehicle parts compatibility information to a listing.
Use the relationship fields (Relationship and RelationshipDetails) to add vehicle parts compatibility
information to a parts listing on eBay Motors.These two fields enable you to provide the Make, Model,
and Year of the vehicles that use the parts you want to sell.You can match up to 1,000 vehicles per
listing. Notes can be used to enter additional information or restriction, (for example, "Only for automatic
transmission") to a specific vehicle.
You can also list motorcycle parts.You can define the Make, Model, Year, and Submodel of the
motorcycles that use the parts you have to sell.You can match up to 1,000 motorcycles per listing.
Unlike regular listings, the relationship fields use an item-variation hierarchical structure.The first (item)
row contains the typical listing information, like Action, Title, Quantity, and Price, while subsequent
(variation) rows use the Relationship and RelationshipDetails fields to contain the compatibility
27Creating new listings
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
Model: Corolla
Year: 2000
To download an Item Specifics template file and the Master Vehicle List:
1. Go to the File Exchange Select Template page.
2. Under Item Specifics Category template, click Select a Category.
3. On the Select Template: Item Specifics page, under Browse Categories, select the desired category.
For example, eBay Motors > Parts and Accessories.
4. Select the Parts category that best describes the part you are selling:
For vehicles, select Car & Truck Parts
For motorcycles, select Motorcycle Parts
5. Continue to select category options until the category number is displayed in the Category field.
For example:
For a vehicle headlight, if you select Lighting & Lamps > Headlight, the Category field displays
For a motorcycle saddlebag, if you select British & European > Luggage & Saddlebags, the
Category field displays 84148
6. Click Generate Template. A listing template is generated for you to download.
7. On the Generate Template page, click the Item Specifics Category Template link, and save the
file on your computer.You will use this file in the next procedure.
8. For vehicle listings only (not motorcycle listings), download the eBay Master Vehicle List (MVL)
compatibility information file that contains vehicle details such as Make, Model, Year, Trim and
Engine information.To obtain the file and save it on your computer, go to the Parts Compatibility
Listings page.
To add compatibility information to a listing:
1. Open the new Item Specifics Category template that you downloaded in Step 6 above.
2. In the first available listing row, enter Add in the Action field. Enter other listing information for the
item, such as Title, Description, StartPrice, and Quantity.
3. In the next row, enter Compatibility in the Relationship field.
4. For vehicles only (not motorcycles), open the MVL file you downloaded in Step 8 above. Search
for the Make, Model, and Year of the vehicle the part fits. For example, Toyota Tundra 2002.
(To organize the vehicle listings, you can sort each column in ascending or descending order.)
Multiple vehicle matches may occur that differ in certain ways, such as Trim, Engine, and Drive
Type. Identify the row (or rows) that contain the vehicle information associated with the part you
are selling.
Creating new listings28
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
Tip: Depending on the part, such as a headlight, you may be able to use more than one of
the matches. Other parts, such as a door handle, may only apply to vehicles with a particular
trim type (Trim differentiates model versions).
5. Once you've identified the rows that apply to your part, copy the text from the matching field(s).
Open the listing template file and enter the information in the RelationshipDetails field:
Halogen Headlights44294Add
Toyota Tundra 2002 BaseCompatibility
Toyota Tundra 2002 LimitedCompatibility
Toyota Tundra 2002 SR5Compatibility
6. Copy Compatibility into the Relationship field for all the rows that contain RelationshipDetails
information and then modify the text in the RelationshipDetails field to use the proper syntax. For
vehicles, the MVL contains the names (in the column headers) that need to be coupled with the
values you just pasted (like Make and Model).The following table uses bold to indicate the text
you need to add.Values for Make, Model, Year, and Trim are mandatory, while values for DriveType,
Engine,Body, and Notes are optional. Use the pipe character ( | ) to separate the name=value pairs.
Note: Should you enter values for several fields only Make, Model, Year, and Trim
remember that all the related vehicles contained in the MVL (for example, additional vehicles
identified with matching Type and Engine) are automatically included among the compatibilities.
The same thing happens when you add the Notes information.The Notes are added to each
single vehicle.
Make=Toyota|Model=Tundra|Year=2002|Trim=Base|Notes=Automatic transmission onlyCompatibility
Make=Toyota|Model=Tundra|Year=2002|Trim=Limited|Notes=Automatic transmission
Make=Toyota|Model=Tundra|Year=2002|Trim=SR5|Notes=Automatic transmission onlyCompatibility
7. To add compatibility information for all the other vehicles that the part fits, repeat Steps 3 through
8. To create other part listings, repeat Steps 2 through 6.
9. Enter any required or desired field values for each item in the appropriate fields (such as shipping
and payment information).
10. Save the file in CSV format.
Using eBay Product Identification numbers to list parts
You can use an eBay Product Identification (ePID) number to list a part.When you use an eBay ePID
number to list a part, you need not use the Relationship or RelationshipDetails fields. Instead, use the
Product:EPID field. For more information about ePID numbers, see Using product identifiers. For
EPID76904638AC Delco high beam halogen66471Add
29Creating new listings
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
To find an ePID number:
1. On the ePID Search Tool page, describe the part you want to find. Be as specific as possible.
When a description results in more than 10,000 hits, only the first 10,000 results are returned.
Should this occur, refine your criteria and repeat the search.
2. From the Search Catalog drop-down list, select US - Parts & Accessories, US - Rims, or US - Tires.
3. Do one of the following:
To list parts with the matching ePID numbers, click Search.
To copy the search results to a spreadsheet file, click Export to Excel.
4. To use the ePID number to list a part with the Product:EPID field, see the table above.
Modifying compatibility information
To change compatibility information, insert Revise in the Action field in the listing row and insert
Delete in the Action field to remove the values you want to change.To replace the values you're
deleting, add values in the subsequent rows. For example, the rows with Delete in the Action field are
removed and replaced with the subsequent row (in which no Action value is specified).
In this example, the 2000 year information is replaced by 2001 data:
Item 1101100296Revise
Using relationship fields for variations
This section explains how to use the new relationship fields in a generated listing template for adding
variation information to a listing.
There are new relationship fields for adding varied product information to a multi-quantity listing.These
new fields enable you to sell products that are similar, like shirts, in a variety of colors and sizes, all
in the same listing.Variation helps you define products in addition to Item Specifics, and can leverage
the CustomLabel field for inventory references.
Unlike regular listings, the relationship fields use an item-variation hierarchical structure.The first (item)
row contains the normal listing information, like Action, Category, Format, and other shared information
(like shipping and payment options) that apply to all the variations in the listing.
The subsequent (variation) rows contain the information that applies to each variation, like Relationship,
RelationshipDetails, Quantity, StartPrice, CustomLabel, and PicURL fields.The following paragraphs
explain the item and variation row field requirements.
Relationship: Indicates variation information will be added to the listing when the Variation value
is used.
Creating new listings30
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
Item row: Leave empty
Variation row: Enter Variation
RelationshipDetails: Defines the variation details, like color and size, in the variation rows, but must
contain all possible variations in the item row. Do not add blank spaces between traits or values in
either row, or the upload will fail.
Item row: Define all traits (like color and size) and their possible values (like Blue and Red, Medium
and Large). Use the format: Trait1=Value1;Value2|Trait2=Value1;Value2. For example:
Variation row: Define the single value for each applicable trait for this variation. Use the format:
Trait1=Value1|Trait2=Value1. For example: Color=Blue|Size=M.
Product:UPC: Specifies the number of items available for each variation.
Item row: (Required) Specify the product code for each variation.
Variation row: Leave empty
*Quantity: Specifies the number of items available for each variation.
Item row: Leave empty
Variation row: (Required) Specify the quantity available for this variation a value is required and
must be greater than zero
*StartPrice: Specifies the price of the item
Item row: Leave empty
Variation row: (Required) Specify the Auction-style listing start price or the purchase price for a Fixed
Price listing
Important: In addition to the other required fields, variations require a product identifier, such
as a UPC, EAN, ISBN, and so on, at the item level for all manufactured products. If your variations
do not have a product identifier, enter "Does not apply" for each item in the variation group.
The initial item and variation rows for a listing should look like this:
Other fields also have item and variation row requirements:
CustomLabel: Specifies the SKU codes for certain variations.
Item row: (Optional) Specify the custom label (SKU) for the listing
Variation row: (Optional) Specify the custom label (SKU) for this particular variation
PicURL: Defines the image URL(s) for a variation if you use a single image for a variation, you can
use a self-hosted image or an image hosted by eBay Picture Services (EPS) (to use multiple images
in a variation, you must use EPS)
31Creating new listings
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
Image URLs cannot contain blank spaces! To avoid this development and learn about other field
requirements, see PicURL.
Item row: Specify the item-level picture to show a typical example of the product or item.This image
will appear as the primary picture for all variations. For example,
Variation row: Specify the specific picture(s) to use for this variation.To use more than one image
for a variation, separate the image URLs with a pipe character ( | ). For example, multiple pictures
for the same colored shirts would require multiple image URLs: Black=URL1|URL2|URL3.
Note: PicURL values for variations of a given item must use a single trait name. For example,
if one variation has Black=URL1|URL2|URL3 and the next variation has
Blue=URL4|URL5|URL6, these are valid combinations because the same trait (color) is used.
However, if one variation has Black=URL1|URL2|URL3, and the next variation has
Medium=URL4|URL5|URL6, this is an invalid combination because two traits (color and size)
are used.
Tip: If an item already has a variation row with pictures defined for a given trait value, you do
not need to re-define them again. For example, one variation has RelationshipDetails as
Color=Black|Size=Small and PicURL as Black= If the
next variation has RelationshipDetails as Color=Black|Size=Medium, you do not need
to put Black= for the PicURL field again because the image for
Black has already been defined.
The optional item and variation rows for a listing should look like this:
Examples of multiple images in the PicURL variation rows appear below:
Note: If an existing listing contains no variations, you cannot revise that listing to include
variations. Instead, you must end that listing, and then create a new listing with variations.
To use the new fields, you need to download a new Item Specifics Category template to get the new
fields, and add the variation values in the RelationshipDetails field from the Item Specifics Definition
file (generated alongside the template) .
1. Go to the File Exchange Select Template page.
2. Under Item Specifics Category template, click Select a Category and then under Browse Categories,
select a Clothing, Shoes and Accessories category (for example).
Creating new listings32
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
Note: Variation is not supported in all categories. For a list of supported categories, refer to
the category look-up page.
3. Select the category that best describes the item you are selling, like Men's Clothing, and keep
selecting category options until the category number is defined. For example, for a shirt, you would
select Shirts > Dress. The Category field displays the category number: 57991.
4. Click Generate Template. A listing template is generated for you to download.
5. On the Generate Template page, click the Item Specifics Category Template link, and save the
file on your computer.You will use this file in the procedure below.
Next, click the Item Specifics Definitions link on the Generate Template page.We recommend that
you use the variation information values from this Item Specifics Definition file, but you can also create
your own variations.
To add variation information to a listing:
1. Open the new Item Specifics Category template that you downloaded.
2. In the item row, enter Add in the Action field. Enter the shared listing information for the item, like
Categoryand Format (and others).
3. In the same row, enter all the possible variations an item may have in a listing. For example, enter
Size=S;M;L;XL|Color=Black;Pink;Red;Blue in the RelationshipDetails field.
4. In the variation row, enter Variation in the Relationship field.
5. Enter the variations used for items you're selling in the RelationshipDetails field, as shown in the
example below. For variations, enter values for Quantity, CustomLabel, PicURL (and others) in the
variation rows.
6. For additional item variations, repeat steps 2-5 in the subsequent rows.
7. Enter any other required or desired field values for the item in the appropriate fields (like payment
and return policy information), and then save the file in comma-separated value (CSV) format.
Once a listing is active, there are several things to consider. For example, what do you do if:
the value for Quantity falls to zero?
a pending transaction locks you out of a listing?
Modifying the RelationshipDetails and PicURL of a variation
Neither the RelationshipDetails nor the PicURL of a variation can be modified or deleted when one or
more transactions are pending against the variation.
To revise the values for RelationshipDetails or PicURL, you must first delete the variation you want to
modify, and then add the new variation that replaces it. Use Revise in the Action field in the item row,
use Delete in the Action field in the variation row(s) that you want to change, and then add the row
that contains the modified RelationshipDetails or PicURL. For example, the second row (below) with
Delete in the Action field is removed and replaced in the subsequent row (with no Action value
Item 1Color=Black;Pink;Red;Blue; BlackStripes|Size=S;M;L;XL;XXL17058310110~Revise
33Creating new listings
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
In this example, the Black-XL information is replaced with the BlackStripes-XL information.
Tip: To delete a variation, do not add a new row for the variation you want to delete. For example,
do not add the last row shown in the table above.
Modifying the Quantity and StartPrice of a variation
You can modify the values for Quantity and StartPrice even if one or more transactions are pending
against the variation.
To revise *Quantity and *StartPrice, just update the desired values (in other words, you need not first
delete the existing variation and then replace it with the updated content). For instance, when compared
to the example shown earlier in this section, the table below updates the values for Quantity and
StartPrice specific to the variations of Color=Black|Size=XL and Color=Red|Size=S.
Note: If you set the Quantity of a variation to zero (0), the variation will be shown as out-of-stock.
If no items of the variation have been sold, the variation will be removed.
Modifying the Relationship and CustomLabel of a variation
When you delete or modify a variation, the CustomLabel associated with the variation is automatically
deleted or modified (you need not modify it explicitly).
Lastly, since the value for Relationship is not used for an eBay item, it cannot be modified.
Using a custom item specific field
This section explains how to add a new field for custom item specifics in one of the default templates,
or in one of your working product listing files.
Custom item specifics can be added to provide more details about your item in a listing. Item specific
fields need to be added to a default or existing listing template.You can either replace an unused field,
or add a new field column. For more information, refer to Adding a new field to a default template.
Custom item specifics consist of a descriptive field name and correlated field values. For example,
the custom item specific Occasion could have one of several values, such as Casual, Business, or
Creating new listings34
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
Some clothing and accessory categories require certain item specifics to be included in a listing, such
MPN (manufacturer part number)
Size Type
Refer to the look-up table to view the item specifics required by each category.Visit our size chart and
handbag measurement guide for size mapping and measurement instructions.To see how these
changes will impact your existing listings and the way you list, refer to Review category and item
specifics changes.
You can create up to 15 custom item specific fields per item, but each custom item specific field can
have only one value per item. Field names and values must be alphanumeric text strings.
When an item specific value contains a comma, as in the examples below, enclose the entire value
in quotation marks. If not, data that appears to the right of each comma (Chino, Navy, or Royal) will
be inserted into the next adjacent column in the template, thereby invalidating the entry and the
"Color=Dark Blue, Navy, Royal"
Custom item specifics can be added to the default templates, but generating an item specifics template
provides predefined custom item specifics tailored for that particular category. Some categories do
not yet support custom item specifics.
Important: If you revise this field, you must include all of the custom item specific fields for this
listing in the uploaded file, even if the information has not changed. Otherwise; any excluded
custom item specific will be removed from the listing.
To add new custom item specific fields, follow these steps:
1. Open a template file and enter item listing information in the second and third rows. For example,
the listing in the second row might be for a casual shirt.The listing in the third row might be for a
formal shirt.
2. Add a new field column (or replace an unused field name with a custom item specific name). For
example, enter C:Style in the column header. Always use the C: prefix for a custom item specific
3. Enter a value in the second row for the new custom item specific. For example, enter: Casual.
4. Enter a value in the third row for the new custom item specific. For example, enter: Formal.
5. Repeat steps 2-4 to add more custom item specific fields and values.
6. Enter any other required or desired field values for the item in the appropriate fields (like payment
and return policy information), and then save the file in comma-separated value (CSV) format.
35Creating new listings
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
Using the Condition fields
Use the Condition fields to connote the condition of an item.
Get values for ConditionID
*ConditionID is a mandatory field used to describe the state and appearance of an item.The same
value can connote different meanings depending on the category. For example, 1000 means New in
a Computer category listing but New with box in a Shoes category listing.
To look up ConditionID values, click the ConditionIDs by Category link on the File Exchange
Instructions and Resources page. Doing so downloads a CSV file for those categories that require
ConditionIDs. Because the value you enter for ConditionID depends upon category, see the item
condition look-up page to determine which categories require a ConditionID.
To obtain the ConditionID value for a specific category, generate an Item Specifics template.The
generated template will contain the new ConditionID field as well as the ConditionID numbers. Literal
values are defined in the Item Specifics Definitions file that accompanies the generated template.
To get the available ConditionID values for a given category:
1. Go to the Select Template page and, under Item Specifics Category template, click Select a
2. On the Select Template: Item Specifics page, select the category that best describes your item.
Continue to select sub-categories (to the right) until no more options appear.
Tip: If you already know the category number, enter it in the Category# field.
3. Click Generate Template.
4. To open the Generate Template page, click the Item Specifics Category Template link file.
5. To open the file, click the Item Specifics Definitions link.
6. In the Item Specifics Definitions file, select the appropriate ConditionID number for your item and
copy it to the ConditionID field in the Item Specific Category template file.
Note: To update the item condition description in an existing listing template, change the
existing condition column name (A:Condition or C:Condition) to ConditionID and
then enter a numeric value.
7. Enter any other required or desired field values for the item in the appropriate fields (like payment
and return policy information), and then save the file in comma-separated value (CSV) format.
Enter ConditionDescription
Use the optional ConditionDescription field to describe the condition of a used item.This field can be
used in conjunction with the mandatory *Description, which should be used to provide non-condition
specifics about an item.To connote the condition of an item, use descriptive text such as:
"The right leg of the chair has a small scratch (see photo) and the back of the seat has a light blue
stain the shape and size of a silver dollar."
Creating new listings36
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
Gently used, miniscule scratch on lower left
corner of display.
2000Nokia Lumia 900 Smartphone AT&T
16GB Cyan
Like new, no box or cables. Pristine
condition. Never used.
3000Panasonic Lumix12.1MP DMC-ZS7 Blue31388
Using the StoreCategory fields
This section explains how to look up your eBay store category numbers and how to use the
StoreCategory and StoreCategory2 fields to include the store category numbers in your listings.
Using store category numbers in a template
When you maintain an eBay store, you can use the StoreCategory and StoreCategory2 fields to
associate your eBay store category numbers with your listings. Entries in the following table illustrate
how to associate listings with eBay store category numbers:
301481201330147960131939 Irish Silver Half CrownAdd
301481301330147960131956 Moroccan Silver 500 Francs CoinAdd
Looking up store category numbers
To look up store category numbers:
1. Log in to My eBay.
2. Place the cursor on the Account tab label and select Manage My Store.
3. On the left navigation panel under Store Design, click Store Categories.
4. In the lower right corner of the Manage Store Categories page, click the All Categories link.
5. Take note of the category numbers you want to include in your File Exchange template.
Using the BestOffer fields
This section explains how to accept best offers and how to automatically accept or decline offers from
To automatically accept or automatically decline best offers from buyers, the listing must support the
Best Offer format.To determine which formats let you accept Best Offers, see Use the following four fields to add best offer,
auto-accept, and auto-decline functionality to a listing:
37Creating new listings
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
At a minimum, you must provide a value for BestOfferEnabled.
To enable Best Offer:
1. Open a template file and insert new columns and field names (for details, see Adding a new field
to a default template). To automatically accept or decline offers, you must also add columns for
BestOfferAutoAcceptPrice and MinimumBestOfferPrice.
2. Enter values into the fields. For example, enter 1 for BestOfferEnabled.To use the automatic accept
option, enter the amount you would accept in the BestOfferAutoAcceptPrice field.To create room
for negotiation with your buyer, enter a value for MinimumBestOfferPrice, too.
3. Enter any required or desired field values for the item and then save the file. For example:
1501901Samsung Galaxy Ace
7508251Canon EOS 550D DSLR
Using the CrossBorderTrade field
To display your listing in the search results on other eBay sites, use the CrossBorderTrade field.
To instruct us to display your listing in the search results of other eBay sites, add the CrossBorderTrade
field to a default template or a current listing file.
To learn more about the qualifications and requirements for using this field, see Showing your items
in search results on other eBay sites.
Some of the categories supported in the United States may not be available elsewhere.
CrossBorderTrade is supported in the United States, Canada, Ireland, and the United Kingdom only.
If you're in:
the United States, enter UK
Canada, enter UK
the United Kingdom, enter North America
Ireland, enter North America
For example, if you are a seller in Canada and enter UK under CrossBorderTrade, we will display your
listing to buyers on the eBay United Kingdom site. Or, if you are a seller in Ireland and enter North
America under CrossBorderTrade, we will display your listing to buyers on the eBay Canada and
United States sites.
To add international site visibility to a listing:
1. Open a template file and add a new column (see Adding a new field to a default template). Enter
CrossBorderTrade as the new header.
2. Enter a value for the new field. For example, if your primary eBay site is in Canada, enter UK.
Creating new listings38
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
3. Enter values for the required shipping fields. For example, you must provide values for shipping
carrier (IntlShippingService-1:Option), location (IntlShippingService-1:Locations), as well as a value
for flat-rate shipping (IntlShippingService-1:Cost). For example:
4. Enter other field values.
5. Save the file.
Using buyer requirements
This section explains how to define buyer requirements on the eBay Site Preferences page and how
to use File Exchange to apply those requirements to your listings.
Setting up buyer requirements
You can optionally require that potential buyers meet a minimum set of benchmarks. Setting up these
minimum requirements to qualify your buyers can improve the quality of the bids you receive. On the
other hand, think carefully before blocking buyers.While defining buyer requirements may reduce your
exposure to buyers who might make transactions difficult, it will also reduce the number of potential
You can also block specific buyers if you know their eBay user ID.To create a list of the eBay user
IDs you want to block from bidding on your listings, see Block bidders or buyers from your listings.
To define buyer requirements in My eBay:
1. Log in to eBay and go to My eBay > Account > Site Preferences.
2. Under Selling Preferences, find Buyer Requirements and click Show.
3. To display the Buyer Requirements page, next to Block Buyers Who, click Edit.
4. On the Buyer Requirements page, specify the restrictions you want to impose on buyers. For more
information about the options on this page, see Selecting buyer requirements.
5. To apply the settings to your active and future listings, select Apply Above Settings to Active and
Future Listings.
6. To prevent blocked buyers from contacting you, select Don't Allow Blocked Buyers to Contact Me.
7. To save your selections, click Submit.
8. To use File Exchange to apply your buyer restrictions to your listings, see Applying buyer
requirements to listings.
Applying buyer requirements to listings
You can use File Exchange to apply your buyer requirements choices to your listings.The table below
pairs buyer requirements options with the respective File Exchange fields:
File Exchange FieldBuyer Requirements Option
BuyerRequirements:LinkedPayPalAccountBuyers without a PayPal account
39Creating new listings
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
BuyerRequirements:MaxUnpaidItemsCountBuyers with unpaid item strikes
BuyerRequirements:ShiptoRegCountryBuyers in locations to which I don't ship
BuyerRequirements:MaxViolationCountBuyers with policy violation reports
BuyerRequirements:MinimumFeedbackScoreBuyers with a negative feedback score
BuyerRequirements:MaximumItemCountBuyers who may bid on several of my items and
not pay for them
For example, entries in the following table block buyers from bidding on your listings when their primary
address falls outside your delivery area and when their minimum feedback score falls below -2:
-21Canon Digital Rebel SLR 14MPAdd
-21Apple iPhone 5 32MB WhiteAdd
To use File Exchange to apply your buyer requirements to your listings:
1. Download a File Exchange template.
2. For each item to which you want to apply buyer requirements, insert a column and add the desired
BuyerRequirements field.To view the respective field names, see the previous section entitled
Setting up buyer requirements.
3. Save the file.
When you upload the file to File Exchange, your listings automatically inherit the buyer requirements
you specify.
Assigning sale proceeds to charity
Use this section to have us apply some or all of the proceeds from the sale of an item to a qualified
charity you select.
Use the CharityNumber and DonationPercent fields to donate a portion of the proceeds from the sale
of an item to a charity you specify. Charities are site-specific.That is, if you sell on the US site, you
can only select US-based charities. Conversely, if you sell on the UK site, you can only select UK-based
Before you can use File Exchange to assign a charity to an item you list, you must associate at least
one favorite charity with your eBay User ID. To do so, see My Favorite Nonprofit.
For more information about charities, see our eBay Giving Works page.We use MissionFish to screen
charities and process donations.
Creating new listings40
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
To find the correct value to enter under CharityNumber, go to When you find the desired
charity, click View to display its details. Enter the value for Nonprofit ID under CharityNumber. We'll
use this number to make sure the charity you select receives your donation.
To designate charitable donations for items you sell, use the following table as a guide:
Applying designs to your listings
To apply designs to your listings, use the ThemeID field.
You can use the ThemeID field to apply a design to the description of an item when we list it. For
112Nokia Lumia 900 Smartphone AT&T 16GB Cyan
37341Panasonic Lumix12.1MP DMC-ZS7 Blue
For a listing of ThemeIDs, download
When you re-list an item, we automatically remove the ThemeID value.Therefore, if you want to
preserve the ThemeID for an item you re-list, be sure to explicitly include an entry for this field.
Conversely, to explicitly remove this field when you revise or re-list an item, use DeleteFields.
41Creating new listings
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
Specifying payments, shipping, and returns
Use this section to learn how to set up payment, shipping, and return options in File Exchange.
Using the payment fields
This section explains how to use the payment fields in the default templates.
Note: If you opted in to Business policies on My eBay, you can skip the following content and
go to Using business policies to set up and select your payment policies.
Different sites support different payment options.To make payments easier to specify and to understand,
many eBay sites offer a standardized way to specify payment information.The list of payment options
appears below:
For details about the payment fields, see Payment and return fields.
To add payment information to a template:
1. In the template, insert a column for each payment type (or field) you want to offer.
2. For each item and in each payment column, enter a 1 (true) to denote the acceptable payment
options or 0 (false). For example:
111Samsung Galaxy Ace
011Canon EOS 550D DSLR
000Ancient Chinese Coin
000Silver Ingot Poured 10 oz
3. Save your work.
Using shipping discount fields
This section explains how to create combined payments and shipping discounts rules and profiles,
and then add new fields for shipping discounts in one of the default templates.
Specifying payments, shipping, and returns42
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
Combining payments to offer shipping discounts
Use shipping discounts to offer savings to buyers when they purchase multiple items from you at the
same time. Doing so may encourage buyers to buy additional items.You use the
InternationalShippingDiscountProfileID and ShippingDiscountProfileID fields to do so.To apply shipping
discounts, you must use combined payments. For an overview about shipping discount rules and
profiles, see Using Combined Payments and About Shipping Discounts.
To set up shipping discounts:
1. Log in to eBay and go to My eBay.
2. Go to Account > Site Preferences.
3. Under Selling Preferences, find Shipping Preferences, and click Show.
4. Locate Offer combined payments and shipping and select Edit.
5. To verify that this preference is enabled, find Combined payments. If so, verify that the number
days allowed for combined payments meets your expectations.To change the number of days,
click Edit, make the change, and click Save.
If combined payments are disabled, click Create, click the Allow box, and select the desired number
of days from the menu. When finished, click Save.
6. Under Combined Shipping Discounts, select Create under either Flat shipping rule or Calculated
shipping rule. For calculated shipping, the options differ but the process follows the same workflow
as for flat shipping.
7. On screen 1, select Add an amount for additional items or Subtract an amount for additional
items from the drop-down list and then enter a value next to Add. Alternatively, select Free Shipping
to ship additional for free.
8. To create a rule profile, select Add Profiles. Enter a profile name in the adjacent box and then
click Next.
9. On screen 2, review your shipping rule profile specifics. If you approve, click Save.
10. Make a note of the Shipping Discount Profile ID numbers that appear under Combined Shipping
Discounts.You will use these Profile ID numbers in the ShippingDiscountProfileID field in the
following section.
Adding shipping discount values to a template
Now that you've created the shipping discount rules and profile(s) for your eBay account, you're ready
to add the shipping discount fields and values to your product listing file (or default template). For
shipping discounts to apply to a product listing, you must add the shipping discount fields and values
for a new item before uploading the new product listing file.
1. Open a template file and look for the field ShippingDiscountProfileID.You need to know the profile
IDs for each of your discount profiles created for you're my eBay Site Preferences.
To locate your shipping profile ID numbers, go to My eBay > Account > Site Preferences >
Shipping Preferences > Show > Offer combined payments and shipping > Edit. Shipping
profile ID numbers are listed on the My eBay: Combined Payments and Shipping Discounts page.
2. Enter the eight digit discount profile ID number. For example, enter 78038543 for
3. Enter any required or desired field values for the item, and then save the file.
43Specifying payments, shipping, and returns
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
Using return policy fields
This section explains how to set up a return policy for a listing.
Different sites support different return policy options.To make return policies easier to specify and
understand, many eBay sites offer a standardized way to specify and display return policy information.
Note: If you opted in to Business policies on My eBay, you can skip the following content and
go to Using business policies to set up and select your return policies.
As a seller, you can elect not to accept returns for the items you list. However, keep in mind that even
if you specify ReturnsNotAccepted, a buyer can still return an item should the item not match the listing
description and therefore become eligible for coverage under eBay Buyer Protection. (To be clear,
items not covered by eBay Buyer Protection cannot be returned when ReturnsNotAccepted is specified.)
In addition to describing a return policy in the Description field of an item, you can also use predefined
return policy options.
Note: To learn more about return strategies, see eBay return policy.
To define a return policy for an item:
1. For the mandatory *ReturnsAcceptedOption field, do one of the following:
To indicate a buyer can return an item, enter ReturnsAccepted or
To indicate a buyer cannot return an item, enter ReturnsNotAccepted
During the holiday season, you can offer buyers an extended period of time to return an item. To
learn how, see HolidayReturns.
2. When you specify that an item can be returned, enter values for these fields:
a. For the conditional ReturnsWithinOption field, define the length of time a buyer has in which to
notify you of their intent to return an item, enter one of the following:
b. For the conditional ShippingCostPaidByOption field, identify who is to pay return shipping, enter
one of the following:
Buyer Buyer pays to return the item
Seller Seller pays to return the item
c. For the optional RefundOption field, specify how you will provide the refund, enter one of the
d. For the optional AdditionalDetails field, enter general information you want to convey to a buyer
e. For the optional RestockingFeeValueOption field, specify the percentage of the selling price
you will charge the buyer to restock a returned item, enter one of the following:
Specifying payments, shipping, and returns44
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
3. Save the template.
Using package weight and dimension fields
This section explains the purpose of the packaging weights and dimension field values.
Adding package weight information fields
Packaging weight fields apply to calculated, flat rate, and freight shipping.
These package weight fields can be added:
Depending on your location, weight values can be imperial (lb, oz) or metric (kg, g). Some sites support
both types of measurements. For example, the Canadian eBay site supports imperial and metric
weights whereas the Australian eBay site supports metric weights only. For more information about
the weight fields, refer to Packaging and handling fields.
1. Open a template file and add the new field columns (refer to Adding a new field to a default template).
Add the new fields you want to use, such as WeighMajor, WeightMinor, and WeightUnit.
2. Enter values for the new fields. For example:
WeightMajor: Enter 2 (pounds)
WeightMinor: Enter 14 (ounces)
3. Enter values for any required shipping information fields. For example, shipping carrier and location
information need to be entered in the IntlShippingService-1:Option and
IntlShippingService-1:Locations fields, respectively. Similarly, using flat-rate shipping requires a
value in the IntlShippingService-1:Cost field.
4. Enter any required or desired field values for the item and then save the file.
Adding package dimension information fields
Packaging dimension fields apply to calculated, flat rate, and freight shipping.
These package weight fields can be added:
45Specifying payments, shipping, and returns
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
Depending on your location, Dimension values can be imperial (in) or metric (cm). Some sites support
both measurements. For example, the Canadian eBay site supports imperial and metric dimensions
while Australian eBay site supports metric dimensions only. For more information about the dimension
fields, refer to Packaging and handling fields.
To add dimensions to your listings:
1. Open a template file and add the new field columns (refer to Adding a new field to a default template
) such as PackageLength, PackageDepth, and PackageWidth.
2. Enter values for the new fields. For example:
PackageLength: Enter 20 (inches)
PackageDepth: Enter 14 (inches)
PackageWidth: Enter 18 (inches)
3. Enter values for the required shipping information fields. For example, shipping carrier and location
information must be entered in the IntlShippingService-1:Option and IntlShippingService-1:Locations
fields, respectively. Similarly, flat-rate shipping requires a value in the IntlShippingService-1:Cost
4. Save the file.
Using shipping rate tables
Use this section to learn how to create a shipping rate table and apply the values it contains to your
listings on eBay.
Creating a domestic shipping rate table
You can optionally set up a single domestic shipping rate table to provide pricing and service time
details for orders delivered in-country. For example, you can create a rate table to specify shipping
costs to areas in the continental United States, Hawaii/Alaska, United States protectorates (Puerto
Rico, Guam), and to Army Post Office (APO) and Fleet Post Office (FPO) addresses in the United
You can use Exclude Shipping Locations on your My eBay page to block bidders and buyers in areas
to which you do not ship.We automatically apply the exclusions you define to all your listings.To apply
different exclusions to individual listings, see ExcludeShipToLocation.
When you set up a shipping rate table, you can specify a rate for each region and service level you
want to support.You can opt to specify shipping rates per item, per weight, or by surcharge. Only one
of these rate types can be implemented at a time. An example of each type is shown below. For a
shipping rate table to be valid, it must contain at least one value.
Note: When you update a shipping rate table, we automatically apply the new rates to your new
listings only (we do not automatically update existing listings).
To create a per item shipping rate table, see the example below:
One-DayExpeditedStandardEconomyDomestic Region
1 day3-5 days7-9 days11-15 days
Specifying payments, shipping, and returns46
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
$20.00$10.00$7.50$5.00US Mainland
--$12.00-US Protectorates
Military MailMilitary MailMilitary MailMilitary MailAPO, FPO
To create a shipping rate table based on weight, see the example below:
One-DayExpeditedStandardEconomyDomestic Region
1 day3-5 days7-9 days11-15 days
$20.00$10.00$7.50$5.00US Mainland
+ $2.00/lb+ $0.50/lb--
+ $1.00/lb+ $0.75/lb+ $0.50/lb+ $0.50/lb
--$12.00$10.00US Protectorates
--+ $0.50/lb+ $0.50/lb
Military MailMilitary MailMilitary MailMilitary MailAPO, FPO
--+ $0.60/lb-
To add a surcharge to a shipping rate table, see the example below. Surcharges can be applied only
when you have also specified a Flat rate for the class of service on the item.
One-DayExpeditedStandardEconomyDomestic Region
1 day3-5 days7-9 days11-15 days
+ $1.25+ $0.75--US Mainland
+ $1.50+ $1.00--Hawaii/Alaska
+ $1.50+ $1.00+ $0.50/lb+ $0.50/lbUS Protectorates
Military MailMilitary MailMilitary MailMilitary MailAPO, FPO
+ $1.50/lb+ $1.00/lb+ $0.50/lb+ $0.50/lb
To create a domestic shipping rate table:
1. Log in to eBay and go to My eBay > Account > Site Preferences.
2. Next to Shipping Preferences, click Show.
3. Next to Use Shipping Rate Tables, click Edit.
4. On the Shipping Rate Tables page, select the type of rate table you want to create Item, Weight,
or Surcharge from the Set Domestic Shipping Rates drop-down list.
5. Into the Domestic Rate Tables form, enter your shipping specifics.
For guidance, see the three examples presented above.The domestic shipping rate table must
contain at least one value. If not, we will report an error when you upload the template to File
47Specifying payments, shipping, and returns
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
6. Save the template.
7. To upload values specified in the shipping rate table to File Exchange, see Applying a shipping
rate table to listings.
Applying a shipping rate table to listings
Using File Exchange, you can apply the rates contained in your shipping rate table to your listings in
eBay.To do so, you enter the following values into the fields entitled DomesticRateTable and
FlatDefaultCanon Digital Rebel SLR 14MP63850Add
FlatDefaultApple iPhone 3g 32MB White9355Add
To apply your domestic shipping rate table to listings:
1. Download a File Exchange template.
2. For each item to which you want to apply a rate contained in the shipping rate table, find the field
entitled DomesticRateTable and enter Default. Next, insert a new column entitled
ShippingType and enter the value Flat, as shown in the table above.
3. Save the template.
Once uploaded to File Exchange, your listings automatically include the shipping rates and service
times defined in the shipping rate table you created above in Creating a domestic shipping rate
Tracking your shipments
You can track your shipped items according to shipping carrier and tracking number.
File Exchange cannot be used to enter multiple tracking numbers. Therefore, when a single sale
consists of several separately shipped items, track each item separately.
To add tracking information:
1. Open a blank template file or a working listing file. For details about working with revision files, see
Using revision files.
2. In the existing Action field for each item you want to track, enter Status.
3. Insert the following four new columns (for details, see Adding a new field to a default template):
ItemID The unique identifier of the item you want to track (find this value in the Upload Response
ShippingStatus 1 (shipped)
ShipmentTrackingNumber The tracking number from the carrier's invoice
ShippingCarrierUsed The name of the carrier (not the value provided for
4. Enter the following values in the new fields:
If you've opted in to our Global Shipping Platform, enter GlobalShipping_MultiCarrier under
Specifying payments, shipping, and returns48
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
You must provide values for ShipmentTrackingNumber and ShippingCarrierUsed (you cannot
provide a value for one and not the other).
You are responsible for the accuracy of the value you enter for ShippingTrackingNumber.We
verify that the tracking number is unique across all your orders and is consistent with the numbering
scheme used by the carrier you provide. For example:
USPSEA 465 231 786 US125089602602Status
UPS1Z 946 539 99 6419 349 41170684767112Status
5. Delete all other fields in the template.
6. Save the file and upload it to eBay.
49Specifying payments, shipping, and returns
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
Uploading and downloading files
Upload a template file
Template files are validated when uploaded as follows:
A basic format check is performed when files are uploaded. For example, if you use a format other
than .csv, or tab-delimited .txt in some regions, the upload will fail. Also, if the Action field is not
present in the first column, or the required fields are not present and properly formatted, the upload
will fail.
If you create your File Exchange CSV files on a Unix system (such as Linux), you must convert the
files from Unix format to DOS format before you upload them to eBay. To do so, run the unix2dos
utility against the files to properly encode line breaks. For example, run unix2dos linuxfilename.csv.
Doing so converts the Unix instruction for a new line (\n) to an instruction recognized by Windows
(\r\n). Be sure to upload the converted Windows-compatible version of the files.
Files can only have up to150,000 rows and cannot be over 5 MB in size
After uploading files, always check the upload results report to verify that no errors occurred. eBay
sends you an email confirmation noting its success or failure. (If the upload fails, the email you receive
will describe any errors.)
Follow these steps to upload your template file:
1. Under File Location, click Browse and locate the new template .csv file that you previously created.
When you have found and selected the file, click Open to place it in the File Location field.
2. Click Upload to send your template file to eBay.
View upload results
The View Upload Results page shows the status of uploaded files, along with this information:
Date you uploaded the file
Number of requested actions in the file
Percentage of actions completed
Links to the uploaded file(s)
Upload status, which includes: File Received-In Queue, In Progress, Completed, Failed - Invalid File
The View Upload Results page also allows you to download any file that has been previously uploaded.
For example, if you want to create a similar file from one that uploaded successfully, simply download
that file and rename it when you save it.You can also download your upload results report from this
page once processing has completed.
Use the View Last drop-down menu to see your upload results sorted by time frames (24 hrs, last 7
days, 30 days or 90 days).
Uploading and downloading files50
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
Figure 2:View Upload Results page
Click on a Download link under Load Results Report to open a results file.
Load results report details
The Load Results report contains processing data about each listing in your upload file. An example
file is shown below.
51Uploading and downloading files
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
Updating your listings
Use this section to revise existing listings. For example, you can change the price, update the available
quantity, or modify the description.
Using revision files
This section explains how to simplify the revision process by downloading and then updating listing
To simplify the revision process, you can download files that contain existing listing information, which
you can then update with only minimal changes before uploading those changes to eBay. File Exchange
allows up to 5,000 uploaded listings per day. To upload as many as 10,000 listings per day, contact
Customer Support.
For information about adding product identifiers to your active listings, see Adding product identifiers
to Active listings.
On the Create a Download Request page, you can download these types of revision files:
Revise price and quantity: Use to update the SiteID, Currency, StartPrice, BuyItNowPrice, and
Quantity fields in Active listings. For listings with variations, the price and quantity fields can be
updated for each variation.
For more information, refer to Revising price and quantity for variations in Active Listings.
Revise payment status: Use to update the PaymentStatus field in Sold listings.
Revise shipping status: Use to update the ShippingStatus, ShippingCarrierUsed, and
ShipmentTrackingNumber fields in Sold listings.
Revise product identifiers: Use to update the UPC/EAN/ISBN/Brand/MPN fields in Active listings.
In addition to the fields you use to update your listings, the revision files provide the Action and ItemID
fields and values.These field values need not be changed.
You perform the same steps to download the Active Listings and Sold Listings revision files; the type
of revision file you use determines which fields are contained in the downloaded file.
To download a revision file:
1. Using a web browser, go to the Create a Download Request page.
2. Select Active Listings or Sold Listings from the Listing and Records drop-down menu.
3. Select File Exchange for the Download format, and then select the desired type of revision file
from the drop-down menu (such as Revise Price and Quantity or Add Unique Identifiers
4. Under Date Range, select All Records to download all Active or Sold listings, or use another option
to refine the range of dates you want to include.
5. Verify your eBay account email address.
6. Click Save. Be sure to make a note of the download request reference number on the Create a
Download Request: Success page.This number identifies the revision file you just requested.
7. In the navigation bar, click Completed Downloads.The View Completed Downloads page provides
a link to download the revision files. After your request has been processed, you'll see the reference
number on this page. Click the adjacent Download link.
Updating your listings52
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
8. When prompted, open the file. When the file is opened in a spreadsheet application, save it on
your computer.
9. If you are using Microsoft Excel, to display the ItemID listing numbers select the ItemID column,
click the right-mouse button, and then select Format Cells. In the Format Cells window under
Category, select Number, set Decimal Places to 0, and then click OK.
10. To revise field values, update the fields you want to change, such as Title or Quantity.When you
are finished, save the file in CSV form and then close the file.
11. Using a web browser, go to the Upload Listings & Updates page and click the Browse button next
to File Location to select the file you saved in step 10 above.
12. Click Upload.
To verify that your changes were uploaded, click View Upload Results in the navigation bar.
Revising price and quantity for variations in Active Listings
This section describes how to use the File Exchange Price and Quantity revision file to update variations.
The Price and Quantity revision file still supports updating price and quantity in individual listings, but
can now also be used for variations.
This procedure explains how to revise the price and quantity in active listings that contain variations.
1. To download your active listings, see the download procedure in Using revision files.
2. In the downloaded Active Listings file, right-click the ItemID column and select Format Cells >
Number. Change the Decimal Places value to 0, and then click OK.
3. Revise the values in the price and quantity fields in the row corresponding to the variation. The
Variation is identified by RelationshipDetails (and CustomLabel field if present). For example, revise
the price and quantity values in the bottom three rows.
4. When you are finished, save the file in CSV format with a file name you can easily identify.
5. To upload the file, go to the Upload Listings & Updates page and click the Browse button next to
File Location to select the file you modified.
Adding product identifiers to Active listings
This section describes how to use File Exchange to add unique product identifiers to your eBay listings.
Its purpose is to help you revise your active listings so that your products on eBay can be more easily
found when buyers perform product searches.
All manufactured goods require a product identifier. This procedure explains how to add product
identifiers to your active listings.
1. To download your active listings, see the download procedure in Using revision files.
53Updating your listings
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
2. In the downloaded Active Listings file, right-click the ItemID column and select Format Cells >
Number. Change the Decimal Places value to 0, and then click OK.
3. If you know the eBay Product ID (ePID) for an item, enter this ID in the Product:EPID field first.
This alleviates the need to use the other product identifiers. If not, start with the Product:UPC
column, and enter the universal product code (UPC) for that item. If the item does not have a UPC,
then enter the ISBN or EAN next. For items that do not have these types of product identifiers,
enter the brand name and manufacturer part number (MPN).
4. When you are finished adding product identifiers for each item, save the file in CSV format with a
file name you can easily identify.
5. To upload the file, go to the Upload Listings & Updates page and click the Browse button next to
File Location to select the file you modified.
If the response file returns an error stating there are multiple UPC, EAN, or ISBN product identifiers
for your item (due to different versions, formats, or editions), perform a search for the item on eBay,
locate the ePID, and then enter it in the Product:EPID field. This will resolve the error.
Tip: Refer to Using product identifiers for more information about each field.
Updating your listings54
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
Generating reports
This section explains how to download inventory, sales, and recommendations reports generated by
completing a download request, and then explains how to create download schedules.
Create a download request
The Create a Download Request page enables you to generate inventory and sales reports by choosing
one of these filters on the Listing and Records menu:
Sold items
Unsold items
Sold and archived items
Items awaiting payment
Items paid and awaiting shipment
Items paid and shipped
Archived items
All Sold and Archived
The Recommendations report evaluates all of your Active listings.
Download an Active listings report
This section explains how to generate a report that shows all of your active listings.
There are several types of status-oriented reports, all of which can be downloaded using this procedure.
In this example, you will generate an inventory snapshot report following these steps:
1. Select Active Listings from the Listing and Records drop-down menu.
2. Type in the email address(es) you want the file sent to (it defaults to your registered email).
3. Click Save.
4. In the navigation bar, click Completed Downloads.The View Completed Downloads page provides
links to download the report(s) you just created.
The Active listings report, in .csv format, provides you a view of all your listings still selling on eBay.
(After a listing ends, it moves to the Sold or Unsold listings.) This file is in default list order by end date,
and with all Good Til Cancel Items listed at the end.
You can import this file into your inventory system and use the data in it to reconcile and manage your
inventory. An example file is shown below.
55Generating reports
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
Figure 3: Active listings report
For Active listings field descriptions, see Result and report fields.
Download a Recommendations report
This section explains how to generate a report that provides instructions for improving pictures in your
listings that do not meet the count, resolution, and quality standards.
There are several types of status-oriented reports, all of which can be downloaded using this procedure.
In this example, you will generate a Recommendations report following these steps:
1. Select Recommendations from the Listing and Records drop-down menu.
2. Click Save.
3. In the navigation bar, click Completed Downloads.The View Completed Downloads page provides
links to download the report(s) you just created.
The Recommendations report, in .csv format, provides you a view of all your Active listings that need
picture improvements. For field definitions, refer to Recommendations report.
An example file is shown below.
Figure 4: Recommendations report
Download a Sold items report
This section explains how to generate a report that shows your current sales.
There are several types of sales-oriented reports, all of which can be downloaded using this procedure.
In this example, you will generate a Sold items report.
1. Select Sold from the Listing and Records drop-down menu.
Generating reports56
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
2. Type in the email address(es) you want the file sent to (it defaults to your registered email).
3. Click Save.
4. In the navigation bar, click Completed Downloads.The View Completed Downloads page provides
links to download the report(s) you just created.
The report you download provides a summary of the profits generated by each of your sold listings.
The data displayed is calculated based on stored product information, eBay fees, and the total revenue
generated by the sold listing.
The report contains the following:
Buyer information
Payment information
Shipping information
Sales information
Cost information
Listing information
Feedback information
Note: For report field definitions, refer to Sold Listings report fields.
The figure below is a sample Sold Items report (in .csv format). The generated report and its data
fields or column headers will differ depending on the filter you select.
Figure 5: Sold items report
Create a download schedule
The Download Schedule page enables you to specify which reports will be automatically sent to you
by choosing one of these filters on the Listing and Records menu:
Sold items
Items awaiting payment
Items paid and awaiting shipment
Items paid and awaiting shipment
Archived items
All Sold and Archived items
You can also use date ranges to control which data gets captured in a generated reports.
After selecting the options you want and entering your email address, click Save.
57Generating reports
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
View download schedule
Figure 6:View Download schedule
This page shows the currently scheduled downloads, and allows you to edit or delete download
Generating reports58
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
Site and template information
This section provides more in-depth information about site specifics, metadata, and field definitions in
the File Exchange templates.
eBay site-specific information
Explains which eBay sites support each type of template and the flat-file formats for each site.
Site-specific template information
Supported templates for each site
Not all eBay sites support every type of template; the table below shows the templates each eBay site
supports. If you try to list items using ISBN or UPCs on sites that do not support Catalog template
listings, you will receive an error.
Supported TemplateseBay Site
CatalogItem SpecificsBasic
XXXBelgium (Dutch)
XXXBelgium (French)
XXXCanada (English)
XXXCanada (French)
XXHong Kong
59Site and template information
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
Supported TemplateseBay Site
CatalogItem SpecificsBasic
XXXUnited Kingdom
XXXUnited States
Default template formats for each site
The table below explains the type of flat-file format used for template processing uploaded files at
each of the regional sites.
Flat-file Formats for Each Site
Flat-file formatSite
Semi-colon delimitedAT (Austria)
Comma-separatedAU (Australia)
Semi-colon delimitedBEFR (Belgium-French)
Semi-colon delimitedBENL (Belgium-Dutch
Comma-separatedCA (Canada-English)
Comma-separatedCAFR (Canada-French)
Semi-colon delimitedCH (Switzerland)
Semi-colon delimitedDE (Germany)
Semi-colon delimitedES (Spain)
Semi-colon delimitedFR (France)
Comma-separatedHK (Hong Kong)
Comma-separatedIE (Ireland)
Comma-separatedIN (India)
Semi-colon delimitedIT (Italy)
Comma-separatedMY (Malaysia)
Semi-colon delimitedNL (Netherlands)
Comma-separatedPH (Philippines)
Semi-colon delimitedPL (Poland)
Comma-separatedSG (Singapore)
Comma-separatedUK (United Kingdom)
Comma-separatedUS (United States)
Site and template information60
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
Default template metadata information
Defines these metadata values used in the Action field header: SiteID, Currency, Country, and API
Metadata values
The SiteID represents the site where you want to list your items. The default SiteID is taken from the
site where you downloaded your template. For example, if you want to list on the German site, make
sure that SiteID=Germany.Valid values are provided in the table below.
SiteID ValuesSite
Belgium_DutchBelgium (Dutch)
Belgium_FrenchBelgium (French)
CanadaCanada (English)
CanadaFrenchCanada (French)
eBayMotorseBay Motors
HongKongHong Kong
UKUnited Kingdom
USUnited States
61Site and template information
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
The currency represents the monetary system in which you want to list your items.The default currency
value provided is taken from the site where you downloaded your template.
For example, templates downloaded from the United States will have SiteID=US and Currency=USD.
Valid values are provided in the table below.
Currency ValueCurrency Type
USDUS Dollar
CADCanadian Dollar
GBPUK Pound Sterling
AUDAustralian Dollar
HKDHong Kong Dollar
MYRMalaysia Ringget
PHPPhilippine Peso
PLNPolish Zloty
CHFSwiss Franc
INRIndian Rupee
API compatibility level
This refers to the eBay API (Application Program Interface); for example, Version=745.This metadata
is related to internal eBay system details.
Caution: Do not alter these values.
Region names and country codes
This section explains the region names and country codes you can use in the File Exchange templates
to define a location.These values differ from the metadata values used in the Action header to specify
country and SiteID.
Values for international location fields
Region names and some country codes can be used for the IntlShippingService-n:Locations field
value. Because they are case-sensitive, region names and country codes must be entered exactly as
they appear in the tables below.
The values available depend on the eBay site you use.The table below lists which sites support which
region names.The sites are listed according to country code.
Site and template information62
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
Region NameseBay Sites
AU, Americas, Asia, CA, DE, Europe, EuropeanUnion, GB, JP, None, US, WorldwideAT
Americas, Asia, CA, DE, Europe, GB, HK, JP, NZ, None, US, WorldwideAU
Americas, Asia, CA, DE, Europe, EuropeanUnion, FR, GB, JP, NL, None, US, WorldwideBEFR
Americas, Asia, CA, DE, Europe, EuropeanUnion, FR, GB, JP, None, US, WorldwideBENL
AU, Americas, Asia, DE, Europe, FR, GB, JP, MX, None, TW, US, WorldwideCA
AT, AU, Americas, Asia, CA, DE, Europe, GB, JP, None, US, WorldwideCH
AU, Americas, Asia, CA, DE, Europe, FR, GB, IT, JP, None, US, WorldwideCN
AU, Americas, Asia, CA, DE, Europe, FR, GB, JP, MX, None, WorldwideCZ
AT, AU, Americas, Asia, CA, CH, Europe, EuropeanUnion, JP, None, US, WorldwideDE
AU, Americas, Asia, CA, DE, Europe, GB, JP, MX, None, WorldwideDK
Americas, Asia, CA, DE, Europe, EuropeanUnion, FR, GB, None, US, WorldwideES
AU, Americas, Asia, CA, DE, Europe, GB, JP, MX, None, WorldwideFI
AU, Americas, Asia, BE, CA, DE, Europe, EuropeanUnion, GB, JP, None, US, WorldwideFR
AU, Americas, Asia, CA, DE, Europe, EuropeanUnion, FR, IE, JP, None, US, WorldwideGB
AU, Americas, Asia, CA, DE, Europe, GB, JP, MX, None, WorldwideGR
Greater China, JP, None, WorldwideHK
AU, Americas, Asia, CA, DE, Europe, GB, JP, MX, None, WorldwideHU
AU, Americas, Asia, CA, DE, Europe, GB, JP, MX, None, WorldwideID
AU, Americas, Asia, CA, Europe, EuropeanUnion, GB, JP, None, US, WorldwideIE
AU, Americas, Asia, CA, DE, Europe, GB, JP, MX, None, WorldwideIL
AU, Americas, Asia, CA, DE, Europe, GB, JP, None, US, WorldwideIN
AU, Americas, Asia, CA, DE, Europe, EuropeanUnion, FR, GB, JP, None, US, WorldwideIT
AU, Americas, Asia, CA, DE, Europe, GB, JP, None, WorldwideJP
Americas, Asia, BE, CA, DE, Europe, EuropeanUnion, GB, JP, None, US, WorldwideNL
AU, Americas, Asia, CA, DE, Europe, GB, JP, MX, None, WorldwideNO
AU, Americas, Asia, CA, DE, Europe, GB, JP, MX, None, WorldwideNZ
AU, Americas, Asia, DE, Europe, GB, JP, MX, None, TW, US, WorldwidePE
AU, Americas, Asia, CA, DE, Europe, GB, JP, MX, None, WorldwidePL
AU, Americas, Asia, CA, DE, Europe, GB, JP, MX, None, WorldwidePT
AU, Americas, Asia, CA, DE, Europe, GB, JP, MX, None, WorldwideRU
AU, Americas, Asia, CA, DE, Europe, GB, JP, MX, None, WorldwideSE
63Site and template information
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
Region NameseBay Sites
AU, Americas, Asia, CA, DE, Europe, GB, JP, MX, None, WorldwideTH
AU, Americas, Asia, DE, Europe, GB, HK, MX, None, US, WorldwideTW
AU, Americas, Asia, CA, DE, Europe, GB, JP, MX, None, WorldwideUS
AU, Americas, Asia, CA, DE, Europe, GB, JP, MX, None, WorldwideVN
AU, Americas, Asia, CA, DE, Europe, GB, JP, MX, None, WorldwideZA
Country codes
Country codes must be entered exactly as shown in the table below.
NONorwayGRGreeceASAmerican Samoa
PAPanamaGUGuamAGAntigua and Barbuda
PGPapua New GuineaGTGuatemalaUSAPO/FPO
PRPuerto RicoHNHondurasAZAzerbaijan Republic
QAQatarHKHong KongBSBahamas
RER ionHUHungaryBHBahrain
RURussian FederationINIndiaBBBarbados
SHSaint HelenaIRIranBEBelgium
QQSaint Kitts-NevisIQIraqBZBelize
LCSaint LuciaIEIrelandBJBenin
Site and template information64
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
PMSaint Pierre and MiquelonILIsraelBMBermuda
VCSaint Vincent and the
SMSan MarinoJMJamaicaBOBolivia
SASaudi ArabiaSJJan MayenBABosnia and Herzegovina
SCSeychellesJOJordanVGBritish Virgin Islands
SLSierra LeoneKZKazakhstanBNBrunei Darussalam
SKSlovakiaKIKiribatiBFBurkina Faso
SISloveniaKPKorea, NorthAFBurma
SBSolomon IslandsKRKorea, SouthBIBurundi
ZASouth AfricaKGKyrgyzstanCMCameroon
LKSri LankaLVLatviaCVCape Verde Islands
SDSudanLBLebanon, SouthKYCayman Islands
SRSurinameLSLesothoCFCentral African Republic
PFTahitiMOMacauZRCongo, Democratic Republic
of the
TWTaiwanMKMacedoniaCGCongo, Republic of the
TJTajikistanMGMadagascarCKCook Islands
TZTanzaniaMWMalawiCRCosta Rica
THThailandMYMalaysiaCICote d Ivoire (Ivory Coast)
TGTogoMVMaldivesHRCroatia, Democratic Republic
of the
TTTrinidad and TobagoMTMaltaCYCyprus
TNTunisiaMHMarshall IslandsCZCzech Republic
65Site and template information
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
TCTurks and Caicos IslandsMUMauritiusDMDominica
UGUgandaYTMayotteDODominican Republic
AFUnited Arab EmiratesMIMicronesiaEGEgypt
UKUnited KingdomQQMoldovaSVEl Salvador
USUnited StatesMCMonacoGQEquatorial Guinea
VAVatican City StateMAMoroccoFKFalkland Islands (Islas
VIVirgin Islands (U.S.)NRNauruFRFrance
WFWallis and FutunaNPNepalGFFrench Guiana
EHWestern SaharaNLNetherlandsPFFrench Polynesia
WSWestern SamoaANNetherlands AntillesTFFrench Southern Territories
YEYemenNCNew CaledoniaGAGabon
YUYugoslaviaNZNew ZealandGMGambia
Site and template information66
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
Using advanced functions
This section provides expert-level information about using the File Exchange templates.
Using programmatic instructions
This section explains how to first acquire an eBay security token, and then programmatically upload
and download listing files to eBay using File Exchange.
Requesting an eBay token
As a non-Web authenticated user, you must use a token to upload data to File Exchange.To acquire
a token, go to the Grant Application Access - File Exchange page. After you sign in, click I Agree.
Under Your Token, copy the token and paste it into a separate file to be saved on a local disk in a
secure location (preferably behind a firewall). Do not share your token with anyone! When you post
your inventory data file, you will include the token.
The security token serves as a key for entry to File Exchange and is valid for one year, after which
you must request another one.
Uploading files programmatically
Caution: Advanced users only! Only experienced users can use this method to upload data to
File Exchange.
To upload your file programmatically, send an HTTP Post request to the File Exchange server to
accept the request:
1. Download and complete the appropriate File Exchange template.
2. Initiate an HTTPS connection and then post your data file with your token to the File Exchange
Tip: See Sample HTTP Post Request.
To indicate your data is processed, eBay sends an email message that includes the URL at which to
access the Load Results report.
To download the results, see Downloading files programmatically below.
Downloading files programmatically
Caution: Advanced users only! Only experienced users should use this method to download
data to the File Exchange website.
67Using advanced functions
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
To download your file programmatically, you must send an HTTP Get request to the eBay File Exchange
server to accept the request contents:
1. Download and complete the appropriate eBay File Exchange template.
2. Initiate an HTTPS connection and then post your data file with your token to the File Exchange
Note: See Sample HTTP Post Request below.
After eBay has processed your data file, you will receive an email that includes a URL to access your
Load Results Report.You can also get your download results file by posting the following parameters:
Sample HTTP Post Request
POST /path/to/upload/script HTTP/1.0
Connection: Keep-Alive
User-Agent: My Client App v1.0
Content-type: multipart/form-data;
Content-Length: 256
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="token"
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file";
Content-Type: text/csv
... contents of listings.csv ...
HTTP Post Request Components
The HTTP Post request must include the following components. In the first line, the method to be
applied to the resource, the identifier of the resource, and the protocol version in use:
POST /path/to/upload/script HTTP/1.0
The connection, user-agent and host information is next:
Connection: Keep-Alive
User-Agent: My Client App v1.0
Using advanced functions68
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
Header containing file content and length information:
Content-type: multipart/form-data; boundary=THIS_STRING_SEPARATES
Content-Length: 256
Contents, which includes your security token and then the actual file contents you want to upload:
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="token"
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; filename="listings.csv"
Content-Type: text/csv
... contents of listings.csv ...
Using metadata information
This section explains how to use and modify the metadata in the Action field header of the default
Metadata cell information
Also known as data about data, metadata is the information that is encoded in, and describes the
aspects of, the listing template. For example, SiteID and Country metadata in the templates differ
according to the eBay site you use.
Metadata also provides a means to control each header's values. eBay File Exchange supplies the
metadata in the first row of the first column of each template, which is the Action field header. Metadata
API Compatibility Level
The metadata cell should begin with the word Action and the contents should follow within parentheses
in ASCII. Each piece of metadata should be separated by a pipe character | to isolate it from the
Action tag.
For example, the first cell of an eBay File Exchange template file contains the metadata in the example
shown below:
Overriding metadata values
69Using advanced functions
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
Changing metadata values can cause upload errors; do not override the metadata values in your
template files unless are an experienced user. If you change any values, do not add spaces between
the data.You can alter data in several ways:
Manually edit the SiteID, Country and Currency values.
Add a SiteID, Country or Currency field (column) to your file templates, which then overrides the
values in the metadata cell.
Enter a data field and the corresponding value you want to set for it in your file. For example, if you
want every item in your file to have a StartPrice of $1.99, you can enter StartPrice=1.99 in the metadata
cell, and this value will be used for every item in your file.The metadata would look like this:
Using advanced functions70
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
Template field definitions
This section explains the field requirements and purpose by specifying character limits, data types,
and field relationships.
Design and display fields
This section describes the fields you can use to tell us how to design your listing and the content they
For more information about adding these fields to your templates, see Enter data in the template fields.
Required field in all templates. Determines the purpose of the row: add item, relist item, revise item,
end listing, mark an item's status, verify an added item, and add item description information.
N/ACharacter limit
Text stringType
Valid Entry
Must enter all required field data for a particular type of action.Field Dependency
Do you want to see your listing in boldface type? This field applies bold face type to the title of your
listing. Additional fees apply.
N/ACharacter limit
0 or 1 (0=false, 1=true) Default is 0.
Valid Entry
Do you want potential buyers to have PayPal accounts? Use this field to specify that only those buyers
with PayPal accounts can bid on your listing.
N/ACharacter limit
71Template field definitions
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
0 or 1 (0=false, 1=true) The default value is 0 (false).
Valid Entry
If you are selling expensive items, do you want to limit the number of items on which any one buyer
can bid? This field lets you specify the number of items on which any one buyer can bid.
This field is ignored unless a value for BuyerRequirements:MaxItemMinFeedback is also provided.
BuyerRequirements:MaximumItemCount and BuyerRequirements:MaxItemMinFeedback must be
used together.
N/ACharacter limit
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 25, 50, 75, or 100.The
default value is 10.
Valid Entry
Use this field with BuyerRequirements:MaxItemMinFeedback.Field Dependency
If you are selling expensive items and have blocked buyers from bidding on more than a set number
of items in a 10 day period (with BuyerRequirements:MaximumItemCount), do you also want to require
those buyers to have a minimum feedback score? If so, this field lets you specify that minimum feedback
N/ACharacter limit
5, 4, 3, 2, 1 or 0.The default value is 5.
Valid Entry
Use this field with BuyerRequirements:MaximumItemCount.
Field Dependency
Do you want to exclude buyers once they reach a threshold of unpaid Items? This field lets you specify
the number of unpaid Items a buyer can incur in a set period of time (set with
BuyerRequirements:MaxUnpaidItemsPeriod) before they are prevented from bidding. For example, 4
(four) items.
N/ACharacter limit
2, 3, 4 or 5.The default value is 2.
Valid Entry
Template field definitions72
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
Use this field with BuyerRequirements:MaxViolationPeriod.
Field Dependency
Do you want to exclude potential buyers when they reach a threshold of unpaid Items in a finite period
of time? This field lets you specify the length of time during which a buyer can incur a specific number
of unpaid Items before being prevented from bidding on your item.
N/ACharacter limit
Days_30, Days_180, or Days_360.The default value is Days_180.
Valid Entry
Use this field with BuyerRequirements:MaxUnpaidItemsCount.
Field Dependency
Do you want to exclude buyers once they receive a specific number of violation reports? This field lets
you specify the number of violation reports a buyer can incur within a set period of time (set with
BuyerRequirements:MaxViolationPeriod) before being prevented from bidding. For example, 7 (seven).
N/ACharacter limit
4, 5, 6 or 7.The default value is 4 (violations).
Valid Entry
Use this field with BuyerRequirements:MaxViolationPeriod.
Field Dependency
Do you want to exclude buyers who receive a specific number of violation reports in a defined period
of time? This field lets you specify the length of time during which a buyer can incur a specific number
of violation reports (set with BuyerRequirements:MaxViolationCount) before being prevented from
bidding. For example, 6 (months).
N/ACharacter limit
1 or 6.The default value is 1 (month).
Valid Entry
Use this field with BuyerRequirements:MaxViolationCount.
Field Dependency
73Template field definitions
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
Do you want to block buyers with a minimum feedback score? This field lets you explicitly set a minimum
feedback score that a buyer must meet before they can bid on your listing.
N/ACharacter limit
-1, -2, or -3
Valid Entry
Do you want to exclude buyers whose primary shipping address falls outside your shipping area? Use
this field to exclude buyers whose primary address lies outside your shipping area.
N/ACharacter limit
0 or 1 (0=false, 1=true) The default value is 0 (false).
Valid Entry
Unique identifier (eBay User ID) denoting the user you want to leave feedback for.
N/ACharacter limit
Text stringType
eBay User IDValid Entry
Numeric ID of the Category where the item is to be listed.To get category IDs, download the Category
IDs file. After you open the file, if you sort the lines in a column, be certain to sort the whole table, not
just the one column.
For eBay Motors Category IDs, click here.
Max length 10Character limit
Category number, like 1245 ( for Printers).
Valid Entry
Template field definitions74
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
Numeric ID of an additional Category where the item is to be listed. To get category IDs, download
the Category IDs file. After you open the file, if you sort the lines in a column, be certain to sort the
whole table, not just the one column.
For eBay Motors Category IDs, click here.
Max length 10Character limit
Category ID number, like 1245 (for Printers).
Valid Entry
Must use a valid eBay category number.Field Dependency
Denotes the unique identification number assigned by eBay Giving Works to a registered charity.
To find the correct value to enter under CharityNumber, go to When you find the desired
charity, click View to display its details. Enter the value for Nonprofit ID under CharityNumber. We'll
use this number to make sure the charity you select receives your donation.
N/ACharacter limit
A number like 9051 or 22973
Valid Entry
You must also enter a value for DonationPercent.Field Dependency
Use this field to describe the condition of a used item.
This field can be used in conjunction with *Description, which should be used to provide non-condition
details about an item. For instructions about using this field, see Using the Condition fields.
1000 charactersCharacter limit
Descriptive text, such as:Valid Entry
"The right leg of the chair has a small scratch (see photo) and the back of the seat has
a light blue stain the shape and size of a silver dollar."
75Template field definitions
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
Describes the appearance and state of the product. Condition IDs are numeric, not textual, and vary
according to the respective category.To retrieve the Condition IDs in the Item Specifics Definition file,
generate an Item Specific template for a category.
N/ACharacter limit
Possible valid eBay ConditionID values include:Valid Entry
To obtain the ConditionID value for a specific category, generate an Item Specifics
template.The generated template will contain the new ConditionID field as well as the
ConditionID numbers. Literal values are defined in the Item Specifics Definitions file that
accompanies the generated template.
To view the ConditionIDs for all categories, go to File Exchange Instructions and
Resources and click theConditionIDs by Category.
Are you planning to ship this item internationally? Specifies Country in the metadata section of the
Action field.
N/ACharacter limit
Text stringType
A default value is already included in the template metadata and is related to the site
where you downloaded your template. For example, AU, AT, BE, CA, CN, FR, DE, IT,
IN, NL, ES, CH, and US. Entry must be a valid Country code.
Valid Entry
To instruct us to display your listing in the search results on another eBay site, use this field. For more
information, see Using the CrossBorderTrade field.
N/ACharacter limit
Text stringType
Template field definitions76
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
Valid Entry
In the United Kingdom and Ireland, enter NorthAmerica
In Canada and the United States, enter UK
This field is available for use in the United States, Canada, Ireland, and the United
Kingdom only.
C:<item specific name>
How does your item differ from other similar items? Describes the specific characteristics of a product
that are not offered in the standard item specifics, such as Style, Occasion, or Feature.The field name
must begin with C:. For example, the field name for Style should be: C:Style.
Important: If you revise this field, you must include all of the custom item specific fields for this
listing in the uploaded file, even if the information has not changed. Otherwise; any excluded
custom item specific will be removed from the listing.
Some clothing and accessory categories require certain item specifics to be included in a listing, such
MPN (manufacturer part number)
Size Type
Refer to the look-up table to view the item specifics required by each category.Visit our size chart and
handbag measurement guide for size mapping and measurement instructions.To see how these
changes will impact your existing listings and the way you list, refer to Review category and item
specifics changes.
N/ACharacter limit
Text stringType
Any term or phrase that correlates with the item specific name. For example, the
C:Style item specific would have values such as Casual, Business, and
Valid Entry
Your unique identifier for the item, like a stock-keeping unit (SKU) number.The buyer does not see
this information.
Max length 50Character limit
Alphanumeric stringType
Text or numeric string.Valid Entry
77Template field definitions
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
Identifies the field (or fields) to remove from a listing. Multiple fields can be deleted at a time.To do
so, use the pipe character (|) to separate the field names. For example, Category2|Subtitle.
Only those fields noted in the table below can be deleted.
N/ACharacter limit
Text stringType
Valid Entry
Application Data
Attributes (deletes all A: attributes)
ItemSpecifics (deletes all C: item specifics)
Product (deletes all product details)
Contains product information about the item. Include all relevant item and product specifications that
may be of interest to the buyer.
Note: You cannot use line breaks and carriage returns in this field. To insert multiple lines, use
the HTML <BR> and <P> tags to separate lines into paragraphs.
To provide information specific to the condition of an item, use ConditionDescription.
We provide a script to remove carriage returns, escape quotes, and to perform other necessary changes
to make the text in your Description field valid in File Exchange. To download the script as well as the
instructions for using it, see How to use the new File Exchange Item Description Utility.
Max length 32,765.The Excel templates only display the first 1,024 characters.To see
all the characters in a template, save the file in CSV format, and then open it in a text
Character limit
Template field definitions78
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
Text stringType
Content to accurately and completely describe the item.Valid Entry
This field is optional for catalog listings but is required for non-catalog listings.Field Dependency
Designates the percentage of the final sale price to donate to the qualified charity (for details, see
eBay Giving Works).When you designate that the proceeds from the sale of an item are to be donated
to charity, we display an eBay Giving Works icon next to the item as well as specific information about
the donation commitment and the benefitting charity.
The minimum donation is 10%, the maximum is 100%.
N/ACharacter limit
Enter the percent you want to donate, such as (but not limited to):Valid Entry
10 (for 10%)
25 (for 25%)
50 (for 50%)
100 (for 100%)
You must also enter a value for CharityNumber.Field Dependency
How long would you like your listing to be posted on eBay? Enter the amount of days you'd like the
listing to be active.
Max length 3Character limit
Only certain values are allowed, and the choice of values depends on the listing format.
Valid Auction and Fixed Price durations include: 1, 3, 5, 7, and 10 (days). If you are a
Valid Entry
qualified seller, you can also use (30) days, and GTC (for the Good Til Cancelled) for
You can also refer to the Durations Table on the eBay developer site. (You must have
an eBay developer account to access these English-language only pages.)
Required when using End in the Action field. Reason for ending a listing.
79Template field definitions
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
N/ACharacter limit
Text stringType
Valid Entry
Textual comment that explains, clarifies, or justifies the feedback rating. Still displayed if feedback is
Max length 80Character limit
Text stringType
Explanation of the feedback.Valid Entry
Rating of the feedback being left (Positive). Sellers cannot leave neutral or negative feedback for
Max length 80Character limit
Text stringType
Valid Entry
Specifies the date (up to 21 days in the future) by which an action must occur for a listing. For example,
if you want to Add a listing before a specific date, like for a sale item, File Exchange will process the
Add action up until the date and time specified in the FE:ListByDate field. After that date, File Exchange
will send a message stating "List by date has passed" and the item will not be listed.
N/ACharacter limit
YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. Hours are in 24-hour format (for example, 2:00:00pm
is shown as 14:00:00) and treated as GMT.
Valid Entry
Listing format for the item. For more information, see Selecting a selling format.
N/ACharacter limit
Template field definitions80
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
Text stringType
Valid Entry
Auction (default)
Specifies whether the item is included in the Gallery, either in the general Gallery or in the special
featured section above it.
N/ACharacter limit
Text stringType
Days_7, Lifetime
Valid Entry
Featured must be entered in the GalleryType field.
Field Dependency
Indicates how and where images are displayed. The options are:
Gallery: Image is included in the eBay search results.
Plus: In addition to the benefits of 'Gallery', includes an icon in the eBay search results that, when
clicked or moused over, displays a large 400 x 400 pixel preview image of the item. Otherwise, your
image is shown at the standard size of 96 pixels.
Featured: In addition to the benefits of 'Plus', your item is at the top of the search results in the
Featured section.
For more information, see About gallery upgrades.
N/ACharacter limit
Text stringType
Valid Entry
None (default)
Do you want to keep track of the number of visits received by each item. If you pass any value, this
feature is applied.
N/ACharacter limit
Text stringType
81Template field definitions
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
Valid Entry
HonestyStyle (US only)
GreenLED (US only)
When you upload a template, we automatically generate and assign a unique read-only ID to identify
each item (the value for ItemID cannot be changed or selected).
N/ACharacter limit
Contained in the Revision file or the Load Results report.Valid Entry
Required when revising, re-listing, and ending listings, and when checking status (by
entering Status in the Action field).
Field Dependency
Location of the item. Enter the State and Country information.
Max length 45Character limit
State and Country where the item is located (do not enter postal code).Valid Entry
If you use the PostalCode field, do not use the Location field.The location will be derived
from the postal code value.
Field Dependency
Do you want sell items together as a unit? Specifies that a single listing consists of two or more similar
items that must be purchased together.
N/ACharacter limit
Numeric amount, like 3, 25, and 100.
Valid Entry
If LotSize is greater than 1, then Quantity field indicates the number of lots being listed
and LotSize indicates the number of items in each lot.You can only use LotSize in
lot-enabled categories.
Field Dependency
Template field definitions82
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
When this field is set to true, the item is hidden from search when the quantity goes to 0 (zero), but
the listing is kept alive. This is useful for a seller who is waiting for additional stock of an item with the
same ItemID. Instead of ending the listing and then relisting it when the inventory drops to 0, you can
use this field to hide the listing.When you have the item available, you can upload a file Revise action
with a new quantity value to make the item available in search again. This only works for Fixed Price
listings that have a Good 'Til Cancelled (GTC) duration.
Important: Because an item is hidden the listing is still alive, the GTC automatic renewal will
continue every 30 days and the listing fees will be charged.This option is best suited for long
running items where inventory can be replaced in a short time.
Some factors to consider are:
OutOfStockControl is set at the item level. So you can set this field for existing listings using a Revise
upload, and can include it in Add uploads.
Once this field is set to true you cannot change it, nor do you need to. If you still have inventory,
the listing will be displayed in search results. When the quantity falls to zero, the listing will no longer
be displayed in search.To remove it, end the item, and relist it by setting the OutOfStockControl field
to false.
When OutOfStockControl is set to true, you can set the quantity of the item to zero. When
OutOfStockControl is set to false you cannot set the quantity to zero.
The OutOfStockControl field status only appears in the Active Download report, not the Revision file
download used to revise listings.
N/ACharacter limit
true or false Default is false.
Valid Entry
Specifies the type of image display used in a listing. Some options are only available if images are
hosted through eBay Picture Services (EPS). eBay determines this by parsing the associated PicURL
field value.The valid field entries are:
None: No special image display options. Valid only for US Motors listings.
PicturePack : Increases the number of images displayed. Only available for images hosted with
eBay. Picture Pack applies to all sites (including US Motors), except for NL (Site ID 146).You can
specify a minimum of one EPS picture, or no SuperSize-qualified EPS pictures in the request. For
the NL site, PicturePack is replaced with SuperSize.
SuperSize : Increase the size of each image and allow buyers to enlarge images further. Only
available for site-hosted (EPS) images. Not valid for US Motors listings. For all sites that do not
automatically upgrade SuperSize to PicturePack (see note below), specifying no SuperSize-qualified
images is now accepted.
Note: SuperSize is automatically upgraded to PicturePack for the same SuperSize fee for the
US eBay Motors Parts & Accessories category, and the US, CA, and CAFR sites.This upgrade
applies only to EPS images (including Picture Manager images).
83Template field definitions
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
N/ACharacter limit
Text stringType
None (default), PicturePack, SuperSize.
Valid Entry
URL of the picture to add to your listing. If a Gallery upgrade is specified (Plus or Featured), the image
will be used for the search preview image. For best results, use an image that is in JPEG format and
is at least 1000 pixels wide.
Pictures can be self-hosted, hosted by a third party, or hosted by eBay Picture Services (EPS).To
add up to 12 pictures, separate the URL with a pipe " | " character.
Pictures for a listing can either self-hosted, or hosted by a third party, but not both.
Important: If an image URL has blank spaces, you must replace the blank spaces with %20;
otherwise, the image will not appear in the listing.
Max length 2048Character limit
Text stringType|
Valid Entry
The mail area code where you are actually located, which may differ from the item's shipping location.
N/ACharacter limit
Text stringType
Valid postal code.Valid Entry
If the PostalCode field is used, the Location field should not be used because the location
of the item is derived from the postal code.
Field Dependency
Do you want to sell this item in a private auction? Specifies whether or not this item will be offered in
a private auction.
N/ACharacter limit
0 or 1 (0=false, 1=true) Default is 0.
Valid Entry
Template field definitions84
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
Quantity of the item available for sale. A quantity of more than one implies all the items are the exact
Max length 45Character limit
Standard numbers, like 1, 15, and 100.
Valid Entry
If LotSize is greater than 1, then theQuantity field indicates the number of lots being listed
and LotSize indicates the number of items in each lot.You can only use LotSize in
lot-enabled categories.
Field Dependency
This determines whether the Compatibility or Variation information (from the RelationshipDetails field)
is used in the listing. Use Compatibility to sell automotive parts for a variety of vehicles, like a type of
headlight that fits several different trucks.
N/ACharacter limit
Text stringType
Valid Entry
Must accompany the RelationshipDetails field.Field Dependency
Defines the name-value pairs used to describe compatibility information in a listing. For compatibilities,
use the pipe (|) character to separate multiple name-value pairs. For example, Compatibility values
appear as:
Defines the name-value pairs used to describe variation information in a listing. For example, Variation
values appear as:
The equal sign (=) couples the name with a value.
N/ACharacter limit
Text stringType
For Compatibility values, go to Motor Vehicle List (MVL) on the Download tab.Valid Entry
85Template field definitions
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
For Variation values, see the Item Specifics Definitions file that was created when you
generated an Item Specifics template for a specific category.
Must accompany the Relationship field.Field Dependency
Use this field to schedule a listing to start at a specific time in the future (listings cannot be started in
the past).
N/ACharacter limit
YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. Hours must be specified in 24-hour format (convert
2:00:00 PM to 14:00:00 GMT). For example:
2013-06-20 16:30:00
Valid Entry
Numeric ID of a custom category in your eBay Store.
Maximum length is 10 digitsCharacter limit
Numeric value Must be an integer between 1 and 10 digits, such as 5938 or
9346990. Invalid values (for example, 60040030111) are automatically reset to 1
(Other).Valid options include:
Valid Entry
0=Not an eBay Store item
2=Category A
3=Category B
4=Category Z
If you change the StoreCategory field value, include both StoreCategory and
StoreCategory2 fields in the template file you upload.
Field Dependency
Numeric ID of an additional custom category in your eBay Store (optional).
Maximum length is 10 digitsCharacter limit
Template field definitions86
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
Numeric value that must consist of an integer between 1 and 10 digits such as 5938
or 9346990. Invalid values (for example, 60040030111) are automatically reset to 1
(Other).Valid options include:
Valid Entry
0: Not an eBay Store item
1: Other
2: Category A
3: Category B
4: Category Z
If you change the StoreCategory field value, include both StoreCategory and
StoreCategory2 fields in the template file you upload.
Field Dependency
In addition to the primary field of Title, this secondary field appears in search results for an item.
Note: Additional fees apply for using this field.
Max length 55Character limit
Alphanumeric stringType
Keywords and item descriptorsValid Entry
Tip: To remove a subtitle when revising or relisting an item, open a new Excel or CSV file. Enter
a column header for Action and ItemID. Under Action, enter Revise (or Relist), and under
ItemID, enter the Item ID value for this listing (from the Load Response file). In the third column,
enter DeletedField=Item.Subtitle in the column header. Save in CSV format, and upload
the file.
Insert the ThemeID field when you want us to apply a design to the description of an item when we
list it.
A valid value such as:Valid Entry
NoneField Dependency
Primary name that appears in the search results for an item.This field is required for non-catalog
listings and optional for catalog listings.
87Template field definitions
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
Max length 80Character limit
Alphanumeric stringType
Keywords and item descriptors, such as product name and model, that buyers will use
when searching for an item.
Valid Entry
Packaging and handling fields
Explains the packaging, gift, and handling fields that determine how, when, and where the item is sent.
For more information about using these these fields, see Using package weight and dimension fields.
Use this field to specify the maximum number of business days you take to prepare an item for shipment
to a domestic buyer once you receive a cleared payment.The value you enter for *DispatchTimeMax
does not include the duration of time needed to actually ship the item (the carrier's transit time) to the
To specify:
zero-day handling, enter 0 (zero)
that an item is not shipped (for example, an item that is picked up locally), enter -1
N/ACharacter limit
Valid Entry
*DispatchTimeMax is valid for Flat and Calculated shipping.You can enter a value for
*DispatchTimeMax even when you do not enter a value for shipping service costs.
Field Dependency
Template field definitions88
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
The best way to block bidders who reside (according to their eBay primary shipping address) in locations
to which you do not ship is to Exclude Shipping Locations on My eBay. We automatically apply the
settings to all your listings.
For individual listings, you can use ExcludeShipToLocation to override these default settings. For
example, though you normally exclude all bidders in North America, one of your items an O'Neill
Reactor wetsuit for use in cold water may appeal to buyers in Greenland and Saint Pierre and
N/ACharacter limit
Text stringType
Enter the desired value as provided in Region names and country codes for example,
BM or CA
Valid Entry
Alternatively, to disable all default settings and allow buyers from all locations to bid on
or buy your item, enter None
To use this field, you must set ShipToRegistrationCountry to 1
Field Dependency
You can use ExcludeShipToLocation to identify more than one location; be sure to insert a vertical
bar (|) to separate each excluded location. For example:
Alaska/Hawaii|CA |MX101100297
Note: Alaska/Hawaii is processed as one region; do not use a pipe character to separate the
Do you want the buyer to pay for extra shipping costs? Specifies Optional fees you want for shipping
the item internationally.
N/ACharacter limit
Numeric amount, like .99, 1.00, 10.00.
Valid Entry
The whole number portion of the package depth (top to bottom). For example, for a package depth of
10 inches or 10 centimetres, the value would be 10.
89Template field definitions
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
N/ACharacter limit
Whole number (in or cm)Valid Entry
Also provide values for PackageWidth and PackageLengthField Dependency
The whole number portion of the package length (from side to side). For example, for a package length
of 20 inches or 20 centimetres, the value would be 20.
N/ACharacter limit
Whole number (in or cm)Valid Entry
Also provide values for PackageWidth and PackageDepthField Dependency
Specifies the characteristics of the package to be shipped.
N/ACharacter limit
Text stringType
None, Letter, LargeEnvelope, PackageThickEnvelope,
USPSLargePack (works for all services), VeryLargePack ,
Valid Entry
The whole number portion of the package width (front to back). For example, for a package width of
12 inches or centimetres, enter 12.
N/ACharacter limit
Whole number (in or cm)Valid Entry
Also provide values for PackageDepth and PackageLengthField Dependency
An eBay-generated ID used to uniquely identify the transaction for a multiple item order.
N/ACharacter limit
Template field definitions90
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
Acquired from the Sold Listings report.Valid Entry
Using the OrderID number will place the tracking and paid status for the entire order. The table below
shows how the Sold Listings report shows the OrderID, which in this example, includes two items.
Transaction IDItem IDOrder IDUser IDSale Record Number
For a single item order, use TransactionID.
Are you planning to use Calculated shipping? Specifies the ZIP code from which the item will be
shipped.Valid on the United States site only.
N/ACharacter limit
Numeric stringType
Must contain five or nine digits for example 90210 or 90210-4141
Valid Entry
Must accompany ShippingType=CalculatedField Dependency
The tracking number associated with an item.To obtain the tracking number, see the invoice or order
form provided by the shipping carrier.
N/ACharacter limit
Text stringType
A valid tracking number, typically provided on the invoice issued by the shipping carrier.Valid Entry
To use this field, you must also provide a value for ShippingCarrierUsed.Field Dependency
Indicates the date and time at which an item was actually shipped.
If a template contains an empty instance of this field, we automatically enter the date and time at which
you uploaded the file. ShippedTime is displayed to both the buyer and the seller on their respective
My eBay pages.
You must enter the date and time in GMT ISO 8601 date and time format:
91Template field definitions
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
N/ACharacter limit
Valid Entry
Do not enter a date or time in the future.
Use only with the Status action.
Field Dependency
The carrier used to ship an item.
N/ACharacter limit
Text stringType
Enter a valid shipping carrier name. For example, if ShippingService-X:Option is
UPSNextDay , enter UPS (do not enter the value you entered for
Valid Entry
For non-specific ShippingService-X:Option values such as ShippingMethodOvernight,
enter Other.
If you opted in to our Global Shipping Program, enter GlobalShipping_MultiCarrier.
To use this field, you must also provide a value for ShipmentTrackingNumber.Field Dependency
Does shipping the item require special carrier services? Specifies whether the item requires special
handling because it cannot go through the stamping machine at the shipping service office.
N/ACharacter limit
0 or 1 (0=false, 1=true) Default is 0
Valid Entry
Use this field only with ShippingType=CalculatedField Dependency
Do you want to inform buyers when an item has been shipped? Specifies whether or not the item has
been shipped.
N/ACharacter limit
Template field definitions92
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
0 or 1 (0=not shipped, 1=shipped) Default is 0.
Valid Entry
The shipping types available for the item. Specifying Flat designates that Flat-rate shipping is available
for domestic shipping (and international if international shipping services are specified).
Important: When you revise this field even when you know the information has not changed
be sure to include specific field information for the listing in the uploaded file. For a list of fields
that must be included in a revised listing, see Revision-dependent fields.
To mix Flat and Calculated shipping options, use the FlatDomesticCalculatedInternational or
CalculatedDomesticFlatInternational values.
Note: is available for the United States eBay site only.
N/ACharacter limit
Text stringType
Valid Entry
Flat (default)
If you set this field to Flat or FreightFlat, you also must also provide field values
for ShippingService-X:Option.
Field Dependency
For FreightFlat, use Freight for ShippingService-X:Option
value. A shipping cost is not needed for FreightFlat.
If you set this field to Calculated, you also must also provide field value for:
Do not use these fields for Calculated:
If you set this field to FlatDomesticCalculatedInternational, you
also must also provide field value for:
93Template field definitions
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
Do not use this field for FlatDomesticCalculatedInternational:
If you set this field to CalculatedDomesticFlatInternational, you
also must also provide field value for:
Do not use these fields for CalculatedDomesticFlatInternational
What if a buyer wants to purchase your product but the international shipping service options do not
cover the buyer's geographical location? Use this field to offer buyers outside your standard delivery
area the ability to contact you for a shipping cost. Use this field to specify one or more ShipToLocations
This field differs from IntlShippingService-n:Locations, which you can use to define specific ship-to
locations for the respective international shipping service.
N/ACharacter limit
Text stringType
Valid Entry
To enter more than one value, enter the respective ISO two-character country codes.
Use the pipe (|) character to separate the codes. For example: AU|CA|US.
If you don't want to ship items internationally, enter only your country code. For example,
to specify that an item is only available within the United States, enter US in this field.
Use this field to block bidders who reside (according to their primary eBay shipping address) in locations
to which you do not ship.
Template field definitions94
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
N/ACharacter limit
1 the default value is 0 (false)
Valid Entry
This field is used with ExcludeShipToLocation only.When used, it must be set to 1 (true).
Field Dependency
An eBay-generated ID used to uniquely identify the transaction for a single item order.
N/ACharacter limit
Acquired from the Sold Listings report.Valid Entry
For a multiple item order, user OrderID.
Are you using calculated shipping? Specifies the whole number portion of the shipping weight. For
example, for a shipping weight of 3 lbs, 8 oz., enter 3.
N/ACharacter limit
Whole number such as 3, 75, and 100.
Valid Entry
Also provide a value for WeightMinorField Dependency
Sub-unit of shipping weight. If using imperial measures (lbs), this value should reflect ounces and, if
you use metric weight, this value should reflect the number of hundredths of kilograms. For example,
for a shipping weight of 3 lbs, 8 oz., the value would be 8.
N/ACharacter limit
Whole number, like 3 or 12.
Valid Entry
Also provide a value for WeightMajorField Dependency
Are you using imperial or metric weights to factor shipping costs? Specifies the unit of measure for
shipping weight, whether imperial (lb) or metric (kg).
95Template field definitions
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
N/ACharacter limit
Text stringType
lb or kg
Valid Entry
Payment and return fields
This section explains the payment, return policy, and other transaction fields used to specify how
buyers pay for and return items.
Note: If you opted in to Business policies on My eBay, you can skip the following content and
go to Using business policies to set up and select payment and return policies.
For more information about using these fields, see Using the payment fields.
Provides detailed explanation of your return policy.
Max 5000 charactersCharacter limit
Text stringType
User inputValid Entry
The *ReturnsAcceptedOption field is required when you use this field.Field Dependency
Do you accept American Express payments? Specifies whether or not American Express is accepted
as payment.
N/ACharacter limit
0 or 1 (0=false, 1=true) Default is 0.
Valid Entry
Do you allow a customer to pay for an item when they pick it up? Specifies whether Cash on Pickup
is an acceptable payment option.
N/ACharacter limit
0 or 1 (0=false, 1=true) Default is 0.
Valid Entry
Template field definitions96
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
Do you accept Discover payments? Specifies whether or not Discover is accepted as payment.
N/ACharacter limit
0 or 1 (0=false, 1=true) Default is 0.
Valid Entry
If added to your return policy, buyers who purchase items on or after November 1, 2014 have until
January 31, 2015 to return the item.The extended holiday returns period is defined by three dates:
The start date - November 1
The purchase cutoff date - December 31
The end date - January 31
N/ACharacter limit
1 = true, 0 = false
Valid Entry
To use this option, add it to your return business policy, or add a column to your listing template, and
use HolidayReturns as the column header name and 1 for the value.
Indicates that immediate payment is required from the buyer. This field is used to require that an item
be paid for before it is considered closed and purchased.This field is supported for Premier and
Business PayPal accounts only.
For more information, see Requiring immediate payment.
N/ACharacter limit
0 or 1 (0=false, 1=true) Default is 0.
Valid Entry
PayPalAccepted must be set to 1 (true).
Field Dependency
Do you let your buyers pay for items with credit cards you issue? Use this field to indicate that you
accept an integrated credit card as payment.
N/ACharacter limit
97Template field definitions
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
0 or 1 (0=false, 1=true) Default is 0.
Valid Entry
Do you accept money orders and cashier's checks as payment? This field specifies that you accept
money orders and cashier's checks as payment.
N/ACharacter limit
0 or 1 (0=false, 1=true) Default is 0.Valid Entry
Do you want to provide payment instructions to a buyer? Informs buyers of payment contingencies.
Max length 500 charactersCharacter limit
Alphanumeric stringType
Null (default); use short descriptive sentences.Valid Entry
To use a payment business policy in a listing, you must first opt in to Business policies with your eBay
account and then specify the payment options for each policy in your Site Preferences on My eBay.
For more information, see Business policies.
The PaymentProfileName field identifies the payment business policy to use in the listing. Since policy
names are case-sensitive, be sure to enter the policy name exactly as it appears in Site Preferences
on My eBay.
Maximum length of 50 charactersCharacter limit
Must be an existing and valid payment policy as defined in your Site Preferences on
My eBay. For example, CashOnly
Valid Entry
Do you specify payment methods in the Description field? Specifies whether or not acceptable payment
methods are stated in the Description field. If you do not set any other payment method, you must
specify PaymentSeeDescription=1.
N/ACharacter limit
Template field definitions98
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
0 or 1 (0=false, 1=true) Default is 0.
Valid Entry
Do you show buyers when a payment has been received? Specifies whether or not the item has been
paid for.
N/ACharacter limit
0 or 1 (0=false, 1=true) Default is 0.
Valid Entry
Do you allow buyers to use PayPal to pay for your items?
Although we do not require a specific payment method for each listing, you must set at least one
payment method to 1 (true). For more information, see Requiring immediate payment.
N/ACharacter limit
0 or 1 (0=false, 1=true) Default is 0.
Valid Entry
Use this field only for sites that support PayPal.Field Dependency
If you designate PayPal as a payment option on your Site Preferences on My eBay but
do not specify a value for PayPalAccepted, we automatically add PayPalAccepted as a
payment method and display a message to indicate this to you.
When PayPalAccepted is set to 1 (true), you must also provide an entry for
When you have a Premier or Business PayPal account, you can also require immediate
payment. For more information, see ImmediatePayRequired.
When you accept PayPal, you must also provide the email address associated with your PayPal
N/ACharacter limit
Text stringType
A valid email address such as [email protected]
Valid Entry
This field is required when PayPalAccepted is set to 1 (true).
Field Dependency
99Template field definitions
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
Do you allow the buyer to pay for and pick up an item in person?
N/ACharacter limit
0 or 1 (0=false, 1=true) Default is 0.
Valid entry
Do you allow the buyer to pay with a personal check? Specifies that you accept a personal check as
N/ACharacter limit
0 or 1 (0=false, 1=true) Default is 0.Valid Entry
Defines how the buyer is to be compensated for a returned item.
N/ACharacter limit
Text stringType
Valid Entry
*ReturnsAcceptedOption must be set to ReturnsAccepted.
Field Dependency
Use the RestockingFeeValueOption field to specify the restocking fee buyers must pay if they return
an item.The restocking fee can be set to Percent_10 (10%), Percent_15 (15%), or Percent_20
(20%) of the price paid for the item.To indicate that you do not charge a restocking fee, enter
N/ACharacter limit
Valid Entry
Template field definitions100
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
Provides details about your return policy, like time restrictions, item condition upon return, and so on.
eBay places your return details in the Return Policy section of the View Item page. Avoid entering
HTML and special characters (such as &pound; or &#163;). If you include special characters in the
return details, use the literal UTF-8 or ISO-8559-1 character (like £).
256Character limit
Alphanumeric stringType
Example: Items must be returned within 14 days of receiving the item. All original
packaging must be included.
Valid Entry
To use a return business policy in a listing, you must first opt in to Business policies for your eBay
account and then specify the return options for each policy in your Site Preferences. For more
information, see Business policies.
The ReturnProfileName field specifies which return business policy to use in the listing. Since policy
name values are case-sensitive, be sure to enter the policy name exactly as it appears in Site
Preferences on My eBay.
Maximum length of 50 charactersCharacter limit
Must be a valid return policy already defined in your Site Preferences on My eBay. For
example, ExchangeOnly
Valid Entry
Indicates that a buyer can return the item.
N/ACharacter limit
Text stringType
Valid Entry
Defines the length of time a buyer has in which to notify you of their intent to return an item.
N/ACharacter limit
101Template field definitions
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
Text stringType
Valid Entry
*ReturnsAcceptedOption must be set to ReturnsAccepted.
Field Dependency
Specifies who pays to return the item.
N/ACharacter limit
Text stringType
Valid Entry
Buyer Buyer pays to return the item
Seller Seller pays to return the item
*ReturnsAcceptedOption must be set to ReturnsAccepted.
Field Dependency
Do you allow buyers to pay with MasterCard or Visa? Specifies that you accept MasterCard or Visa
as payment.
N/ACharacter limit
0 or 1 (0=false, 1=true) Default is 0.
Valid Entry
Pricing and cost fields
This section explains pricing, discount, and tax fields, which determine the final cost of the item.
For more information about using these fields, see Using the BestOffer fields.
Specifies the amount that will be auto-accepted for a best offer from a buyer. For example, if you set
the value to 5.00, best offers of this amount and above will be accepted automatically.
Max length 16, including decimal point or commaCharacter limit
Template field definitions102
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
Numeric amount, like .99, 1.00, 10.00.
Valid Entry
The BestOfferEnabled field must be set to 1 (true) for this field to be applicable.Field Dependency
Do you want to let buyers submit best offers? If you are selling a fixed price format item (in a category
for which Best Offer is also enabled), you can use Best Offer (additional fees apply).This feature lets
a buyer send you a lower priced, binding offer for an item.You can accept the offer, decline the offer,
or let the offer expire in 48 hours. When you accept a best offer, we end the listing and display the
best offer price and terms for the ended listing. For more information, see the Best Offer help.
N/ACharacter limit
0 or 1 (0=false, 1=true) The default is 0
Valid Entry
Price required to immediately buy an auction-style format item. Defines the price you are willing to
accept for the item, which will immediately end the auction. Not valid for fixed priced format items.
Max length 16, including decimal point or commaCharacter limit
Numeric amount, like 10.00, 29.99, 100.00.
Valid Entry
What types of currency do you accept? Specifies Currency in the metadata section of the Action field.
Three-letter codeCharacter limit
Text stringType
A default currency value is already included in the template metadata and is related to
the site where you downloaded your template. (You only need to change it if you want
Valid Entry
to list your item on a different eBay site.) For example, USD, CAD, GBP, AUD, EUR,
CHF, TWD, CNY, INR, HKD, MYR, and PHP. Entry must be a valid Currency.
Do you want to specify a Get It Fast option.The Get It Fast option gives buyers added confidence that
an item will arrive quickly.
N/ACharacter limit
103Template field definitions
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
0 or 1 (0=false, 1=true). Default is 0.
Valid Entry
If the GetItFast field is used, the listing must offer at least one qualifying expedited Shipping
Service, and the listing must offer 1 business day Domestic Handling Time
GetItFast must be set to true when first listing the item; and the listing must be Fixed
Price or have a Buy It Now price.
Field Dependency
Do you want the buyer to pay for extra shipping costs? Specifies Optional fees you want for shipping
the item internationally.
N/ACharacter limit
Numeric amount, like .99, 1.00, 10.00.
Valid Entry
Applies a promotional shipping discount to the international shipping fee paid for by the buyer.
Important: When you revise this field even when you know the information has not changed
be sure to include specific field information for the listing in the uploaded file. For a list of fields
that must be included in a revised listing, see Revision-dependent fields.
N/ACharacter limit
0 or 1 (0=false, 1=true) Default is 0. Must be a valid rule created in your eBay account
under Shipping Preferences.
Valid Entry
Before you can use this field, you must have already created promotional shipping rules.
For more information, see Promotional Shipping Rules.
Field Dependency
The numeric ID of the shipping discount profile we use to calculate shipping for combined international
Use this field to specify that a shipping discount be applied to an item when an item in a transaction
is combined with another item (or items) by the buyer into a Combined Payment order. If you don't
enter a value in this field, we use the default profile defined by your My eBay shipping preferences.
For details, see Using Combined Payments and About Shipping Discounts.
Template field definitions104
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
To locate your shipping profile ID numbers, go to My eBay > Account > Site Preferences > Shipping
Preferences > Show > Offer combined payments and shipping > Edit. Shipping profile ID numbers
are listed on the My eBay: Combined Payments and Shipping Discounts page.
Important: When you revise this field even when you know the information has not changed
be sure to include specific field information for the listing in the uploaded file. For a list of fields
that must be included in a revised listing, see Revision-dependent fields.
N/ACharacter limit
Numeric ID. For example, enter 71808543. Be sure this integer refers to a valid rule
created in your eBay account for Shipping Preferences.
Valid Entry
To use this field, you must create at least one valid shipping rule profile on your My eBay
Shipping Preferences page.
Field Dependency
Provides buyers with information in the event their best offers are declined.
Max length 80Character limit
Text stringType
User inputValid Entry
Specifies the amount that will be auto-declined for a best offer from a buyer. For example, if you set
the value to 5.00, best offers of this amount and below will be automatically declined.
Max length 16, including decimal point or commaCharacter limit
Numeric amount, like .99, 1.00, 10.00.
Valid Entry
The BestOfferEnabled field must be set to 1 (true) for this field to be applicable.Field Dependency
Do you want the buyer to pay for extra shipping costs? Specifies Optional fees you want to assess for
the shipping of the item. For calculated shipping only.
N/ACharacter limit
Numeric amount, like .99, 1.00, 10.00.
Valid Entry
105Template field definitions
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
Applies a promotional shipping discount to the cost of domestic shipping paid for by the buyer.
Important: When you revise this field even when you know the information has not changed
be sure to include specific field information for the listing in the uploaded file. For a list of fields
that must be included in a revised listing, see Revision-dependent fields.
N/ACharacter limit
0 or 1 (0=false, 1=true) Default is 0. Must be a valid rule created in your eBay account
under Shipping Preferences.
Valid Entry
Before you can use this field, you must have already created promotional shipping rules.
For more information, see Promotional Shipping Rules.
Field Dependency
Bid amount that is required to be met before the item will sell. This value must be greater than the
StartPrice value. Not applicable to fixed price formats.
Max length 16, including decimal point or commaCharacter limit
Numeric amount, like 10.00, 49.99, 100.00.
Valid Entry
The numeric ID of the shipping discount profile we use to calculate domestic shipping costs for the
Use this field to specify that a shipping discount be applied to an item when an item in a transaction
is combined with another item (or items) by the buyer into a Combined Payment order. If you don't
enter a value in this field, we use the default profile defined by your My eBay shipping preferences.
For details, see Using Combined Payments and About Shipping Discounts.
To locate your shipping profile ID numbers, go to My eBay > Account > Site Preferences > Shipping
Preferences > Show > Offer combined payments and shipping > Edit. Shipping profile ID numbers
are listed on the My eBay: Combined Payments and Shipping Discounts page.
Important: When you revise this field even when you know the information has not changed
be sure to include specific field information for the listing in the uploaded file. For a list of fields
that must be included in a revised listing, see Revision-dependent fields.
N/ACharacter limit
Template field definitions106
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
Numeric ID. For example, 780385439. Be sure this integer refers to a valid rule
created in your eBay account for Shipping Preferences.
Valid Entry
To use this field, you must create at least one valid shipping rule profile on your My eBay
Shipping Preferences page.
Field Dependency
This field instructs us to include shipping costs in the amount on which sales taxes are calculated.
Important: When you revise this field even when you know the information has not changed
be sure to include specific field information for the listing in the uploaded file. For a list of fields
that must be included in a revised listing, see Revision-dependent fields.
N/ACharacter limit
0 or 1 (0=false, 1=true) The default is 0
Valid Entry
Price at which bidding starts. If the listing is in fixed price format, this is the price to buy the item.
Max length 16, including decimal point or commaCharacter limit
Numeric amount, like 5.99, 10.00, 100.00
Valid Entry
Indicates whether your tax table is to be used for applying and calculating taxes. If used, do not specify
a value for ShippingInTax.
For more information, refer to the Tax table page.
N/ACharacter limit
0 or 1 (0=false, 1=true) Default is 0.
Valid Entry
Product code and details fields
This section explains the fields used to identify an item by its product codes, which are then used to
add product information in your listing.
107Template field definitions
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
Important: All listings for manufactured products require a product identifier, such as a UPC,
EAN, ISBN, and so on.Variations require product identifiers for each item in the variation group.
If your item does not have a product identifier, then enter "Does not apply" into one of the product
fields, like UPC.
The name that identifies the product. eBay finds a matching product (or products) to use in the listing.
N/ACharacter limit
Text stringType
The brand name of the product, like Sony or Levis.
Valid Entry
Must accompany Product:MPN.
Field Dependency
If several matches occur for Brand and MPN, enter a value for
Product:ReturnSearchResultsOnDuplicates and resubmit the item to determine which
ePID to use.
The European Article Number (EAN), which provides standard product information about the item.
eBay attempts to find a matching product on your behalf to use in the listing.
If multiple matches occur for the EAN, you must resubmit the item using
Product:ReturnSearchResultsOnDuplicates field to determine which ePID to use.
N/ACharacter limit
Number located by the bar code on the product.Valid Entry
The eBay Product Identification number, or ePID, provides unique product information about the item.
To find the ePID, search for the item on eBay, and then copy and paste the ePID from the search
results page into Product:EPID field.
To alleviate the chances of our catalog finding multiple product matches, if you know the ePID for an
item use the ePID instead of the other Product:<type> fields (like Product:UPC).
N/ACharacter limit
Unique product identifier generated by eBay.Valid Entry
Template field definitions108
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
The International Standard Book Number (ISBN), which provides standard product information about
the item. eBay attempts to find a matching product on your behalf to use in the listing.
If multiple matches occur for the ISBN, you must resubmit the item using
Product:ReturnSearchResultsOnDuplicates field to determine which ePID to use.
N/ACharacter limit
Number located by the bar code, and on the back of the title page in the book.Valid Entry
The Manufacturer Part Number (MPN), which provides standard product information about the item.
eBay attempts to find a matching product on your behalf to use in the listing.
N/ACharacter limit
Number located somewhere on the product housing. Consult the the product owners'
manual as to the location of the part number.
Valid Entry
Must accompany Product:Brand.
Field Dependency
To determine which ePID to use when multiple matches for MPN and Brand occur,
resubmit the item with Product:ReturnSearchResultsOnDuplicates.
Adds pre-filled item information from our catalog to the listing. Manufacturer name, version number,
author or artist, and publisher are examples of Pre-filled Item Information.
N/ACharacter limit
Use 1 (for True) or 0 for False.
Valid Entry
Adds a stock photo (when one is available) to the listing. If no stock photo is available (or to add your
own pictures in addition to a stock photo), use the PicURL field.
If you supply no photos, the stock photo is displayed at the top of View Item (not in the item specifics).
If you supply photos, the stock photo does not appear in View Item. Instead, your photos appear at
the top of the page.
109Template field definitions
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
N/ACharacter limit
Use 1 (for True) or 0 for False.
Valid Entry
A stock photo is not generated unless Product:UseStockPhotoURLAsGallery and
Product:IncludeStockPhotoURL are set to true.
Field Dependency
Provides definitive information about a product when multiple matches are found in the catalog.
In order to discern between the product matches found, download the Upload results, and then use
the EPID that best matches your item in the listing.
N/ACharacter limit
Use 1 (for True) or 0 for False.
Valid Entry
The Universal Product Code (UPC), which provides standard product information about the item.We
search for a matching product to use in the listing.
To determine which ePID to use when multiple matches for UPC occur, resubmit the item with
N/ACharacter limit
Number located adjacent to the bar code on the product.Valid Entry
Designates the stock photo (when available) to be used as the Gallery picture in the listing.
To use your own photo as the Gallery picture, but still use the stock photo as the second picture, enter
0 in this field, and then use the PicURL field to specify your self-hosted photo as the Gallery picture.
N/ACharacter limit
Use 1 (for true) or 0 for false.
Valid Entry
A stock photo is not generated unless Product:UseStockPhotoURLAsGallery and
Product:IncludeStockPhotoURL are set to true.
Field Dependency
Template field definitions110
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
Shipping services fields
Explains the fields and corresponding values that define available shipping service options, rates, and
other shipping related information. Note the difference between the terms field and value. Field refers
to the presence of the column header.Value implies the field is present, and input (a value) is required
for that field.
For more information about using these fields, see Specifying payments, shipping, and returns .
Important: When revising these fields, you must also include certain field information for the
listing in the uploaded file, even if the information has not changed. For the names of fields that
must be included in a revised listing, see revision dependent fields.
You can use your eBay domestic shipping rate table to calculate shipping costs to areas in the
continental United States, Alaska/Hawaii, United States protectorates (Puerto Rico, Guam), and to
Army Post Office (APO) and to Fleet Post Office (FPO) addresses in the United States.
You define rate tables in your eBay account on Shipping Preferences.You must create at least one
rate table before you can use this feature.
When you set up a rate table, you can specify a rate for each region and service level you want to
support.You can opt to specify rates per item, per weight, or by surcharge. Only one of these rate
types can be used at a time.The rate type you specify in your Shipping Preferences becomes the
default rate table used in your listings.
If you are applying a shipping rate table that specifies a surcharge by weight, you must specify the
item weight in the WeightMajor and WeightMinor fields, even though this is a flat rate listing.
Remember that any value in the WeightMinor field is rounded UP to the next unit, that is, to the next
pound or kilogram, when the shipping cost is calculated. If the required weight values are not supplied,
a default weight of one unit (1 lb or 1 kg, depending on locale) is used as the basis for the surcharge.
Note: To stop using the rate table with a listing, leave the DomesticRateTable field blank.
N/ACharacter limit
Valid Entry
When you opt in to the Global Shipping Program on eBay, use GlobalShipping to specify that an item
is to be made available to buyers around the world.
111Template field definitions
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
Important: If the domestic portion of this delivery uses calculated shipping, then you must also
add these weight and size field values for the item:
N/ACharacter limit
0 or 1 (0=false, 1=true) The default value is 0 (false).Valid Entry
To use this field, you must first opt in to the Global Shipping Program on the eBay site.
For terms and conditions, see Global Shipping Program Seller Terms and Conditions.
Field Dependency
Cost to ship additional items when a buyer purchases two or more of the same item.
For example, if a buyer purchases three identical items, the first ships with the price specified in
IntlShippingService-1:Cost, whereas the remaining two ship with the value specified in
When no value is entered (and Action=Add), the value defaults to the amount specified in
N/ACharacter limit
Numeric amount, like 3.99.
Valid Entry
Do not enter a value when ShippingType=Freight for international services.Field Dependency
Do not enter a value when ShippingType=Calculated for international services.
Cost to ship the item with the selected shipping service.
N/ACharacter limit
Numeric amount, like 0.00, 1.99
Valid Entry
Template field definitions112
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
Must accompany IntlShippingService-1:Option.Field Dependency
Do not enter a value when ShippingType=Freight for international services.
Do not enter a value when ShippingType=Calculated for international services.
An international location or region to which an item can be shipped, according to the respective shipping
service. Multiple locations are separated by the pipe (|) character. For example: Asia|Europe.
For location field values, refer to Values for international location fields.
N/ACharacter limit
Text stringType
Must be a valid shipping location value, like Europe or Americas.Valid Entry
Field and value(s) are required when any international shipping service is specified.Field Dependency
An international shipping service the buyer can choose to ship the item.
N/ACharacter limit
Text stringType
Must be a valid service option value.Valid Entry
For valid service option values, refer to Shipping services field values.
Must be accompanied by IntlShippingService-1:Cost.Field Dependency
Defines the display order of the international shipping service options shown in your listing.
For example, if two or more international shipping services are specified, the service with Priority=1
will be the first shipping option shown in your listing.
Note: Each international service priority must be unique; no two international shipping services
can have the same Priority.
N/ACharacter limit
113Template field definitions
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
Numeric value, like 1, 2, or 3.
Valid Entry
Field and a value are required if more than one international shipping service is specified.Field Dependency
Cost to ship additional items when a buyer purchases two or more of the same item.
For example, if a buyer purchases three identical items, the first ships at the price specified in
IntlShippingService-2:Cost, whereas the remaining two ship with the value specified in
If no value is entered (and Action=Add), the value defaults to the IntlShippingService-2:Cost amount.
N/ACharacter limit
Numeric amount, like 3.99.
Valid Entry
Do not enter a value when ShippingType=Freight for international services.Field Dependency
Do not enter a value when ShippingType=Calculated for international services.
Cost to ship the item with the selected shipping service.
N/ACharacter limit
Numeric amount, like 0.00, 1.99
Valid Entry
Must accompany IntlShippingService-2:Option.Field Dependency
Do not enter a value when ShippingType=Freight for international services.
Do not enter a value when ShippingType=Calculated for international services.
An international location or region to which an item can be shipped, according to the respective shipping
service. Multiple locations are separated by the pipe (|) character. For example: Asia|Europe.
For location field values, refer to Values for international location fields.
N/ACharacter limit
Text stringType
Template field definitions114
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
Must be a valid shipping location value, like Europe or Americas.Valid Entry
Field and value(s) are required when any international shipping service is specified.Field Dependency
An international shipping service the buyer can choose to ship the item.
N/ACharacter limit
Text stringType
Must be a valid service option value.Valid Entry
For valid service option values, refer to Shipping services field values.
Must be accompanied by IntlShippingService-2:Cost.
Field Dependency
Defines the display order of the international shipping service options shown in your listing.
For example, if two or more international shipping services are specified, the service with Priority=1
will be the first shipping option shown in your listing.
Note: Each international service priority must be unique; no two international shipping services
can have the same Priority.
N/ACharacter limit
Numeric value, like 1, 2, or 3.
Valid Entry
Field and a value are required if more than one international shipping service is specified.Field Dependency
Cost to ship additional items when a buyer purchases two or more of the same item.
For example, if a buyer purchases three identical items, the first ships at the price specified by
IntlShippingService-3:Cost, whereas the remaining two ship with the value specified in
If no value is entered (and Action=Add), the value defaults to the amount entered into
115Template field definitions
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
N/ACharacter limit
Numeric amount, like 3.99.
Valid Entry
Do not enter a value when ShippingType=Freight for international services.Field Dependency
Do not enter a value when ShippingType=Calculated for international services.
Cost to ship the item with the selected shipping service.
N/ACharacter limit
Numeric amount, like 0.00, 1.99
Valid Entry
Must accompany IntlShippingService-3:Option.Field Dependency
Do not enter a value when ShippingType=Freight for international services.
Do not enter a value when ShippingType=Calculated for international services.
An international location or region to which an item can be shipped, according to the respective shipping
service. Multiple locations are separated by the pipe (|) character. For example: Asia|Europe.
For location field values, refer to Values for international location fields.
N/ACharacter limit
Text stringType
Must be a valid shipping location value, like Europe or Americas.Valid Entry
Field and value(s) are required when any international shipping service is specified.Field Dependency
An international shipping service the buyer can choose to ship the item.
N/ACharacter limit
Text stringType
Must be a valid service option value.Valid Entry
Template field definitions116
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
For valid service option values, refer to Shipping services field values.
Must be accompanied by IntlShippingService-3:Cost.
Field Dependency
Defines the display order of the international shipping service options shown in your listing.
For example, if two or more international shipping services are specified, the service with Priority=1
will be the first shipping option shown in your listing.
Note: Each international service priority must be unique; no two international shipping services
can have the same Priority.
N/ACharacter limit
Numeric value, like 1, 2, or 3.
Valid Entry
Field and a value are required if more than one international shipping service is specified.Field Dependency
To use a shipping business policy in a listing, you must first opt in to Business policies with your eBay
account and then specify the shipping options for each policy in your Site Preferences on My eBay.
For more information, see Business policies.
The ShippingProfileName field specifies which shipping business policy to use in the listing. Since
policy name values are case-sensitive, be sure to enter the shipping policy name exactly as it appears
in Site Preferences on My eBay.
Important: If your shipping profile specifies calculated shipping, then you must also add these
weight and size field values for the item:
Maximum length of 50 charactersCharacter limit
117Template field definitions
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
Must be one of the predefined shipping policies in your Site Preferences on My eBay.
For example, ShippingPolicy1
Valid Entry
Cost to ship additional items when a buyer purchases two or more of the same item.
For example, if a buyer purchases three identical items, the first item ships with the price specified in
ShippingService-1:Cost, while the remaining two items ship with the value specified in
If no value is provided and Action=Add, the value defaults to the amount specified by
N/ACharacter limit
Numeric amount, such as 3.99
Valid Entry
Do not provide a value when:Field Dependency
ShippingType is set to Calculated for domestic services
ShippingType is set to Freight for domestic services
Cost to ship the item with the selected shipping service.
N/ACharacter limit
Numeric amount, like 0.00, 1.99.
Valid Entry
This field must accompany ShippingService-1:Option regardless of whether
ShippingService-1:FreeShipping contains a value or not.
Field Dependency
Do not enter a value when ShippingService-1:FreeShipping=1 for domestic services.
For domestic services, do not enter a value when ShippingType=Freight.
For domestic services, do not enter a value when ShippingType=Calculated.
Determines whether shipping is free for the first domestic shipping option.
Template field definitions118
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
Note: The FreeShipping field does not apply to additional (or international) shipping services.
If you want to offer free shipping for other services, enter a value of 0.00 for that service's Cost
N/ACharacter limit
1 or 0 Default is 1.
Valid Entry
A domestic shipping service that can be selected by the buyer.
N/ACharacter limit
Text stringType
Must be a valid service option value.Valid Entry
For valid service option values, refer to Shipping services field values.
Must be accompanied by ShippingService-1:Cost.
Field Dependency
Use the Freight value for the FreightFlat ShippingType.
Defines the display order of the domestic shipping service options shown in your listing.
For example, if two or more domestic shipping services are specified, the service with Priority as 1
will be the first shipping option shown in your listing.
Note: Each domestic service priority must be unique; no two domestic shipping services can
have the same Priority.
N/ACharacter limit
Numeric value, like 1, 2, or 3.
Valid Entry
Field and a value are required if more than one domestic shipping service is specified.Field Dependency
Additional cost to buyers who request an item be shipped to Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, or Guam.
When you specify Calculated shipping, we automatically apply the surcharge when UPS is used to
ship items.
119Template field definitions
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
For more information, see *ShippingType.
N/ACharacter limit
Numeric amount, such as 3.99.
Valid Entry
To avoid a surcharge, leave this field blank. 0.00 is an invalid value.
Field Dependency
Cost to ship additional items when a buyer purchases two or more of the same item.
For example, if a buyer purchases three identical items, the first item ships with the price specified in
ShippingService-2:Cost, while the remaining two items ship with the value specified in
If no value is entered (and Action=Add), the value defaults to the amount entered into
N/ACharacter limit
Numeric amount, such as 3.99
Valid Entry
Cost to ship the item with the selected shipping service.
N/ACharacter limit
Numeric amount, like 0.00, 1.99.
Valid Entry
This field must accompany ShippingService-2:Option.Field Dependency
Do not enter a value when ShippingType=Freight for domestic services.
Do not enter a value when ShippingType=Calculated for domestic services.
A domestic shipping service that can be selected by the buyer.
N/ACharacter limit
Text stringType
Must be a valid service option value.Valid Entry
Template field definitions120
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
For valid service option values, refer to Shipping services field values.
Must be accompanied by ShippingService-2:Cost.Field Dependency
Defines the display order of the domestic shipping service options shown in your listing.
For example, if two or more domestic shipping services are specified, the service with Priority as 1
will be the first shipping option shown in your listing.
Note: Each domestic service priority must be unique; no two domestic shipping services can
have the same Priority.
N/ACharacter limit
Numeric value, like 1, 2, or 3.
Valid Entry
Field and a value are required if more than one domestic shipping service is specified.Field Dependency
Additional cost to buyers who request an item be shipped to Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, or Guam.
When you specify Calculated shipping, we automatically apply the surcharge when UPS is used to
ship items.
For more information, see *ShippingType.
N/ACharacter limit
Numeric amount, such as 3.99.
Valid Entry
To avoid a surcharge, leave this field blank. 0.00 is an invalid value.
Field Dependency
Cost to ship additional items when a buyer purchases two or more of the same item.
For example, if a buyer purchases three identical items, the first item ships with the price specified in
ShippingService-3:Cost, while the remaining two items ship with the value specified in
If no value is entered (and Action=Add), the value defaults to the ShippingService-3:Cost amount.
N/ACharacter limit
121Template field definitions
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
Numeric amount, such as 3.99
Valid Entry
Cost to ship the item with the selected shipping service.
N/ACharacter limit
Numeric amount, like 0.00, 1.99.
Valid Entry
This field must accompany ShippingService-3:Option.Field Dependency
This field must accompany ShippingService-3:Option.
Do not enter a value when ShippingType=Freight is specified for domestic services.
Do not enter a value when ShippingType=Calculated is specified for domestic services.
A domestic shipping service that can be selected by the buyer.
N/ACharacter limit
Text stringType
Must be a valid service option value.Valid Entry
For valid service option values, refer to Shipping services field values.
Must be accompanied by ShippingService-3:Cost.Field Dependency
Defines the display order of the domestic shipping service options shown in your listing.
For example, if two or more domestic shipping services are specified, the service with Priority as 1
will be the first shipping option shown in your listing.
Note: Each domestic service priority must be unique; no two domestic shipping services can
have the same Priority.
N/ACharacter limit
Numeric value, like 1, 2, or 3.
Valid Entry
Template field definitions122
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
Field and a value are required if more than one domestic shipping service is specified.Field Dependency
Additional cost to buyers who request an item be shipped to Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, or Guam.
When you specify Calculated shipping, we automatically apply the surcharge when UPS is used to
ship items.
For more information, see *ShippingType.
N/ACharacter limit
Numeric amount, such as 3.99.
Valid Entry
To avoid a surcharge, leave this field blank. 0.00 is an invalid value.
Field Dependency
The shipping types available for the item. Specifying Flat designates that Flat-rate shipping is available
for domestic shipping (and international if international shipping services are specified).
Important: When you revise this field even when you know the information has not changed
be sure to include specific field information for the listing in the uploaded file. For a list of fields
that must be included in a revised listing, see Revision-dependent fields.
To mix Flat and Calculated shipping options, use the FlatDomesticCalculatedInternational or
CalculatedDomesticFlatInternational values.
Note: is available for the United States eBay site only.
N/ACharacter limit
Text stringType
Valid Entry
Flat (default)
If you set this field to Flat or FreightFlat, you also must also provide field values
for ShippingService-X:Option.
Field Dependency
For FreightFlat, use Freight for ShippingService-X:Option
value. A shipping cost is not needed for FreightFlat.
If you set this field to Calculated, you also must also provide field value for:
123Template field definitions
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
Do not use these fields for Calculated:
If you set this field to FlatDomesticCalculatedInternational, you
also must also provide field value for:
Do not use this field for FlatDomesticCalculatedInternational:
If you set this field to CalculatedDomesticFlatInternational, you
also must also provide field value for:
Do not use these fields for CalculatedDomesticFlatInternational
Shipping services field values
This section explains the shipping service codes supported in the default templates.These values are
used in the ShippingService-n:Option field of the default templates (where -n equals -1, -2,
or -3).
Australia services options
The field values below are for the ShippingService-n:Option field that specifies the shipping services
used in Australia.
Template field definitions124
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
International servicesDomestic services
AU_PrePaidExpressPostInternationalEnvelopeB4AU_Registered ParcelPostPrepaidSatchel500g
AU_PrePaidExpressPostInternationalEnvelopeC5AU_Registered ParcelPostPrepaidSatchel3kg
Austria services options
The field values below are for the ShippingService-n:Option field that specifies the shipping services
used in Austria.
125Template field definitions
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
International servicesDomestic services
Belgium (French) services options
The field values below are for the ShippingService-n:Option field that specifies the shipping services
used in Belgium.
International servicesDomestic services
Belgium (Dutch) services options
The field values below are for the ShippingService-n:Option field that specifies the shipping services
used in Belgium.
International servicesDomestic services
Template field definitions126
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
International servicesDomestic services
Canada services options
The field values below are for the ShippingService-n:Option field that specifies the shipping services
used in Canada.
International servicesDomestic services
127Template field definitions
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
International servicesDomestic services
Canada (French) services options
The field values below are for the ShippingService-n:Option field that specifies the shipping services
used in French Canada.
International servicesDomestic services
China services options
The field values below are for the ShippingService-n:Option field that specifies the shipping services
used in China.
Template field definitions128
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
International servicesDomestic services
France services options
The field values below are for the ShippingService-n:Option field that specifies the shipping services
used in France.
International servicesDomestic services
Germany services options
The field values below are for the ShippingService-n:Option field that specifies the shipping services
used in Germany.
International servicesDomestic services
129Template field definitions
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
International servicesDomestic services
Hong Kong services options
The field values below are for the ShippingService-n:Option field that specifies the shipping services
used in Hong Kong.
International servicesDomestic services
Ireland services options
The field values below are for the ShippingService-n:Option field that specifies the shipping services
used in Ireland.
International servicesDomestic services
Template field definitions130
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
International servicesDomestic services
India services options
The field values below are for the ShippingService-n:Option field that specifies the shipping services
used in India.
International servicesDomestic services
Italy services options
The field values below are for the ShippingService-n:Option field that specifies the shipping services
used in Italy.
International servicesDomestic services
IT_PaccocelereInternazionaleIT_ExpressMailExpressCourier 1
131Template field definitions
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
International servicesDomestic services
Malaysia services options
The field values below are for the ShippingService-n:Option field that specifies the shipping services
used in Malaysia.
International servicesDomestic services
Netherlands services options
The field values below are for the ShippingService-n:Option field that specifies the shipping services
used in the Netherlands.
International servicesDomestic services
Template field definitions132
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
International servicesDomestic services
Philippines services options
The field values below are for the ShippingService-n:Option field that specifies the shipping services
used in the Philippines.
International servicesDomestic services
Poland services options
The field values below are for the ShippingService-n:Option field that specifies the shipping services
used in Poland.
International servicesDomestic services
Singapore services options
The field values below are for the ShippingService-n:Option field that specifies the shipping services
used in Singapore.
International servicesDomestic services
133Template field definitions
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
International servicesDomestic services
Spain services options
The field values below are for the ShippingService-n:Option field that specifies the shipping services
used in Spain.
International servicesDomestic services
Switzerland services options
The field values below are for the ShippingService-n:Option field that specifies the shipping services
used in Switzerland.
International servicesDomestic services
Template field definitions134
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
International servicesDomestic services
Taiwan services options
The field values below are for the ShippingService-n:Option field that specifies the shipping services
used in Taiwan.
International servicesDomestic services
United Kingdom services options
The field values below are for the ShippingService-n:Option field that specifies the shipping services
used in the United Kingdom.
International servicesDomestic services
135Template field definitions
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
International servicesDomestic services
United States services options
The field values below are for the ShippingService-n:Option field that specifies the shipping services
used in the United States of America.
In the following table, the value for Other designates economy shipping.
International servicesDomestic services
Template field definitions136
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
International servicesDomestic services
USPSPriorityMailInternationalLargeFlatRateBoxUPSNextDay (for UPS Next Day Air Saver service)
137Template field definitions
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
Result and report fields
Explains the field definitions used for upload results and various reports.
About report scripts
To extract specific data from the reports described in this chapter, it is possible to write scripts to search
for and extract only the data you want to view.
If you write such scripts, please search for the column name (such as Title or Price) instead of the
column number (such as 1, 2, or 11).When your scripts search for and extract column titles instead
of column numbers, your scripts will continue to work when we add or remove columns from the reports.
On the other hand, if you write scripts to extract column numbers (instead of column titles), there is a
high probability we will inadvertently break your scripts when we add or remove columns from the
Active Listings report
The following table describes the fields in the Active Listings report, which you can download from File
Active Listings Report Fields
DescriptionField Name
Current number of bids for an active listing.Bids
Name of leaf category.CategoryLeafName
Numeric ID of the category in which the item is to be listed.Category Number
The physical condition of the item.Condition
Numeric value used to denote the condition of an item. For example, 1000, 2750, or
Condition ID
Contains an internal SKU or unique identifier and is a very useful way to index your
inventory with eBay listings and associated costs.
Custom Label
Date and time at which the file was downloaded. For example, 29-Mar-13 13:32:01 PST.Download Date
Date on which the listing ended; for example, 1-Apr-12.End Date
Numeric ID assigned to the item when it is successfully listed. In the Load Results report
for the Add action, this is the ItemID that the system has assigned to each successful
listing (for other actions, it will be returned if you included it in your upload file).
Item ID
Title displayed in the listing.Item Title
Specifies whether OutOfStockControl is set to true or false.OutOfStockControl
One of the following. For:Price
Result and report fields138
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
Active Listings Report Fields
DescriptionField Name
Active auctions, the highest current bid
Fixed Price and Store Inventory items, the Buy It Now price
Second Chance Offers, the price offered
Ad/Real Estate, the listed price
Any content about the item or the transaction that you provided in your upload file.Private Notes
eBay Product ID (EPID) of the item.Product:EPID
Applies to Store Inventory and Fixed Price sales only.This is the current number of
purchases for a listing.The number of purchases does not necessarily equal the number
of items purchased.
Number of items remaining for a specific listing.QuantityAvailable
The type of RelationshipDetails, either Variation or Compatibility.Relationship
Name and value pairs that define the Variation or Compatibility types.RelationshipDetails
The eBay site on which the item is listed, denoted by an integer. For example, 0 (U.S.),
100 (eBay Motors), or 77 (Germany).
Site Listed
Date on which the listing was created. For example, 25-Mar-12.Start Date
Numeric ID for the type of auction. For example, 1 is Auction, 7 is Store Fixed Price, 9
is Basic Fixed Price, and 13 is Lead Generation.
Provides the variations used in the listing.Variation Details
Recommendations report
The following table describes the fields in the Recommendations report, which you can download from
File Exchange.
Recommendations Report Fields
DescriptionField Name
The unique identifier of the seller's item.ItemID
Indicates the specific type of listing recommendation, and
advises the seller that a certain picture in the listing is not
meeting a specific requirement.
Indicates the group that a specific listing recommendation
belongs to. There may be multiple groups for each listing
recommendation type. For example, PICTURE_RESOLUTION,
Indicates the specific field that the seller needs to update to
bring the listing up to eBay standards. Specifies the URL of
the image that needs to be improved.
139Result and report fields
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
Recommendations Report Fields
DescriptionField Name
Pictures do not have recommended values.RecommendedValue
Provides detailed description of the specific action to take to
improve the quality of the picture in the listing.
Awaiting Payment report
The following table describes the fields in the Awaiting Payment report, which you can download from
File Exchange.
Awaiting Payment Report Fields
DescriptionField Name
Physical address of the buyer, typically a post office box, street address, or house name.Buyer Address 1
Supplement physical address of the buyer such as an apartment or suite number.Buyer Address 2
City in which the buyer resides.Buyer City
Country in which the buyer resides.Buyer Country
eMail address of the buyer.Buyer Email
Name of the buyer.Buyer Fullname
(US only) Phone number of the buyer.Buyer Phone Number
State in which the buyer resides.Buyer State
ZIP code or postal code for the area in which the buyer resides.Buyer Zip
Date on which the buyer set up a payment.Checkout Date
Contains an internal SKU or unique identifier and is a very useful way to index your
inventory with eBay listings and associated costs.
Custom Label
Indicates that feedback was created for the seller.Feedback Left
Indicates that the feedback was received from the buyer.Feedback Received
Amount of insurance (if applicable) to be paid for by the buyer.Insurance
Numeric ID assigned to the item when it is successfully listed. In the Load Results report
for the Add action, this is the ItemID that the system has assigned to each successful
listing (for other actions, it will be returned if you included it in your upload file).
Item ID
Title displayed in the listing.Item Title
Date on which the item was listed.Listed On
Details provided by the seller about the transaction.Notes to Yourself
Numeric ID of the listing assigned when the order is placed.Order ID
Date on which the buyer paid for the item.Paid on Date
Result and report fields140
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
Awaiting Payment Report Fields
DescriptionField Name
Means by which the buyer is to remit payment.Payment Method
If payment is remitted with PayPal, this value is the transaction ID number assigned by
PayPal Transaction ID
Any content about the item or the transaction that you provided in your upload file.Private Notes
eBay Product ID (EPID) of the item.Product:EPID
Number of units of a specific item available for purchase.Quantity
Date on which the sale took place.Sale Date
The amount the item sold for, not including shipping and handling.
Sale Price
Numeric ID of the listing assigned after the item sells.Sales Record Number
Amount of sales tax (if applicable) to be paid for by the buyer.Sales Tax
Date on which the seller shipped the item.Shipped on Date
Total cost charged to the customer to prepare and ship the item.Shipping and Handling
When a package is shipped in the Global Shipping Program, the domestic shipping cost
The means by which an item is shipped.Shipping Service
When you use the Global Shipping Program to ship a package, this is the shipping
service specified for the domestic portion only.The value can contain any valid shipping
service that services the domestic address of the international shipping provider.
Site on which the item was sold (for example, eBay,, or eBay World of Good).Sold On
Total cost of the item, including shipping and handling (as well as sales tax, and insurance
if applicable).
Total Price
When a package is shipped in the Global Shipping Program, the total cost for domestic
shipping only.
Numeric ID for a single transaction.Transaction ID
User ID of the buyer.User Id
Provides the variations used in the listing.Variation Details
Load Response Results report
The following table describes the fields in the Load Response Results report, which you can download
from File Exchange.
141Result and report fields
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
Load Response Results Report Fields
DescriptionField Name
Action value for a corresponding listing.Action
Custom, application-specific data to be associated with the new item.ApplicationData
eBay fee for 10-day auction for this listing.AuctionLengthFee
eBay fee to display the title of a listing in bold type.BoldFee
eBay fee to display a border around an item in the listing.BorderFee
eBay fee to add the BuyItNow feature on this listing.BuyItNowFee
eBay fee for listing the item in a selected category.CategoryFeaturedFee
Specifies currency type, such as USD, CAD, GBP, AUD, EUR, CHF, TWD, CNY, and
Contains an internal SKU or unique identifier and is a very useful way to index your
inventory with eBay listings and associated costs.
Custom Label
Time at which the listing will end on eBay.Type:YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. Hours are
displayed in 24-hour format (for example, 2:00:00pm is shown as 14:00:00) and treated
as GMT.
Code number denoting reason for the listing failure during upload.ErrorCode
Text description that corresponds to ErrorCode.ErrorMessage
eBay fee to list the item at the top of the item listings.FeaturedFee
eBay fee to list a fixed-price item for a certain duration.FeaturedGalleryFee
eBay fee to list a fixed-price item for a certain duration.FixedPriceDurationFee
eBay fee to have the item included in the gallery.GalleryFee
eBay fee to display the gift icon next to the listing.GiftIconFee
eBay fee to make the listing appear highlighted.HighlightFee
Basic eBay fee for listing the item. EU residents who sell items on EU sites may be
subject to VAT.
For sites that don't normally charge insertion fees, a fee for offering shipping to countries
other than the country of the listing site.
Numeric ID assigned to the item when it is successfully listed. In the Load Results report
for the Add action, this is the ItemID that the system has assigned to each successful
listing (for other actions, it will be returned if you included it in your upload file).
Item ID
Line number of the listing from your upload file.LineNumber
For sites that don't normally charge insertion fees, a fee for offering shipping to countries
other than the country of the listing site.
Total eBay fee for listing the item, which includes basic fee (InsertionFee) plus any
specialty listing features (GalleryFee, HighLightFee, FeaturedFee, ListingFee, and so
forth). EU residents who sell items on EU sites may be subject to VAT.
eBay fee to use the Photo Hosting feature, a slide show of multiple images.PhotoDisplayFee
Result and report fields142
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
Load Response Results Report Fields
DescriptionField Name
eBay fee for associating photos with the listed item.PhotoFee
Fee for selecting ProPackBundle (at a discount over individually selecting BoldTitle).
Valid only for U.S. and Canadian eBay Motors.
eBay fee to schedule a listing for a later date.SchedulingFee
Time listing went live on eBay site (same as ScheduleTime, if used).Type:YYYY-MM-DD
HH:MM:SS. Hours are in 24-hour format (for example, 2:00:00pm is shown as 14:00:00)
and treated as GMT.
(Awaiting Payment, Paid Not Shipped) Specifies the status of the purchase; should be
Refunded or Shipped, depending on the purpose of the uploaded file.
(Unsold Items) Indicates the success or failure of an action in a listing. If "Fail," ErrorCode
and ErrorMessage fields provide corresponding information.
eBay fee to add a subtitle to item listing.SubtitleFee
Global Trade Item Number report
Use this section to learn about the fields contained in the Global Trade Item Number report.
Creating a Global Trade Item Number report
Global Trade Item Numbers are integral to worldwide e-commerce because Internet search engines
use Global Trade Item Numbers to find products. Examples of Global Trade Item Numbers include
Universal Product Codes (UPC), International Standard Book Numbers (ISBN), European Article
Numbers (EAN), and so on. For more information about these product identifiers, see Using product
Note: The Global Trade Item Number report now includes variations information.
When you associate Global Trade Item Numbers with your listings, you ensure that your listings are
identified in searches performed by potential buyers. Run this report to view - in one place - all the
Global Trade Item Numbers associated with your listings. For example:
To create a Global Trade Item Number report:
1. Using a web browser, go to the Create a Download Request page.
143Result and report fields
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
2. Under Listing and Records, select Active.
3. Verify your eBay account email address.
4. Under Download Format, select File Exchange and then select Add Unique Identifiers
5. Under Date Range, select either All Active Listings or Active Listings Closing and then use the
date fields to define the desired date range you want to view.
6. Click Save. Make a note of the reference number displayed on the Create a Download Request:
Success page, which identifies the report you just requested.
7. In the File Exchange navigation bar, click Completed Downloads.Your request is displayed on
this page. Until it is complete, the request is designated as "in progress."
8. To view the report when it is complete, click the respective Download link.
9. When prompted, open the file. Be sure to save the file on your computer.
10. When using Microsoft Excel, you may need to widen the ItemID column to view the entire value.
To do so, move the cursor to the ItemID column, click the right-mouse button and select Format
Cells. In the Format Cells window under Category, select Number. Set Decimal Places to 0 (zero)
and, finally, click OK.
Revising Active listings to include product identifiers using the GTIN
Perform the previous procedure first to get a file that contains all of your active listings, then you can
add product identifiers for each product. After formatting the ItemID so the complete number displays,
follow these steps.
1. For each product, enter a product identifier in the appropriate field. Each product only needs one
identifier. For more information about product identifiers, refer to Product code fields.
2. After the product identifiers have been entered, remove the Country and Currency information from
the Action field metadata. For example, change
*Action(SiteID=US|Country=US|Currency=USD|Version=745) to
Important: Make sure the SiteID value is for the eBay site where your listings appear.
3. When you are done, upload this file to update your active listings with the required product identifiers.
Understanding the Global Trade Item Number report fields
The following table describes the fields in the Global Trade Item Number report:
Note: The Global Trade Item Number report now includes variations information.
DescriptionField Name
Action value for a corresponding listing.Action
Numeric ID assigned to the item when it is successfully listed. In the Load Results
report for the Add action, this is the ItemID that the system has assigned to each
Item ID
Result and report fields144
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
successful listing (for other actions, it will be returned if you included it in your upload
Indicates whether the relationship details field is for variations or compatibilityRelationship
Specifies the variation or compatibility information for the productRelationshipDetails
Universal Product Code (UPC) of the item.Product:UPC
International Standard Book Number (ISBN) of the item.Product:ISBN
European Article Number (EAN) of the item.Product:EAN
Brand name of the item.Product:Brand
Manufacturer's Part Number (MPN) of the item.Product:MPN
eBay Product ID (EPID) of the item.Product:EPID
Indicates that the listing contains pre-filled information.Product:IncludePreFilledInformation
Indicates if a stock photo is included in the listing.Product:IncludeStockPhotoURL
Numeric value used to denote the condition of an item. For example, 1000, 2750,
or 3000.
Condition ID
Paid and Awaiting Shipment report
The following table describes the fields in the Paid and Awaiting Shipment report, which you can
download from
Paid and Awaiting Shipment Report Fields
DescriptionField Name
Physical address of the buyer, typically a post office box, street address, or house name.Buyer Address 1
Supplement physical address of the buyer such as an apartment or suite number.Buyer Address 2
City in which the buyer resides.Buyer City
Country in which the buyer resides.Buyer Country
eMail address of the buyer.Buyer Email
Name of the buyer.Buyer Fullname
(US only) Phone number of the buyer.Buyer Phone Number
State in which the buyer resides.Buyer State
ZIP code or postal code for the area in which the buyer resides.Buyer Zip
Date on which the buyer set up a payment.Checkout Date
Contains an internal SKU or unique identifier and is a very useful way to index your
inventory with eBay listings and associated costs.
Custom Label
Indicates that feedback was created for the seller.Feedback Left
Indicates that the feedback was received from the buyer.Feedback Received
145Result and report fields
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
Paid and Awaiting Shipment Report Fields
DescriptionField Name
The unique identifier of an order shipped in the Global Shipping Program. eBay generates
this value when the order is complete. The international shipping provider uses the
Global Shipping Reference ID
Product:EPID as the primary reference when processing the shipment. Sellers must
include this value on the package immediately above the street address of the
international shipping provider.
Amount of insurance (if applicable) to be paid for by the buyer.Insurance
Numeric ID assigned to the item when it is successfully listed. In the Load Results report
for the Add action, this is the ItemID that the system has assigned to each successful
listing (for other actions, it will be returned if you included it in your upload file).
Item ID
Title displayed in the listing.Item Title
Date on which the item was listed.Listed On
Details provided by the seller about the transaction.Notes to Yourself
Numeric ID of the listing assigned when the order is placed.Order ID
Date on which the buyer paid for the item.Paid on Date
Means by which the buyer is to remit payment.Payment Method
If payment is remitted with PayPal, this value is the transaction ID number assigned by
PayPal Transaction ID
Any content about the item or the transaction that you provided in your upload file.Private Notes
eBay Product ID (EPID) of the item.Product:EPID
Number of units of a specific item available for purchase.Quantity
Date on which the sale took place.Sale Date
The amount the item sold for, not including shipping and handling.
Sale Price
Numeric ID of the listing assigned after the item sells.Sales Record Number
Amount of sales tax (if applicable) to be paid for by the buyer.Sales Tax
Date on which the seller shipped the item.Shipped on Date
Total cost charged to the customer to prepare and ship the item.Shipping and Handling
When a package is shipped in the Global Shipping Program, the domestic shipping cost
The means by which an item is shipped.Shipping Service
When you use the Global Shipping Program to ship a package, this is the shipping
service specified for the domestic portion only.The value can contain any valid shipping
service that services the domestic address of the international shipping provider.
Under the Global Shipping Program, the street address of the recipient.Ship To Address 1
Result and report fields146
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
Paid and Awaiting Shipment Report Fields
DescriptionField Name
Under the Global Shipping Program, the street address of the recipient.Ship To Address 2
Under the Global Shipping Program, the city of the recipient.Ship To City
Under the Global Shipping Program, the country of the recipient.Ship To Country
Under the Global Shipping Program, the state of the recipient.Ship To State
Under the Global Shipping Program, the ZIP code of the recipient.Ship To Zip
Site on which the item was sold (for example, eBay,, or eBay World of Good).Sold On
Total cost of the item, including shipping and handling (as well as sales tax, and insurance
if applicable).
Total Price
When a package is shipped in the Global Shipping Program, the total cost for domestic
shipping only.
Numeric ID for a single transaction.Transaction ID
User ID of the buyer.User Id
Provides the variations used in the listing.Variation Details
Paid and Shipped Items report
The following table describes the fields in the Paid and Shipped Items report, which you can download
from File Exchange.
Paid and Shipped Items Report Fields
DescriptionField Name
Physical address of the buyer, typically a post office box, street address, or house name.Buyer Address 1
Supplement physical address of the buyer such as an apartment or suite number.Buyer Address 2
City in which the buyer resides.Buyer City
Country in which the buyer resides.Buyer Country
eMail address of the buyer.Buyer Email
Name of the buyer.Buyer Fullname
(US only) Phone number of the buyer.Buyer Phone Number
State in which the buyer resides.Buyer State
ZIP code or postal code for the area in which the buyer resides.Buyer Zip
Date on which the buyer set up a payment.Checkout Date
Contains an internal SKU or unique identifier and is a very useful way to index your inventory
with eBay listings and associated costs.
Custom Label
147Result and report fields
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
Paid and Shipped Items Report Fields
DescriptionField Name
Indicates that feedback was created for the seller.Feedback Left
Indicates that the feedback was received from the buyer.Feedback Received
Amount of insurance (if applicable) to be paid for by the buyer.Insurance
Numeric ID assigned to the item when it is successfully listed. In the Load Results report for
the Add action, this is the ItemID that the system has assigned to each successful listing (for
other actions, it will be returned if you included it in your upload file).
Item ID
Title displayed in the listing.Item Title
The unique identifier of an order shipped in the Global Shipping Program. eBay generates
this value when the order is complete. The international shipping provider uses the
Global Shipping Reference ID
Product:EPID as the primary reference when processing the shipment. Sellers must include
this value on the package immediately above the street address of the international shipping
Date on which the item was listed.Listed On
Details provided by the seller about the transaction.Notes to Yourself
Numeric ID of the listing assigned when the order is placed.Order ID
Date on which the buyer paid for the item.Paid on Date
Means by which the buyer is to remit payment.Payment Method
If payment is remitted with PayPal, this value is the transaction ID number assigned by PayPal.PayPal Transaction ID
Any content about the item or the transaction that you provided in your upload file.Private Notes
eBay Product ID (EPID) of the item.Product:EPID
Number of units of a specific item available for purchase.Quantity
Date on which the sale took place.Sale Date
The amount the item sold for, not including shipping and handling.
Sale Price
Numeric ID of the listing assigned after the item sells.Sales Record Number
Amount of sales tax (if applicable) to be paid for by the buyer.Sales Tax
Date on which the seller shipped the item.Shipped on Date
Total cost charged to the customer to prepare and ship the item.Shipping and Handling
When a package is shipped in the Global Shipping Program, the domestic shipping cost only.
The means by which an item is shipped.Shipping Service
When you use the Global Shipping Program to ship a package, this is the shipping service
specified for the domestic portion only. The value can contain any valid shipping service that
services the domestic address of the international shipping provider.
Under the Global Shipping Program, the street address of the recipient.Ship To Address 1
Result and report fields148
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
Paid and Shipped Items Report Fields
DescriptionField Name
Under the Global Shipping Program, the street address of the recipient.Ship To Address 2
Under the Global Shipping Program, the city of the recipient.Ship To City
Under the Global Shipping Program, the country of the recipient.Ship To Country
Under the Global Shipping Program, the state of the recipient.Ship To State
Under the Global Shipping Program, the ZIP code of the recipient.Ship To Zip
Site on which the item was sold (for example, eBay,, or eBay World of Good).Sold On
Total cost of the item, including shipping and handling (as well as sales tax, and insurance if
Total Price
When a package is shipped in the Global Shipping Program, the total cost for domestic
shipping only.
Use a tracking number to identify, trace, and check the status of a shipment as it moves to
its destination. Not all sellers track shipments.
Tracking Number
Numeric ID for a single transaction.Transaction ID
User ID of the buyer.User Id
Provides the variations used in the listing.Variation Details
Product Inventory report
The following table describes the fields in the Product Inventory report, which you can download from
File Exchange.
Product Inventory Report Fields
DescriptionField Name
Action value for a corresponding listing.Action
Specifies currency type, such as USD, CAD, GBP, AUD, EUR, CHF, TWD, CNY, and INR.CurrencyID
Fields that can be used to contain additional information about an item.Folder
ID assigned to a collection of similar products.GroupProductID
The name of the product.ProductName
Used to described the topmost category for the item.Root Folder
Amount paid by the seller to purchase the item.Unit Cost
149Result and report fields
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
Sold Listings report
The following table describes the fields in the Sold Listings report, which you can download from File
Sold Listings Report Fields
DescriptionField Name
Physical address of the buyer, typically a post office box, street address, or house name.Buyer Address 1
Supplement physical address of the buyer such as an apartment or suite number.Buyer Address 2
City in which the buyer resides.Buyer City
Country in which the buyer resides.Buyer Country
eMail address of the buyer.Buyer Email
Name of the buyer.Buyer Fullname
(US only) Phone number of the buyer.Buyer Phone Number
State in which the buyer resides.Buyer State
ZIP code or postal code for the area in which the buyer resides.Buyer Zip
Date on which the buyer set up a payment.Checkout Date
Contains an internal SKU or unique identifier and is a very useful way to index your
inventory with eBay listings and associated costs.
Custom Label
Time at which the listing will end on eBay.Type:YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. Hours are
displayed in 24-hour format (for example, 2:00:00pm is shown as 14:00:00) and treated
as GMT.
Indicates that feedback was created for the seller.Feedback Left
Indicates that the feedback was received from the buyer.Feedback Received
The unique identifier of an order shipped in the Global Shipping Program. eBay generates
this value when the order is complete. The international shipping provider uses the
Global Shipping Reference ID
Product:EPID as the primary reference when processing the shipment. Sellers must
include this value on the package immediately above the street address of the international
shipping provider.
Amount of insurance (if applicable) to be paid for by the buyer.Insurance
Numeric ID assigned to the item when it is successfully listed. In the Load Results report
for the Add action, this is the ItemID that the system has assigned to each successful
listing (for other actions, it will be returned if you included it in your upload file).
Item ID
Title displayed in the listing.Item Title
Date on which the item was listed.Listed On
Details provided by the seller about the transaction.Notes to Yourself
Numeric ID of the listing assigned when the order is placed.Order ID
Date on which the buyer paid for the item.Paid on Date
Result and report fields150
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
Sold Listings Report Fields
DescriptionField Name
Means by which the buyer is to remit payment.Payment Method
If payment is remitted with PayPal, this value is the transaction ID number assigned by
PayPal Transaction ID
Any content about the item or the transaction that you provided in your upload file.Private Notes
eBay Product ID (EPID) of the item.Product:EPID
Number of units of a specific item available for purchase.Quantity
Date on which the sale took place.Sale Date
The amount the item sold for, not including shipping and handling.
Sale Price
Numeric ID of the listing assigned after the item sells.Sales Record Number
Amount of sales tax (if applicable) to be paid for by the buyer.Sales Tax
Date on which the seller shipped the item.Shipped on Date
Total cost charged to the customer to prepare and ship the item.Shipping and Handling
When a package is shipped in the Global Shipping Program, the domestic shipping cost
The means by which an item is shipped.Shipping Service
When you use the Global Shipping Program to ship a package, this is the shipping service
specified for the domestic portion only. The value can contain any valid shipping service
that services the domestic address of the international shipping provider.
Under the Global Shipping Program, the street address of the recipient.Ship To Address 1
Under the Global Shipping Program, the street address of the recipient.Ship To Address 2
Under the Global Shipping Program, the city of the recipient.Ship To City
Under the Global Shipping Program, the country of the recipient.Ship To Country
Under the Global Shipping Program, the state of the recipient.Ship To State
Under the Global Shipping Program, the ZIP code of the recipient.Ship To Zip
Site on which the item was sold (for example, eBay,, or eBay World of Good).Sold On
Time listing went live on eBay site (same as ScheduleTime, if used).Type:YYYY-MM-DD
HH:MM:SS. Hours are in 24-hour format (for example, 2:00:00pm is shown as 14:00:00)
and treated as GMT.
Total cost of the item, including shipping and handling (as well as sales tax, and insurance
if applicable).
Total Price
When a package is shipped in the Global Shipping Program, the total cost for domestic
shipping only.
151Result and report fields
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
Sold Listings Report Fields
DescriptionField Name
Numeric ID for a single transaction.Transaction ID
User ID of the buyer.User Id
Provides the variations used in the listing.Variation Details
Unsold Items report
The following table describes the fields in the Unsold Items report, which you can download from File
Unsold Items Report Fields
DescriptionField Name
Current number of bids for an active listing.Bids
Name of leaf category.CategoryLeafName
Numeric ID of the category in which the item is to be listed.Category Number
The physical condition of the item.Condition
Contains an internal SKU or unique identifier and is a very useful way to index your
inventory with eBay listings and associated costs.
Custom Label
Date and time at which the file was downloaded. For example, 29-Mar-13 13:32:01
Download Date
Date on which the listing ended; for example, 1-Apr-12.End Date
Highest bid entered for the item.High Bid
Numeric ID assigned to the item when it is successfully listed. In the Load Results
report for the Add action, this is the ItemID that the system has assigned to each
Item ID
successful listing (for other actions, it will be returned if you included it in your upload
Title displayed in the listing.Item Title
One of the following. For:Price
Active auctions, the highest current bid
Fixed Price and Store Inventory items, the Buy It Now price
Second Chance Offers, the price offered
Ad/Real Estate, the listed price
Any content about the item or the transaction that you provided in your upload file.Private Notes
eBay Product ID (EPID) of the item.Product:EPID
Number of items remaining for a specific listing.QuantityAvailable
Result and report fields152
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
Unsold Items Report Fields
DescriptionField Name
The eBay site on which the item is listed, denoted by an integer. For example, 0 (U.S.),
100 (eBay Motors), or 77 (Germany).
Site Listed
(Awaiting Payment, Paid Not Shipped) Specifies the status of the purchase; should be
Refunded or Shipped, depending on the purpose of the uploaded file.
(Unsold Items) Indicates the success or failure of an action in a listing. If "Fail," ErrorCode
and ErrorMessage fields provide corresponding information.
Date on which the listing was created. For example, 25-Mar-12.Start Date
Numeric ID for the type of auction. For example, 1 is Auction, 7 is Store Fixed Price, 9
is Basic Fixed Price, and 13 is Lead Generation.
Number of users watching the item.Watchers
153Result and report fields
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
Action field 22
Action field definition 71
Action values
excess fields 18
Info 16
using multiple 18
action-specific required fields 17
active listings report 55
Active Listings report fields 138
Add action 13
adding fields
auto-accept and -decline 37
conditionID 36
custom item specifics 34
dimension 45
international site visibility 38
payment information 42
return policy information 44
shipment tracking numbers 48
shipping discounts 43
ThemeID 41, 87
weight 45
adding new fields
custom item specifics 34
general 20
international site visibility 38
shipping discount 43
weight and dimensions 45
AddToItemDescription action 13
API compatibility level 62
archived items report 55
auction fees 22
Australia shipping services option field values 124
austria shipping services option field values 125
auto-accept and auto-decline 37
awaiting payment items report 55
Awaiting Payment report fields 140
belgium (dutch) shipping services option field values 126
belgium (french) shipping services option field values
best offer fields 102
Business policies 24
payment 24
return 24
shipping 24
buyer requirements 39
Canada (French) shipping services option field values
canada shipping services option field values 127
case-sensitivity 12
catalog-supported sites 59
category, store numbers 37
cell information 69
limits 12
types 12
charitable donations 40
china shipping services option field values 128
combined payments 43
motorcycles 27
vehicles 27
compatibility fields 27
conditionID 36
cost fields 102
country codes 64
create download request 55
create download schedule 57
credit card fields 96
CrossBorderTrade 38
currency 62
Customer Support 50
CustomLabel, variation 30
entering 22
deleting a field
general info 20
deleting multiple field values
general info 21
Description field 22
design fields 71
Designer, Listing
ThemeID 41, 87
dimension fields 45, 88
discount fields 102
display fields 71
domestic shipping rate table 46
domestic shipping services field values 124
domestic shipping services fields 111
donations, charitable 40
create schedule 57
view schedule 58
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
download files
programmatically 67
download request 55
reports 50
eBay store
category numbers 37
eBay token 67
End action 13
entering data 22
excess fields 18
feedback fields 71
fees, auction 22
fees, listing 22
field definition
Action 71
field relationships 12
Action 22
Description 22
entering data 22
Title 22
fields, reports
Active Listings 138
Awaiting Payment 140
Global Trade Item Number 143
Load Response Results 141
Paid and Awaiting Shipment 145
Paid and Shipped 147
Product Inventory 149
Recommendations 139
Sold Listings 150
Unsold Items 152
File Exchange
finding templates 11
file format 13
file revision 52
file size and content rules 13
flat-file formats 60
format check 50
france shipping services option field values 129
germany shipping services option field values 129
gift fields 88
Global Trade Item Number report fields 143
handling fields 88
hong kong shipping services option field values 130
HTTP post request 68
india shipping services option field values 131
Info action 16
international shipping services field values 124
international shipping services fields 111
international site visibility 38
ireland shipping services option field values 130
italy shipping services option field values 131
item specifics, custom 34
characters 12
Listing Designer
ThemeID 41, 87
listing fees 22
listings and records menu 55
Load Response Results report fields 141
malaysia shipping services option field values 132
API compatibility level 62
cell information 69
Currency 62
overriding 69
SiteID 61
modify variations 33
compatibility 27
multiple actions in one file 18
netherlands shipping services option field values 132
non-profit 40
numbers, store category 37
overriding metadata 69
package dimension 45
package fields 88
package weight 45
View Upload Results 50
paid and awaiting shipment items report 55
Paid and Awaiting Shipment report fields 145
paid and shipped items report 55
Paid and Shipped report fields 147
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
paid items 55
parts and compatibility fields 27
Business policy 24
payment fields 96
payment policy 42
philippines shipping services option field values 133
picture fields 71
PicURL, variation 30
poland shipping services option field values 133
pricing fields 102
product fields 107
Product fields 25
product identifiers 25
Product Inventory report fields 149
programmatic instructions to download files 67
programmatic instructions to upload files 67
Quantity, variation 30
quotation marks 18
rate table
domestic shipping 46
Recommendations report fields 139
region names 62
Relationship, variation 30
RelationshipDetails, variation 30
Relist action 13
report fields
Active Listings 138
Awaiting Payment 140
Global Trade Item Number 143
Load Results Response 141
Paid and Awaiting Shipment 145
Paid and Shipped 147
Product Inventory 149
Recommendations Listings 139
Sold Listings 150
Unsold Items 152
report scripts 138
reports 55
reports, downloading 50
request eBay token 67
required fields per action 17
buyers 39
file 50
view upload 50
results report 51
Business policy 24
return policy 44
return policy fields 96
Revise action 13
revision files 52
scheduling downloads 55
scripts, reports 138
shipment tracking numbers 48
Business policy 24
shipping discounts 43
shipping rates
domestic 46
shipping services field values 124
shipping services fields 111
shipping services option field values
Australia 124
austria 125
belgium(dutch) 126
belgium(french) 126
canada 127
Canada (French) 128
china 128
france 129
germany 129
hong kong 130
india 131
ireland 130
italy 131
malaysia 132
netherlands 132
philippines 133
poland 133
singapore 133
spain 134
switzerland 134
taiwan 135
united kingdom 135
united states 136
singapore shipping services option field values 133
site ID 61
site-specific file formats 60
sites that support catalog templates 59
smart headers 12, 17
Sold Listings report fields 150
spain shipping services option field values 134
StartPrice, variation 30
Status action 13
store category fields 71
store category numbers 37
template 12, 50
style fields 71
supported formats 13
switzerland shipping services option field values 134
shipping rates 46
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions
taiwan shipping services option field values 135
tax fields 102
entering data 22
adding auto-accept and auto-decline fields 37
adding conditionID 36
adding custom item specific fields 34
adding new fields 20
adding shipment tracking number fields 48
adding shipping discount fields 43
adding ThemeID 41, 87
adding weight and dimension fields 45
country codes 64
Currency metadata 62
deleting a field 20
deleting multiple field values 21
file formats per site 60
file size and content rules 13
finding 11
international site visibility 38
metadata cell information 69
modifying 33
overriding metadata 69
parts and compatibility fields 27
Product fields 25
region names 62
required fields per action 17
SiteID metadata 61
sites that support catalog template 59
structure 12
uploading 50
using quotation marks 18
using smart headers 17
variation 30
ThemeID 41, 87
tips 12
Title field 22
token 67
tracking numbers 48
characters 12
typographic conventions 11
understanding template structure 12
united kingdom shipping services option field values 135
united states shipping services option field values 136
unsold items report 55
Unsold Items report fields 152
upgrade fields 71
result details 51
view results 50
upload files
programmatically 67
using Action values 13
using quotation marks 18
using smart headers 17
CustomLabel 30
modify 33
PicURL 30
Quantity 30
Relationship 30
RelationshipDetails 30
StartPrice 30
Variations 30
compatibility 27
VerifyAdd action 13
view download schedule 58
view upload results 50
weight fields 45, 88
File Exchange Advanced Template Instructions