City of Santa Barbara
Public Works Department
DATE: February 17, 2022
TO: Water Commission
VIA: Joshua Haggmark, Water Resources Manager
FROM: Arturo Keller, Water Commissioner
SUBJECT: What Is Direct Potable Reuse And What Are Some Key Considerations
For Its Implementation In California
The State Water Resource Control Board has been actively working on developing
regulations that would support state wide Direct Potable Reuse (DPR). Is California ready
for DPR? In this presentation, we will explore the technological, economic, and
environmental considerations associated with DPR.
ATTACHMENT: Direct Potable Reuse: Are We Ready? A Review of Technological,
Economic, and Environmental Considerations
Direct Potable Reuse: Are We Ready? A Review of Technological,
Economic, and Environmental Considerations
Arturo A. Keller,* Yiming Su, and David Jassby
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ABSTRACT: Meeting future water demand will require serious consideration of direct potable reuse
(DPR) for many water agencies. There has been tremendous progress in the technologies needed to
address the concerns that conventional and novel water contaminants pose. Yet, to date, only a few
relatively small DPR operations have been installed. As we get closer to the point where regulations are
nalized and serious investments are planned, there is a need to ask: Are we ready? In this Review, we
explore the technological, economic, and environmental considerations associated with DPR. In
particular, we focus on the status of technologies for addressing the most challenging water pollutants,
the cost estimates for DPR, and the energy demand and associated implications of DPR. We nd that,
although the technologies are nearly ready for DPR, the most critical issue will be real-time monitoring
of a number of molecules that pose distinct challenges to advanced treatment trains. In addition, there
is a need to consider emergency planning, both in terms of emergency buer reservoir(s) and planning
for situations in which the treated water does not meet specications. Since any advanced treatment
train will result in a signicant increase in embedded energy, it will be particularly important to plan for
renewable energy to minimize environmental impacts.
KEYWORDS: Emerging pollutants, water quality, reuse, monitoring, sensors
Rising temperatures, increasing variability in precipitation
patterns, more extended droughts, growing populations, and
limited alternatives for new traditional water sources in semiarid
regions with frequent water scarcity episodes, such as the
southwestern US and around the world, are major drivers for a
serious consideration of direct potable reuse (DPR).
concept of closing the loop
in terms of the urban water cycle,
as part of the Fourth Water Revolution, considers potable
water reuse as one of its key pillars.
The employment of high-
quality treated wastewater for planned indirect potable reuse
(IPR), by employing an environmental buer as in the case of
groundwater recharge or reservoir water augmentation, is
already a current practice in many regions (e.g., NEWater
Orange County Water District Groundwate r
Replenishment System (California),
Upper Occoquan Service
Authority (Virginia),
Montebello Forebay Groundwater
Recharge Project (Los Angeles, California), Western Corridor
Recycled Water Scheme (South East Queensland, Australia)
Summaries of several pilot or operational DPR and IPR systems
are provided by Guo et al.
However, the direct introduction of
high-quality treated euent to a public water system or for raw
water augmentation immediately upstream of a water treatment
plant, as planned in DPR, requires additional considera-
Given the high cost of treating water for potable reuse, the rst
step must be to implement a community-wide water
conservation plan. There are many success stories, throughout
California, the US, and around the world,
that implement
appliances and xtures with higher water (and energy) use
eciency, convert landscapes to vegetation that requires almost
no watering or t o permeabl e hardscapes, eliminate leaks
throughout the entire water system, and provide incentives to
The employment of an environmental buer, essentially
storing the treated water in a large compartment, either an
aquifer or a reservoir, provides a dilution of constituents that
may be present in the treated water as well as time for natural
attenuation and detection of any unexpected changes in water
In California, Title 22 requires that water for IPR
be treated with reverse osmosis (RO) and an advanced oxidation
process (AOP) plus a minimum of two months of subsurface
travel time or reservoir retention time with specic consid-
erations for dilution ratios.
In fact, a longer residence time,
greater than 6 months, is desirable; less than two months
requires additional considerations. The goal is to ensure that the
concentrations of inorganic and organic chemicals are below
their respective maximum concentration levels (MCLs), water
quality objectives (WQOs), or notication levels (NLs), that
Special Issue: Technology Baselines and Innovation
Priorities for Water Treatment and Supply
Received: July 8, 2021
Revised: September 16, 2021
Accepted: September 17, 2021
© XXXX American Chemical Society
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levels of enteric viruses have a 12-log reduction, and that levels of
Giardia cysts and Cryptos poridium oocysts have a 10-log
However, many communities do not have a nearby
reservoir or aquifer capacity for the 2+ months of residence time
or dilution ratios, or the hydrogeochemistry may be unsuitable
for IPR. In addition, the elimination of the environmental buer
may be more cost-ecient than IPR.
Many communities that extract their raw water from rivers,
such as the Ohio River, the Colorado River, and many others
around the world, already conduct unplanned IPR.
Upstream communities discharge their treated wastewater into
the river, in many cases with only secondary treatment, which is
diluted and then extracted downstream by other communities,
with much less than the recommended two months of residence
time. Technologies, regulations, and management approaches
that are relevant for DPR are thus valid for many other locations.
The elimination of the environmental buer raises concerns
with regards to illegal or accidental discharges of chemicals into
the wastewater sewer collection stream or a stormwater
conveyance that connects to the wastewater system that may
not be regularly monitored.
Concerns about water security
also increase when there is a short time to react to such events.
The current COVID-19 pandemic has been a wake-up call to
also address unexpected, novel pathogens that may be present in
Thus, even for DPR, a small emergency buer
should be built into the design to handle any ows that are
suspected of not meeting drinking water quality goals and a
means to divert ow temporarily to a receiving water body until
goals are met.
Closing the loop raises concerns with regards to the
accumulation of common constituents (e.g., chloride, nitrate,
borate) throughout the urban water system, even in the case of
IPR, where the constituents can increase in the aquifer or
reservoir. Current treatment levels for most wastewater
treatment plants (WWTPs) do not entirely remove chemicals
of emerging concern (CECs) such as pharmaceuticals and
personal care products (PPCPs), per- and polyuoroalkyl
substances (PFASs) , disinfection byproducts (DBPs), and
nanomaterials and their residual ions as well as many industrial
chemicalsthatarenotregulated or monitored (e.g.,
Conventional WWTPs are not required to
remove these contaminants, and although many can be partially
removed from the euent, residuals can remain. The potential
eects of chronic exposure to low-level residuals of these
contaminants have not been fully characterized.
there is a need for advanced treatment and real-time monitoring
of low (ng/L) levels of these currently unregulated contami-
nants. There is particular concern with low molecular mass
(<200 Da) neutral chemicals that may not be removed entirely
by RO and/or AOPs,
such as those presented in Table 1.
To address these concerns, advanced online monitoring of
chemicals and rapid o-line analytical capabilities will be
Online monitoring of unregulated CECs cannot
rely on currently available total organic carbon (TOC) sensors,
even if they can detect organic molecules at 0.5 mg/L, or even
0.1 mg/L, since that is still orders of magnitude greater than the
ng/L levels at which the CECs may be present. Although
nontargeted and semitargeted analysis can be employed, these
methods are capital intensive and have high labor costs,
requiring novel tools for real-time monitoring. In the long term,
online monitoring will have to be reliable, convenient, and
aordable for WWTPs. Several sampling points will be needed
along the treatment trains and distribution systems (Figure 1).
In addition, raw wastewater contains a high level of pathogens,
including enteric bacteria, viruses, and protozoa. Raw waste-
water may contain virus concentrations of 107 to 109 gene
copies per liter for qPCR-based analyses, virus concentrations of
3 to 1300 per liter for culture-based analyses, and protozoa
concentrations of 6 to 17 000 per liter.
Their mass loading
signicantly decreases through the conventional WWTP
process, and most can be removed by advanced technologies
such as RO and AOPs; however, there is a need to be vigilant and
implement online monitoring to avoid the risk of exposing the
population to these pathogens.
Sewersheds that include a signicant number of industrial and
commercial activity will need additional administrative meas-
ures, such as identication of all possible sources, inventories of
chemicals in use, regular updating of inventories, enforcement of
Table 1. Partial List of Chemicals of Potential Concern after
Advanced Treatment
chemical potential eects reference
arsenic (arsenite) cancer and other diseases 65
boron developmental eects, toxic for plants 66
bromate carcinogen, developmental
neurotoxicity, negative eects on
crop plants
67, 68
chlorate carcinogen 6971
1,4-dioxane liver and kidney damage 72
2,4,6-trichlorophenol carcinogen 71
2,4,6-trichloroanisole organoleptic threshold 73, 74
2,4-dichloroanisole organoleptic threshold 73, 74
2-methyl-isobomeol organoleptic threshold 73, 74
acetaldehyde carcinogen 71
acetone and other VOCs taste and odor 75
atenolol developmental toxicity 76, 77
benzoquinones DNA and protein damage 78
bisphenol A endocrine disruption 79
bromoacetonitrile carcinogen 71
bromoform carcinogens 80, 81
carbamazepine toxic to pregnant women and fetuses 8284
chloroacetonitrile carcinogen 71, 80, 81
chloroform carcinogens 80, 81
dichloromethane carcinogen 71
enedials damage to hepatic proteins 85, 86
estrogen endocrine disruption 87
pronil liver toxicity 88, 89
formaldehyde carcinogen 71
geosmin organoleptic threshold 73, 74
glyoxal oxidative stress 90, 91
halogenated disinfection
carcinogens, mutagens 92
imidacloprid reproductive toxicity 88,
nitrosamines carcinogens 71, 92,
94, 95
hepatotoxic and carcinogen 96
oxoenals damage to hepatic proteins 85, 86
substances (PFASs)
thyroid disorders, cancer 97, 98
phosphate (TCEP)
carcinogen 76,
phosphate (TCPP)
DNA-damage potential 102
triclosan endocrine disruption 103
ACS ES&T Engineering Review
pretreatment (i.e., treatment at the industrial or commercial
source), and education of all employees as to the potential
eects of any discharge into the sewer that could result in
unexpected chemicals passing through the treatment systems
and into the water distribution system.
Other important considerations for DPR include (1) very low
total dissolved solids (TDS) after RO, which requires proper
dosing of dissolved solids to avoid corrosion problems that can
result in distribution system failures (e.g., leaking old
distribution pipes) and possible leaching of Pb and Cu;
(2) disposal of the RO brine, which can be a challenge for
communities far from the ocean and with sensitive nearby
(3) higher embedded energy by incorporating
RO, AOP, chlorination, and any additional processes after the
conventional WWTP and the corresponding impacts on
greenhouse gases and other issues;
(4) additional pumping
costs to transport water upgradient to the high points of the
(5) increased capital and operating costs; (6)
additional complexity and training within the treatment plants;
(7) redundant capital investment in key processes (e.g., RO, NF,
activated carbon) to ensure these treatment steps are 100%
operational; (8) the need for close cooperation and coordina-
tion between the WWTP(s) and the agencies in charge of raw
water treatment and distribution to maintain uniform ows,
manage emergency reservoir(s), and implement action plans in
case the treated euent does not meet water quality objectives.
In this Review, we consider the: (1) technologies available for
advanced tertiary treatment applicable for DPR and their ability
to address the contaminants indicated in Table 1; (2) tools for a
cost-eectiveness comparison; (3) energy and other consid-
erations for advanced tertiary treatment trains; (4) the critical
role for sensors that are being proposed to meet the challenges of
real-time monitoring at multiple locations for chemicals of
potential concern as well as for pathogens; (5) nal
recommendations on our readiness to deploy DPR.
Low-pressure microltration (MF) and ultraltration (UF)
membranes remove a signicant fraction of particulates and
large (>200 Da) organic molecules remaining after conventional
(primary and secondary) wastewater treatment (Figure 2).
Figure 1. Process diagram for direct and indirect potable reuse with potential sampling locations.
ACS ES&T Engineering Review
Nanoltration (NF) membranes can remove many additional
small molecules but do not remove low molecular mass
monovalent ions and cannot alone meet TDS requirements
for DPR. Reverse osmosis (RO) membranes remove most of the
remaining organic molecules (down to 150200 Da) and
divalent ions as well as a fraction of the monovalent ions,
meeting TDS requirements. More than 90% of semivolatiles and
the majority of PPCPs and PFAS are well rejected by NF and
However, a signicant fraction of small molecules,
such as chloroform, bromoform, bromodichloromethane, and
dibromochloromethane, are poorly rejected.
PFAS, TCEP, and other phosphoric acid esters can also pass
to the permeate at detectable concentrations.
A major
challenge for membrane technologies, in particular for RO and
NF membranes, is the irreversible adsorption of natural organic
matter and the formation of biolms, which obstruct the passage
of water, known as fouling.
Particulate deposition can
also result in fouling.
Deposits of inorganic ions (i.e., scaling)
can also aect membrane performance over time, increasing the
pressure needed to maintain water ux.
Considerable eort
has been spent on reducing fouling and scaling via membrane
design, chemical additions, and pretreatment.
formation (biofouling) can be limited using disinfectants (e.g.,
chloramine), scaling by lowering pH and with antiscalants, and
NOM and particle deposition via UF and MF pretreat-
Signicant advances have been made in membrane design and
performance using simulation tools from the molecular level to
system wide optimization. Molecular dynamics simulation of
membranes can serve to evaluate dierent membrane materials
in terms of treatment performance, energy requirements, and
fouling. In these studies, there is generally a focus on inorganic
ion (e.g., Na
) transport through dierent membrane
materials. Molecular dynamics can serve to guide membrane
material development (e.g., use of functionalized carbon
and boron nitride nanotubes
for higher ion rejection and water ow rates), selectivity based
on membrane characteristics (e.g., pore size, membrane
structure and thickness, surface modications), water and ion
dynamics, and fouling.
Membrane performance simu-
lations at larger scales with specic input water conditions (e.g.,
salinity, operating pressure and temperature, ow rate) can be
used to select among the many types of membranes available for
water reuse.
Simulations are also used to optimize system
design, consider single- vs two-step congurations, and
incorporate energy recovery devices and pretreatment as a
means to reduce energy requirements as well as other costs.
Process optimization can also be achieved using adaptive control
strategies for backwash frequency, disinfectant addition, RO
ux, water recovery (i.e., fraction of feedwater present in treated
water), pH, and antiscalants dose.
In addition to lowering
energy and chemical use, optimization can also increase
membrane lifetime and important operating costs.
AOPs can generally be divided into O
-based, UV-based,
plasma-based, and electrochemical approaches and can remove
many of the remaining organic molecules that pass through the
RO membranes, albeit with dierent eectiveness. For AOPs,
there have been a number of studies implementing articial
neural networks (ANN) for determining removal eciencies,
operational control, and optimization
as well as for predicting
In terms of removal eciencies, the approach
to date is to consider specic target chemicals (e.g., textile
pesticides, MTBE
) gener-
ally using a specic AOP,
but there is a need for a more
comprehensive approach. Overall, there is a major research gap
in the development of tools for predicting cost and performance
of AOPs in part due to the wide range of chemicals considered,
processes, and operational conditions.
A low-energy alternative to AOPs is granular activated carbon
(GAC), which can also be biologically enhanced (BAC) to
increase removal eciency. For BAC, models have been
developed to predict the adsorption and biodegradation
performance as a function of operational conditions with good
Modeling was more accurate for poorly to
moderately adsorbing trace organics, indicating that the model is
more accurate for biodegradation if the kinetics are known.
few studies have modeled the combination of ozone and BAC to
predict the removal eciency of trace organics in water reuse.
However, there is also a need for performance and optimization
models as well as to more accurately predict costs and energy
requirements based on operating conditions.
The focus of this section is on those molecules that pose
signicant challenges for DPR, such as small monovalent ions
and organics.
Small Inorganic Molecules. The majority of heavy metals
(e.g., copper, chromium, nickel, etc.) are found in an ionic form
at neutral pH, are well-rejected by RO membranes, and are not
anticipated to be an issue in most streams.
However, As(III)
and boron, which are found as uncharged oxides/hydroxides at
neutral pH, are not well-rejected by RO membranes and could
pose a danger (although boron is a problem primarily for plants
and not mammals).
Arsenic is naturally present in many minerals, and although
typically dissolved concentrations are low, it can be found at up
to 2000 μg/L in some groundwater sources. While many water
supply systems in the US and around the world remove a
signicant fraction of the arsenic load from their raw water, it
could be introduced into the system by domestic or industrial
users using local wells; careful monitoring is needed to avoid
buildup of As concentrations in a DPR system. Even at low
levels, arsenic can lead to a number of cancers (skin, lungs,
bladder, liver, kidney), and the eects may not be observed for
years until they are irreversible.
Although a fraction of the
particulate and dissolved arsenic can be removed by coagulation
or adsorption, it may not be sucient. MF/UF have pore sizes
Figure 2. Size and molecular mass of pollutants and pathogens removed
by dierent techniques. DBPs = disinfection byproducts, EDCs =
endocrine disrupting chemicals, PPCPs = pharmaceuticals and personal
care products, and PFASs = per- and polyuoroalkyl substances.
Membrane cuto ranges from ref 145.
ACS ES&T Engineering Review
that are too large to reject the ionic form.
RO can reject 60
98% As(V) and/or 6580% As(III) in the inuent; thus, in
some cases, two or more steps are needed to reach WQOs.
the source water is anoxic, preoxidation of arsenite to arsenate is
recommended, since at typical pH arsenite is present as a neutral
form, while arsenate is anionic, increasing rejection. However, if
pH adjustment is needed to remove arsenate, it may be more
cost-eective to have two-step RO ltration.
Sea water (SWRO) and brackish water (BWRO) polyamide
membranes reject boron by 8093% and 3080%, respectively.
Consequently, a single-pass RO process is usually unable to
remove boron down to WQOs. Boron removal can be improved
by (a) pre- and post-treatment techniques;
(b) double-pass
(c) membrane modication;
(d) electroactive
Removal of boron using a second pass or
alternative method increases water cost by approximately 10
While Br
by itself does not pose a concern, the potential
formation of bromate (BrO
disinfection byproducts (Br-DBPs) during ozone-based dis-
infection processes can be a problem if local surface or
groundwater contains high l evels of Br
(e.g., Australia).
While Br
removal eciency of the RO process usually ranges
from 93% to 99.3% when total dissolved salt (TDS)
concentrations are low, it could decline to 74% when TDSs
increased to 400 ppm.
In terms of Br-DBPs, their removal
eciencies in the RO process are relatively low, ranging from 0
(i.e., bromomethane) to 80% (i.e., 1,2-dibromoethane).
Moreover, while AOP processes can degrade Br-DBPs, the
risk of forming bromate is quite high. To lower the levels of Br-
DBPs, it is important to remove Br
before the AOP process.
Double-pass RO is an option,
and new approaches such as
selective ion-exchange resin and membrane capacitive
deionization are being explored.
Low Molecular Mass Volatile, Semivolatile, and
Nonvolatile Organic Compounds. The (secondary) bio-
logical treatment in a WWTP can eciently remove many
volatile organic compounds (VOCs) or semi-VOCs (e.g., 96.7 ±
1.6% of 2-butanone, 91.7 ± 5.9% of acetone), but the
degradation of halogenated VOCs declines signicantly and
may be even nil (e.g., chloroform, cis-1,3-dichloropropene, and
Some may be lost to the atmosphere,
and a reaeration step may help lower their concentrations. VOCs
are poorly rejected by RO due to their small molecular mass and
neutral charge.
For instance, the rejection ratios of
acetonitrile, acrylonitrile, ch loroethane, 1,1-dich loroethene,
and trichloroethene are 23 ± 10.6%, 18 ± 8.1%, 15 ± 3.6%,
17 ± 9%, and 46 ± 2.9%, respectively.
Moreover, membrane
fouling caused by many VOCs signicantly decreases water ux.
For instance, fouling caused by hydroquinone, 4-nitrophenol,
and 4-chlorophenol reduced permeate water ux by 2.7%, 4.8%,
and 8.6%, respectively,
indicating that high loads of these
pollutants may deteriorate membrane performance.
GAC and other porous materials (e.g., zeolites) can remove
most organic compounds to a large extent, particularly if it is
biologically active.
VOCs can be removed by inter-
ception, hydrophobic interactions, electrostatic interaction,
multiple hydrogen bo nding, and various types of π ·· ·Cl
The massive number of adsorption sites on
the huge surface areas of these porous materials are responsible
for the large removal capacity and nanoadsorbents are in
development for specic classes of pollutants.
Biolms can
form on the GAC or other adsorbents to further increase the
removal capacity of many halogenated VOCs (e.g., methylene
chloride, chlorobenze ne, carbon tetrachloride, tetrachloro-
ethylene, 95% o-chlorophenol, trichloroethene, cis -1,2-dichloro-
ethylene, trans-1,2-DCE, and vinyl chloride).
and destruction of volatile and semivolatile organic compounds
can be enhanced by combining it with ozone, since activated
carbon can serve to produce hydroxyl radicals from ozone.
This can also remove many of the precursors to disinfection
byproducts. To increase the eectiveness, combinations of
AOPs with GAC, such as O
+ GAC + UV/H
, can be used to
enhance the destruction of the organics.
The most cost-
eective conguration for many organics was O
+ GAC +
Photoreactors, in some cases using nano-TiO
and UV,
are being considered as alternatives for the degradation of
challenging organics.
Many PPCPs can be removed by these
processes, either GAC alone or i n combination with
PFASs can also be removed to a certain extent
with GAC, although short-chain PFASs exhibited desorption,
and branched PFASs and those with carboxylic acids exhibited
lower adsorption than PFASs that are linear or contain sulfonic
Electrochemical systems can also function as advanced
oxidation/reduction processes for VOC degradation. Over
80% of chloroform, benzene, toluene, and trichloroethene in
solution can be oxidized within 2 h on Ir/Pd doped titanium
In addition, halogenated VOCs can be eciently
electrochemically reduced to halogen-free products on dierent
types of cathodes at relatively low potentials from 0.3 to 1.4
V (versus standard hydrogen electrode).
Thus, heteroge-
neous AOP processes, including the electrochemical system, are
increasingly widely adopted for organic pollutant removal.
In these processes, the reduction/oxidation rate is positively
correlated to the surface areas of the catalysts; thus, the
application of nanoscale materials becomes attractive.
introduction of nanomaterials not only concentrates the trace
pollutants on electrodes but also delivers electrons onto
adsorbed pollutants, which can signicantly increase pollutant
removal performance and energy ecacy as well.
In the
future, the heterogeneous AOP process for VOC degradation
may play an important role in DPR.
Two m olecules pose partic ular challenges, namely, N-
nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) and 1,4-dioxane. NDMA
(74.08 Da), both a former industrial chemical and a
chloramination byproduct, is detected in drinking water and
wastewater treatment plants, typically at levels below 100 ng/
but in industrial areas, concentrations up to 8230 ng/L
have been observed.
The USEPA screening level is 0.42 ng/L.
The removal eciency of NDMA and other nitrosamines in
conventional WWTP biological processes ranges from 0% to
96% from plant to plant and, even the same plant, can experience
a wide range of removal,
making it particularly challenging
for DPR. The minimization of nitrite yield in the biological
process and/or the addition of sand ltration after secondary
sedimentation can reduce NDMA levels in secondary treatment
but it still remains as a challenge to fully eliminate
it through biological treatment. Due to the existence of NDMA
precursors in secondary euent, it is very likely that NDMA and
other nitrosamines would be generated again during disinfection
if they are not fully removed before this step.
Treatment options, before feeding the secondary treatment
euent into an RO system, include ltration (i.e., sand ltration,
GAC adsorption, and nanoltration) and coagulation/occu-
lation, which all exhibit limited to moderate removal capacity for
ACS ES&T Engineering Review
NDMA (1644% with an NDMA concentration ranging
between 14 and 370 ng/L) and NDMA precursors.
eciency of these processes varied widely depending on raw
water qualities and the speci c biological treatment process. In
fact, studies report that coagulant dosing and bioltration can
contribute to the formation of NDMA precursors.
ltration (NF) can remove up to 90% of NDMA precursors,
but there could be signicant leaching of NDMA precursors
(180450 ng/L in permeate) after membrane fouling.
Due to its small molecular radius (0.248 nm), high
hydrophilicity, and neutral charge at pH 68, NDMA is not
eectively removed by RO membranes.
To enhance
NDMA removal, strategies such as (a) heat treatment of three
types of RO membranes (HYDRA, ESPAB, and ESPA2)
improved NDMA rejection from 74%, 62%, and 53% to 88%,
79%, and 62%, respectively;
(b) plugging the RO membrane
with dodecylamine increased rejection from 42% to 81%;
modication of RO with graphene oxide nanosheets enhanced
NDMA rejection from 76.5% to 82.7%.
However, while these
strategies increased NDMA rejection, the trade-o was that the
membranes exhibited lower permeability.
These strategies
are still in the research stage, and with current RO membranes,
there is no guarant ee that NDMA would be complet ely
removed; for instance, it was reported that the concentration
of NDMA in RO permeate ranged from 8.8 to 31 ng/L.
Moreover, the rejection of NDMA precursors declined with
increasing membrane age and after membrane cleaning; the
NDMA rejection ratio decreased 69% during the rst 4 h
before increasing back to the precleaning rejection ratio.
In terms of AOPs, H
, ozone, and ClO
alone decrease the
concentrations of NDMA and NDMA precursors to some
degree, but the potential formation of NDMA in subsequent
chloramination and its partial rejection of RO highlight the need
for a combined AOP.
Since the removal eciencies of
NDMA using UV + H
, and UV + monochloramine
are all above 95% and that using UV/free chlorine is 8195%,
UV-based technologies are favored.
However, excessive UV
radiation and oxidant dosage can increase NDMA formation
1,4-Dioxane (88.11 Da) is a stabilizer added to chlorinated
organic solvents, which is found as a contaminant in some urban
groundwater basins.
It is also poorly rejected by NF and RO
due to its high polarity and small size.
Traditional AOPs
such as O
or UV + H
are not suciently eective to remove
it from the RO permeate.
Thus, research is ongoing to
achieve higher removal eciencies for 1,4-dioxane, such as
reductive electrochemical activation of hydrogen peroxide.
Figure 3. Estimated (A) total capital costs; (B) annual operating expenses; (C) capital costs per 1000 m
of capacity; (D) operating annual expenses
per 1000 m
. From Guo et al.: RO = reverse osmosis, UF/MF = ultraltration/microltration, MBR = membrane bioreactor, AS = activated sludge,
COAG = coagulation, H
(1) = peroxone, and GAC = granular activated carbon.
From Plumlee et al.: NF = nanoltration, UV + H
ultraviolet + hydrogen peroxide, O
= ozone, BAC = biologically activated carbon, and H
(2) = peroxone.
All costs adjusted for ination to
ACS ES&T Engineering Review
BAC and O
BAC may also be cost-eective approaches for
Pathogens. Pathogens, including viruses, have a particle size
large than 10 nm,
and thus, RO should be able to achieve
100% removal based on size exclusion theory.
osmosis followed by RO treatment was reported to achieve 6.7-
log removal of spiked MS2 bacteriophage in graywater and
sewage, 5.4-log removal of native Escherichia coli (E. coli)in
graywater, and 7.9-log removal of native E. coli in sewage.
However, regrowth of the native bacteria in RO permeate was
still observed, indicating that additional disinfection is
In addition, monitoring virus removal after RO still
presents challenges.
Thus, UV, O
, and/or chlorination
treatment is highly recommended after RO. For instance, dosing
sodium hypochlorite can completely eliminate SARS-CoV-2 in
septic tank wastewater.
There are many combinations of advanced tertiary treatment
trains that can be considered for a given location for DPR,
on the basis of local water sources and conditions, existing
WWTP infrastructure and space, availability of brine disposal to
the ocean vs inland, energy costs, funding mechanisms, etc.
These factors as well as the selected treatment train, scale (i.e.,
ow rate), and local regulatory requirements can substantially
aect the nal installed capital and operating costs. Nevertheless,
it is useful to consider the cost of the various treatment units to
plan for DPR to make an informed decision about the various
water supply options. A particular challenge in obtaining cost
information is that most publications are based on small-scale
lab studi es or a relatively limited number of large-scale
operations with very dierent conditions.
Guo et al.
conducted a very detailed study of the capital (CAPEX) and
operating (OPEX) expenses of many of the unit operations (e.g.,
RO, UF + MF, membrane bioreactor (MBR), activated sludge
(AS), coagulation (COAG), peroxone (H
), and
granular activated carbon (GAC)) and generated scaling
Figure 3 presents the ination-adjusted CAPEX
(Figure 3A) and OPEX (Figure 3B) costs (from 2012 to 2021)
based on equations for plant capacities ranging from 100 to
500 000 m
/d. Chlorination is expected to be a very small
fraction of the total cost of the DPR train.
To complement the
information, the cost equations developed by Plumlee et al. were
also included in Figure 3, which were also adjusted for ination
(from 2011 to 2021).
These authors consider that the
CAPEX and OPEX for RO are exactly the same as for NF (thus,
they are not presented in Figure 3). In terms of overall capital
costs, the capital investment per unit operation for a 100 000
/d (26.4 million gallons per day) plant ranges from around
$10M to $162M, excluding coagulation and peroxone treat-
as estimated using the information from Guo et al.
Most IPR and DPR plants built to date have a capacity of around
100 000 m
While in general the cost functions from Guo
et al.
and Plumlee et al.
are comparable in their estimates for
a given technology, there is a major discrepancy in the estimates
for peroxone (H
), CAPEX, and OPEX. Both equations
used to estimate this are presented in Figure 3. The data used for
Figure 3 is provided in Tables S1 and S2.
On the basis of these equations, at 100 000 m
/d, CAPEX is
ranked as follows: COAG O
(Plumlee et al.
< GAC < BAC < RO < UF/MF < AS < NF < MBR
(Guo et al.
); OPEX is ranked as O
(Plumlee et al.
< BAC < AS < COAG < GAC <
UF/MF = MBR < RO < NF < H
(Guo et al.
). These
cost estimates have an uncertainty of 30/+50%, and local
conditions may result in signicant dierences. Thus, there
could be substantial overlap in the range of estimates for the
various technologies, which aect the ranking. Naturally, the
assumptions embedded in the cost estimate equations are
important and may dier for each WWTP. For example, BAC as
estimated here assumes a 10 min
empty bed contact time
(EBCT), but other EBCTs may increase or decrease both
is considered pre-RO, while H
is intended to be post-RO. O
dosage is considered at 6 mg/L
in the inuent, but since some is consumed by the organic
matter, it is estimated at an eective dose of 3 mg/L with a 5 min
hydraulic contact time.
The increase of the eective dose of
ozone from 1.5 to 9 mg/L can result in an increase of 8% in
CAPEX for an 100 000 m
/d plant and 22% increase in
Low pressure (e.g., MF/UF) and high pressure (e.g.,
RO, NF) membranes and labor costs can be combined, reducing
overall OPEX.
The cost of electricity can be quite signicant
as a fraction of OPEX and will dier substantially for each region.
The eect of scale is clearer when CAPEX and OPEX are
normalized by plant capacity (m
/d) and annual ow (m
respectively (Figure 3C,D). CAPEX decreases substantially with
increasing scale for most technologies, except for UV + H
which remains near $115 per m
/d, and for peroxone as
calculated from the equation in Guo et al.,
in which CAPEX rst
decreases slowly until the plant capacity increases above
10 000 m
/d, and then unit costs begin to increase again
with increasing plant capacity. This behavior diers considerably
from the prediction using the equation in Plumlee et al.
peroxone, which has a continuous decrease in CAPEX with
scale. In terms of OPEX, most technologies exhibit a gradual but
consistent decrease with scale, except GAC and UF/MF, for
which OPEX decreases very rapidly with increasing plant
capacity. However, BAC, a very similar technology to GAC,
appears to reach a at cost of around $0.045 per m
above a plant
capacity of 10 000 m
The CAPEX and OPEX of NF are expected to be similar to
those of RO.
NF can operate at slightly lower pressure
than RO, which reduces OPEX.
The retentate from NF and
RO contains a signicant fraction of the CECs that were not fully
removed in the conventional wastewater treatment process and
may require additional treatment before being disposed of, for
example, using AOPs, such as ozone.
Since NF and RO have a
recovery ratio of 5085%,
the waste stream to treat and
dispose can be signicant. If ozone is used for this treatment,
with or without UV, the transfer eciency of ozone from the gas
phase where it is generated to the liquid phase needs to be high,
around 7090%.
Although some NF can perform very
well compared to RO in the removal of most CECs, they may
not meet the California requirement of TOC < 0.5 mg/L and
also have a poor rejection of nitrate and other monovalent
For example, a study to remove a combination of PFAS
using NF from concentrate estimated OPEX of around $0.25
at a ow rate of 11.5 m
/d, depending on the treatment
goal, which is similar to the estimate using the equation in
Plumlee et al.
(Figure 3D).
Some NF can lower most CEC
concentrations below 100 ng/L and, if bromide is not a concern,
NF can be more economical due to the lower pressure
requirements and fouling potential, which can result in 50%
fewer cleanings and higher overall utilization compared to RO.
The cost of fouling is signicant and can represent up to 24 ± 3%
ACS ES&T Engineering Review
of OPEX for RO and 11 ± 1% of OPEX for NF.
results in additional energy, earlier membrane replacement, and
minor additional cleaning costs.
Fouling also results in
additional downtime, which can be an important loss of use if
cleaning-in-place events are frequent.
Four advanced tertiary treatment trains were considered
(Figure 4), although there are many other possible combina-
tions. The least expensive in terms of CAPEX and OPEX is MF
BAC as proposed by Snyder et al.,
which can produce
high euent quality largely eliminating most CECs, although it
may not achieve TDS treatment goals and thus may be more
suitable for IPR.
CAPEX and OPEX are essentially the same
for MFROUV + H
and MFO
and these two
treatment trains have the potential to achieve very high euent
quality and meet the strict California requirements. The most
expensive treatment train would be MFROH
which also has the lowest economies of scale. The CAPEX
estimated here corresponds well (within 30/+50%) to those in
operational or pilot-scale plants in the US.
In all cases, the
added cost of these advanced tertiary treatment trains will have
an important impact on the overall cost of water for ratepayers.
However, CAPEX for RO and NF continues to decrease with
increasing installed capacity,
which has not been taken
into consideration in these estimates. On the other hand, we are
approaching the thermodynamic limit of separation
costs for membranes reaching an asymptote.
Energy considerations are paramount to potable reuse, given the
signicant increase in the energy required per m
of treated
water. For the unit operations being considered for potable
reuse, the largest requirement would be from the high-pressure
membranes (Figure 5) followed by the energy requirements for
UV + H
, which are very similar to those of BAC and MF/UF.
As with the cost estimates, these values have an uncertainty of
30/+50%, and local conditions may result in signicant
dierences. The range of values also depends on the level of
technology (e.g., older vs newer membranes, ozone generating
system, UV lamps). Thus, treatment trains that consider RO (or
NF) would have 8090% higher energy requirements than
alternatives such as MFO
BAC. These estimates based on
modeling equations can be compared to a recent study that
found the electricity intensity in 70 operating, planned, or pilot
fully advanced treatment systems to range from 0.9 to 2.2 kWh/
with operational systems reporting from 1.1 to 1.4 kWh/
To compare the energy required to degrade CECs, it is useful
to consider the concept of electrical energy per order (EE/O, in
), which is the electrical energy needed to degrade a
particular chemical by 1 order of magnitude in 1 m
of water.
A recent review of the EEOs of 13 AOPs for a large number of
molecules concluded that O
alone had in general the lowest
median EEO followed by H
< electron beam < UV +
chlorine < UV + persulfate < UV + O
< photo-
Fenton < plasma.
The median EEO values for the rst seven
EEOs in the ranking are <1 kWh/m
. For photo-Fenton and
plasma, the median EEO values are 35 kWh/m
. There is a
signicant dierence in the EEO for the various chemicals,
depending on the molecular structure and physicochemical
properties, in some cases ranging over 5 orders of magnitude
(e.g., from 10
to 10
for O
EEO is also
dependent on the dose of H
, UV lamp type and arrangement,
and other operating conditions such as the eciency with which
Figure 4. Integrated advanced tertiary treatment train (A) capital costs; (B) annual operating expenses. The treatment train costs are calculated with
the equations from Guo et al.
and Plumlee et al.
All costs adjusted for ination to 2021.
Figure 5. Energy/water ratio for dierent unit processes as well as three
possible treatment trains for DPR or IPR. Energy data from Plumlee et
ACS ES&T Engineering Review
can be transferred from the gas phase to water.
are also reported only for the AOP process itself and does not
take into account energy requirements for purchased chemicals
or other life-cycle stages.
While it is useful to consider EEO, it
is important to note that the removal eciency generally
decreases as follows: plasma < UV-based AOPs < O
To select the technology for a given DPR system, one
will need to consider the most recalcitrant contaminants in
wastewater that are not removed by the previous or subsequent
processes in the treatment train.
The advanced tertiary treatment train not only will increase
the energy footprint of the WWTP and the embedded energy
but also, depending on the composition of the electrical grid,
may result in increased emissions of greenhouse gases,
particulate matter of all sizes, mercury, and other air pollutants
as well as its on water demand.
On the other hand, as the
electrical grid relies more and more on renewable energy, in
general with lower environmental impacts, the increased
energy/water ratio may not result in a much higher environ-
mental footprint. It should also be noted that the transport of
water and wastewater to the corresponding treatment plants
requires a considerable amount of energy, in some cases more
than the energy of conventional wastewater treatment.
Domestic water heating also represents a much higher energy
intensity (3570 kWh/m
, depending on inlet and outlet
temperatures as well as fuel source)
than those in these
treatment trains, highlighting the need to minimize unnecessary
water heating; proper accounting of the water volumes should be
taken into consideration in these assessments. Since domestic
water heating is controlled by consumers, it is important to
educate them on the potential energy savings that can be
achieved at the consumer level. In addition, there is an
opportunity to use DPR systems as a means to store renewable
energy by using it only when it is cheap and abundant on the grid
(i.e., during peak solar hours during the day in California or at
peak wind hours at night in Texas) and then store the treated
water in the emergency buer reservoir.
Creative thinking can
be used to solve these two challenges (i.e., storing renewable
energy and implementing DPR).
IPR and conventional water treatment systems already monitor
a suite of physical, chemical, and biological contaminants on
both continuous and intermittent schedules.
However, since
the DPR process provides little buer capaci ty (if any),
contaminants that do pass through the treatment train can
rapidly spread throughout the distribution system, exposing
consumers to enhanced risk.
Therefore, the development
and use of real-time sensing capabilities are critical for the safe
use of DPR, as these capabilities can be used to inform operators
and consumers, in real time, of danger to their drinking water
In addition, this information can be used as input to
automated systems used to control the treatment and
distribution of reclaimed water, which can alert operators,
intensify treatment, shut the process down, and divert
contaminated water from the distribution system. However,
while there is a clear need for real-time sensing and monitoring
capabilities, few real-time sensing platforms are currently used,
particularly for the detection of patho gens, trace organic
pollutants (e.g., PPCPs), and trace metals/metalloids, all of
which are present in wastewater at elevated concentrations and
present risks during DPR.
The sensing of DPR treatment train performance can be
separated into two categories: (1) sensing of the performance of
individual steps in the treatment train (e.g., the sensing of RO
rejection); (2) sensing of contaminants of concern in the nal
treated water before it is introduced to the distribution system.
In many ways, the evaluation of individual treatment steps is
easier, as there are easily measurable water quality properties
that correlate with the overall performance of each step. When
one considers a common treatment train used in potable reuse
(e.g., MF/UFROAOP), the performance of each one of
these steps can be readily inferred by using o-the-shelf sensing
platforms. For instance, optical turbidity meters and UV-
transmittance measurements that deliver readings in real time
are used to monitor the performance of MF and UF
an increase in permeate turbidity can indicate
damage to the membrane, which would require the membrane
to be pinned (if in a hollow-ber module) or replaced.
RO membranes, which are designed to reject all charged species
(including monovalent ions), monitoring permeate conductivity
is a simple way to evaluate RO performance, in real time,
although the sensitivity of this method is rather low;
solution conductivity is highly sensitive to ion concentrations,
damage to the RO membrane will manifest in a measurable
increase in conductivity, informing operators that the RO
process needs attention.
Fluorescence excitationemission
measurements (which can measure the presence of small organic
molecules) are another method to evaluate the integrity of an
RO membrane in near real time.
In terms of the performance
of AOPs, there are numerous examples of hydroxyl radical
sensors as well as sensors that evaluate the concentrations of
hydrogen peroxide (used as a hydroxyl radical source in the UV/
and O
systems). Direct measurement of hydroxyl
radicals (the main reactive component in AOPs) and the
measure of H
disappearance (H
is consumed during
hydroxyl radical g eneration) give a measure of process
However, in all the cases mentioned
above, while these measurements can fairly accurately determine
the overall integrity of the dierent treatment steps, these
measurements say nothing about specic contaminants of
concern. Also, these measurements are sensitive to feedwater
quality. For example, increased turbidity and conductivity of the
feed stream will result in elevated readings in the membrane
permeate streams. Therefore, these measurements must be
conducted in both the feed and permeate streams to properly
evaluate process performance. Another example is the ionic
composition of the feedwater; if there is a change in the
composition (e.g., increased Na
or Cl
concentrations), this
can lead to a drop in the observed RO rejection and could lead to
an erroneous conclusion that the treatment step is failing.
Various approaches have been explored for the monitoring of
specic contaminants of concern in treated wastewater. These
approaches can be further divided into two categories: (1) the
sensing of specic contaminants; (2) the measurement of bulk
water quality metrics (i.e., surrogate metrics) that are correlated
to the presence of trace contaminants.
While the rst
approach oers a more accurate view of what is in the water, the
large number of potential contaminants makes the utilization of
this approach dicult, as it requires numerous sensors that need
constant updating to keep up with the evolving eld of potential
Because the second approach relies on
correlations between the presence of easily measurable species
and trace contaminants, this approach is thought to be more
cost-eective (and feasible), albeit while sacricing specicity.
ACS ES&T Engineering Review
However, these surrogate measurements are somewhat water
specic and require tuning to a local water quality prole.
A large amount of eort has gone into the development of
sensors for various pathogens, including viruses, bacteria, and
protozoa; a (non)comprehensive list of such sensors can be
found in a recent review.
These sensors operate using
dierent methods but can be grouped into (i) sensors that
operate by monitoring changes to surfaces (e.g., electrical
properties) when a target pathogen attaches to specic binding
sites, which allows for detection in real time; (ii) sensors that
detect specic pathogens by amplifying DNA; (iii) optical
sensors (e.g., cytometry, uorescence); (iv) colorimetric
While many of these sensors are highly accurate
and sensitive, many require some time for the detection process
to take place (e.g., to amplify DNA), making real-time detection
impossible. For sensors that oer results in near real time, these
sensors can become fouled by other aquatic species, such as
dissolved organic matter that can form nonspecic (e.g.,
hydrophobic) interactions with the surface, which can block
binding sites and reduce sensitivity.
Sensors for the detection of specic PPCPs (e.g.,
pharmaceuticals, endocrine disruptors, etc.) have also been
explored. Approaches toward their detection include the
fabrication of electrodes with specic binding sites to these
as well as spectroscopic analysis (e.g., using
uorescence spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, and infrared
spectroscopy) of water.
While these sensors often exhibit
high sensitivity and specicity in pure samples, electrochemical
sensors are prone to fouling, and spectroscopic signals can be
complicated to deconvolute in a mixed sample environment.
That being said, the highly treated water resulting from the
multiple treatment step used for DPR has very low
concentrations of other contaminants, making these detection
methods highly attractive. In terms of metal/metalloid sensing,
many reports have described online sensors for the detection of
arsenic and other heavy metals.
Many arsenic electro-
chemical sensors have been demonstrated, using such methods
as anodic stripping voltammetry and molecular imprinting of
To the best of our knowledge, no online sensors
have been developed for boron. There is likely an interesting
opportunity to combine machine learning methods with
monitoring tools for the rapid and exible detection of a range
of contaminants.
Specically, the ability to train a
computer to deconvolute and decipher the complex spectro-
scopic signals resulting from the analysis of aqueous streams may
prove transformative, as the algorithm can be trained to identify
target contaminants as they emerge. For instance, software using
a convolutional neural network was able to recognize nitrates,
some pharmaceuticals, microplastics, and their additives after
being trained on a large set of spectra collected from a deep-UV
Raman/uorescence spectroscope.
A multivariate model
utilizing machine learning algorithms based on a back-
propagation neural network was successfully developed and
trained to accurately read various spectra collected from soil by
laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy for the detection of trace
element analysis.
UVvis spectroscopic data was used to
train a fitness-support vector machine classier, which was then
able to serve as an early warning system for water contamination
While they require signicant amounts of high-quality
data for training, machine learning approaches can oer high
reliability for detecting and monitoring contaminants in
dierent water matrixes. For instance, after being trained with
a data set of 12 560 UV spectra, a system using machine learning
algorithms successfully detected target contaminants in 107
times out of a total of 109 measurements and did not generate
any false positive signals.
The installation of sensor systems will likely increase the
capital costs of water treatment systems. However, a system with
a series of in-line sensors has the potential of not only
minimizing operational failures but also informing data-driven
system control algorithms (using articial intelligence ap-
proaches) that optimize water treatment processes and reduce
operational costs.
For example, it has been demonstrated that
a data-driven approach could reduce pump energy consumption
in a wastewater treatment plant by 18.5%;
a model based on
articial neural networks cut coagulant dosage by 10%,
and an
in-line control system built on a genetic algorithm utilizing a
fuzzy wavelet neural network algorithm provided robust and
eective dissolved oxygen control and reduced the demand for
In addition, it is anticipated that the benets of in-
line sensor systems coupled to articial-intelligence optimiza-
tion algorithms will increase the adoption of such sensors, which
will potentially reduce the costs of these sensors, bringing down
the associated capital costs.
A number of treatment trains (e.g., MFROAOP, MFO
BAC) have been successfully tested (e.g., in pilot tests and IPR
systems) and can produce the high-quality euent needed for
DPR. Costs and energy requirements continue to decrease for
RO and NF, although thermodynamic limits are being reached,
and a reduction in cost and energy is a technological
The most signicant challenges are in online,
real-time sensing of a number of small molecules that may be
present in the inuent; breakthroughs in this area will be needed
for full deployment of DPR to ensure high reliability and
consumer safety. Of particular concern would be high episodic
loads from accidental or unreported discharges to the sewer
system that could move quickly through the treatment system
and pass to the distribution system at concentrations that could
pose a concern as well as the rapidly evolving eld of trace
contaminants that nd their way through the treatment system
and can be harmful to consumers when chronically present in
the water.
Establish Online and Real-Time Water Quality Mon-
itoring Systems. There have been important advances in water
quality monitoring, but there is a critical need to quantitatively
monitor a number of molecules and conditions, which can serve
as indicators of unit process or treatment train performance.
Monitoring has to have a high d egree of reliability and
redundancy to avoid failures as well as provide warning in real
time to operators and consumers. Since there is little buering
capacity, rapid measurements are critical to safety. There may be
an attractive opportunity to utilize machine learning approaches
to analyze spectroscopic data (which can be rapidly collected
and analyzed) and inform operators of potential problems.
Redundancy in Treatment Processes to Ensure a High
Level of Removal. If DPR is to get main-stream acceptance
and become a regular water source, redundant treatment
equipment will be needed to handle maintenance as well as load
surges and other emergencies. This will increase the overall
CAPEX. In any case, this will likely be the most expensive water
source for most municipalities, even if CAPEX and OPEX costs,
particularly those of RO/NF membranes, continue to decrease
as more capacity is installed.
ACS ES&T Engineering Review
Emergency Buer and Plans for Dealing with O-Spec
Water. If the monitoring system detects a deviation from
specications or there is a detected equipment failure or under-
performance, there will be a need for an emergency buer
reservoir to store the o-spec water and a clear process for
dealing with it for either reprocessing or discharge into an
environmental receiving water body without causing undue
environmental damage.
Consideration of Renewable Energy. Most DPR treat-
ment trains will have a substantial impact on the embedded
energy in water. This may become a barrier for adoption, unless
there is a plan to employ renewable energy that will result in
lower emissions of carbon and many pollutants associated with
conventional fuels. Building renewable energy at the same pace
as DPR is implemented must be part of the plan as well as
developing creative ideas for storing renewable energy from the
grid by lling the emergency reservoir with treated water from
DPR. There is also a need to educate the consumer about
opportunities for energy reduction in domestic water use, which
can be as important as water treatment in the overall balance.
Supporting Information
The Supporting Information is available free of charge at
Two tables with capital and operating expenses for
dierent unit processes and treatment trains (PDF)
One spreadsheet with equations to calculate capital and
operating expenses (XLSX)
Corresponding Author
Arturo A. Keller Bren School of Environmental Science and
Management, University of California Santa Barbara, Santa
Barbara, California 93106, United States;
0000-0002-7638-662X; Email: [email protected]
Yiming Su Department of Civil and Environmental
Engineering, University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles,
California 93106, United States;
David Jassby Department of Civil and Environmental
Engineering, University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles,
California 93106, United States;
Complete contact information is available at:
The authors declare no competing nancial interest.
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ACS ES&T Engineering Review
What is it and what are considerations for
its implementation in California
By Arturo A. Keller, Ph.D.
Professor, Bren School UCSB
Establish on-line and real time water quality monitoring systems
Years away from commercial systems that have very high reliability
Redundancy in treatment processes to ensure high level of removal
Will require higher level of investment
Emergency storage and plans for dealing with off-spec water
Large enough storage (weeks) near treatment plant
Where would off-spec water be discharged?
Use renewable energy
Consider creative times to treat (peak solar production)
Assess implementation of DPR very, very carefully
Conserve, conserve, conserve….!